684 research outputs found

    Drive-Line Extraction from Aerial Images

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    Drive-Line Extraction from Aerial Images

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    Genetic fine-mapping of DIPLOSPOROUS in Taraxacum (dandelion; Asteraceae) indicates a duplicated DIP-gene

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    Background DIPLOSPOROUS (DIP) is the locus for diplospory in Taraxacum, associated to unreduced female gamete formation in apomicts. Apomicts reproduce clonally through seeds, including apomeiosis, parthenogenesis, and autonomous or pseudogamous endosperm formation. In Taraxacum, diplospory results in first division restitution (FDR) nuclei, and inherits as a dominant, monogenic trait, independent from the other apomixis elements. A preliminary genetic linkage map indicated that the DIP-locus lacks suppression of recombination, which is unique among all other map-based cloning efforts of apomeiosis to date. FDR as well as apomixis as a whole are of interest in plant breeding, allowing for polyploidization and fixation of hybrid vigor, respectively. No dominant FDR or apomixis genes have yet been isolated. Here, we zoom-in to the DIP-locus by largely extending our initial mapping population, and by analyzing (local) suppression of recombination and allele sequence divergence (ASD). Results We identified 24 recombinants between two most closely linked molecular markers to DIP in an F1-population of 