1,569 research outputs found

    The UK Women's Cohort Study: comparison of vegetarians, fish-eaters and meat-eaters

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    Background: This paper describes the development of the UK Women's Cohort Study and presents cohort baseline characteristics. Methods: In total, 35 372 women, aged 35ā€“69 years at recruitment, were selected to ensure a wide range of dietary intakes. Diet was assessed by a 217-item food-frequency questionnaire (FFQ). Detailed lifestyle information was collected by postal questionnaire. Vegetarians, fish-eaters and meat-eaters were compared. Results: The cohort women are mainly white, well-educated, middle-class and married with children. They are health-conscious with only 11% current smokers and 58% taking dietary supplements. Twenty-eight per cent of subjects self-report as being vegetarian and 1% as vegan. However, only 18% are defined as 'vegetarian' from the FFQ. Fat provides 32% of energy; vitamin and mineral intakes are high, with a broad range of intakes. Meat-eaters are older, with a higher body mass index (BMI) and the lowest intakes of carbohydrate, fibre, vitamin C, folate, iron and calcium. Other fish-eaters are similar to vegetarians. Vegetarians have the lowest intakes of protein, fat and saturated fat. Oily fish-eaters have the lowest BMI; are the least likely to smoke or use full-fat milk; and are the most likely to use dietary supplements and consume the most fruit and vegetables. Oily fish-eaters have the highest total energy intake and vegetarians the lowest. Semi-skimmed milk, bread, potatoes, wine, bananas and muesli are important contributors to energy for all groups

    Acidification in the Cairngorms and Lochnagar: a palaeoecological assessment

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    Sensitive lakes in areas of the United Kingdom with moderate to high sulphur deposition have been acidified since the middle of the nineteenth century- (Battarbee et al. 1988). Regions such as Galloway, south west Scotland (eg. Flower and Battarbee 1983, Flower et al. 1987), Wales (eg. Battarbee et al. 1988, Fritz et aL 1990), Cumbria (eg. Battarbee et al 1988, Atkinson and Haworth 1990), and Rannoch Moor in the central Scottish Highlands (eg. Flower et al 1988) have been affected. This study extends the geographical survey of lake acidification to the Caimgorm and Lochnagar regions of north east Scotland (Figure 1). The Caimgorms and Lochnagar are areas of considerable conservation value, forming the largest single area of land over 1000 m in the UK. The Caimgorm mountain plateau is a National Nature Reserve, noted for its alpine flora and fauna, whilst the Lochnagar range is a Scottish Wildlife Trust reserve. A secondary- aim of the study was to evaluate the 11land-use 11 hypothesis (eg. Rosenqvist 1977, 1978, 1981) as a mechanism for lake acidification by examining high altitude sites with no active land-management. Sites selected are all remote, lie above the tree line and have undisturbed catchments. Lochnagar and the Caimgorms are situated on sensitive granite geology (Kinniburgh and Edmunds 1986, Wells et al. 1986) in an area of moderate acid deposition (c. 0.95 g S yr-1 ). It can be predicted that sensitive lakes in this area (those having Ca2 + values of <60 Ī¼eq i-1 ) will have acidified (Battarbee 1989)

    Evidence of global pollution and recent environmental change in Kamchatka, Russia

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    Kamchatka is a remote, isolated and understudied area and is presumed to be pristine. Here we present the first high-resolution palaeolimnological investigation of the recent past. A short core representing the last 250. years was taken from Olive-backed Lake situated in central Kamchatka. Lead-210 dating revealed that sediment accumulation has increased at the site since the 1960s and may be related to greater rates of catchment erosion associated with wetter winters in the region. Mercury and spheroidal carbonaceous particle (an unambiguous indicator of fossil fuel combustion) concentrations are low but clearly detectable indicating that both regional and global pollution sources are observed at this site. The recent increase in the flux of mercury is more related to catchment sources and catchment erosion than increases from regional or global sources. The diatom and chironomid populations are stable and do not show any statistically significant changes related to either the low levels of pollution, or to temperature and precipitation changes. The lake is not pristine since anthropogenic contamination has occurred but since there have been no significant effects on the flora and fauna the lake can be considered to be unimpacted. Olive-backed Lake may be a suitable reference site to benchmark the natural variability of a lake ecosystem

    Lake Acidification in the United Kingdom II. A preliminary report to the Department of the Environment under Contract PECD 7/10/167

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    This report summarises progress made in Department of the Environment project PECD 7/10/167 - "causes and extent of lake acidification in the United Kingdom". It includes data and results available at the present time and indicates where work is still in progress. We expect that all work will be completed on schedule and that a final report will be issued shortly after completion of the contract (March 31st 1990)

    In vivo bioluminescence imaging of locally disseminated colon carcinoma in rats

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    Animal tumour models using orthotopic tumours for the evaluation of cancer therapies are of greater clinical relevance than subcutaneous models, but they also pose greater difficulties for measuring tumour size and quantifying response to treatment. In this study, we used noninvasive bioluminescence imaging to monitor the intraperitoneal growth of luciferase-transfected CC531 colorectal cells in adult WAG/RIJ rats. The bioluminescence signal correlated well with post-mortem assessment of tumour load by visual inspection of the peritoneal cavity at specific follow-up times. Using bioluminescence imaging, we were able to monitor peritoneal tumour growth sequentially in time and to calculate a tumour growth rate for each animal; this is not possible with invasive methods of evaluating tumour load. Bioluminescence imaging of rats treated with a single dose of cisplatin (4 mg x kg(-1), i.p.) demonstrated a significant delay in peritoneal tumour growth relative to saline controls (mean 45.0+/-s.d. 13.0 vs 28.2+/-10.3 days; P=0.04). Similar protocols evaluated by visual scoring of tumour load at 40 days after inoculation supported these findings, although no quantitative assessment of treatment-induced growth delay could be made by this method. This study shows that in vivo imaging of luciferase-transfected tumour cells is a useful tool to investigate the dynamics of disseminated tumour growth and efficacy of anticancer treatment in orthotopic models of peritoneal cancer in rats. It offers an attractive alternative to invasive methods, and requires fewer animals for measuring tumour response to therapy

    Peri-Abortion Contraceptive Choices of Migrant Chinese Women: A Retrospective Review of Medical Records

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    BACKGROUND: Migrant Asian women reportedly have low levels of contraceptive use and high rates of abortion in New Zealand. Chinese make up the largest proportion of migrant Asian in New Zealand. This study aimed to describe the contraceptive choices of Chinese women seeking abortion; to examine method choice in relation to demographic characteristics (including length of stay) and to determine whether Chinese women were over-represented among abortion clinic attendees. METHODS: Retrospective review of medical records at a public hospital abortion clinic involving 305 Chinese women. Previously collected data for European (nā€Š=ā€Š277) and Maori women (nā€Š=ā€Š128) were used for comparative analyses. Regression analyses explored correlates of contraceptive method choice. Population census data were used to calculate rates of clinic attendance across ethnic groups. RESULTS: Chinese women were not over-represented among clinic attendees, and had similar rates of contraceptive non-use pre-abortion as women in comparison groups. Use of the oral contraceptive pill by Chinese was lower pre-abortion than for other ethnic groups, but choice of this method post-abortion was similar for Chinese (46.9%, 95% CI 41-52.7) and European women (43.7%, 95% CI 37.8-49.7). Post-abortion choice of an intrauterine device did not differ significantly between Chinese (28.9%, 95% CI 23.8-34.3) and Maori women (37%, 95% CI 28.4-45.7), but was higher than uptake of this method by European women (21.7%, 95% CI 17-27.0). Age, parity and previous abortion were significant predictors of post-abortion method choice by Chinese women (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Following contraceptive counseling at the clinic, Chinese women chose more effective contraceptive methods for use post-abortion than they had used previously. As the population of migrant Chinese in New Zealand continues to increase, strategies are urgently needed to provide new arrivals with appropriate information and advice about contraception and where to access it, so women can be better prepared to avoid unplanned pregnancy

    Repeated Radionuclide therapy in metastatic paraganglioma leading to the highest reported cumulative activity of 131I-MIBG

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    131I-MIBG therapy for neuroendocrine tumours may be dose limited. The common range of applied cumulative activities is 10-40 GBq. We report the uneventful cumulative administration of 111 GBq (= 3 Ci) 131I-MIBG in a patient with metastatic paraganglioma. Ten courses of 131I-MIBG therapy were given within six years, accomplishing symptomatic, hormonal and tumour responses with no serious adverse effects. Chemotherapy with cisplatin/vinblastine/dacarbazine was the final treatment modality with temporary control of disease, but eventually the patient died of progression. The observed cumulative activity of 131I-MIBG represents the highest value reported to our knowledge, and even though 12.6 GBq of 90Y-DOTATOC were added intermediately, no associated relevant bone marrow, hepatic or other toxicity were observed. In an individual attempt to palliate metastatic disease high cumulative activity alone should not preclude the patient from repeat treatment

    Cardiac Glycosides Ouabain and Digoxin Interfere with the Regulation of Glutamate Transporter GLAST in Astrocytes Cultured from Neonatal Rat Brain

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    Glutamate transport (GluT) in brain is mediated chiefly by two transporters GLT and GLAST, both driven by ionic gradients generated by (Na+, K+)-dependent ATPase (Na+/K+-ATPase). GLAST is located in astrocytes and its function is regulated by translocations from cytoplasm to plasma membrane in the presence of GluT substrates. The phenomenon is blocked by a naturally occurring toxin rottlerin. We have recently suggested that rottlerin acts by inhibiting Na+/K+-ATPase. We now report that Na+/K+-ATPase inhibitors digoxin and ouabain also blocked the redistribution of GLAST in cultured astrocytes, however, neither of the compounds caused detectable inhibition of ATPase activity in cell-free astrocyte homogenates (rottlerin inhibited app. 80% of Pi production from ATP in the astrocyte homogenates, IC50Ā =Ā 25Ā Ī¼M). Therefore, while we may not have established a direct link between GLAST regulation and Na+/K+-ATPase activity we have shown that both ouabain and digoxin can interfere with GluT transport and therefore should be considered potentially neurotoxic

    Living alone is a risk factor for mortality in men but not women from the general population: a prospective cohort study

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    During the past decades a rising trend of living alone can be observed in the population especially in urban areas. Living alone is considered a psychosocial risk factor. We studied the relationship between living alone, cardiovascular risk factors and mortality. We analysed data from the population-based MONICA/KORA cohort study including 3596 men and 3420 women of at least one of three surveys carried out between 1984 and 1995 in the region of Augsburg, Germany. They were between 45 and 74 years old and were followed-up until 31 December 2002. During follow-up 811 men and 388 women died. Cox proportional hazards analysis was used to examine the association between living alone and mortality

    Feminist geographies of digital work

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    Feminist thought challenges essentialist and normative categorizations of ā€˜workā€™. Therefore, feminism provides a critical lens on ā€˜working spaceā€™ as a theoretical and empirical focus for digital geographies. Digital technologies extend and intensify working activity, rendering the boundaries of the workplace emergent. Such emergence heightens the ambivalence of working experience: the possibilities for affirmation and/or negation through work. A digital geography is put forward through feminist theorizations of the ambivalence of intimacy. The emergent properties of working with digital technologies create space through the intimacies of postwork places where bodies and machines feel the possibilities of being ā€˜atā€™ work
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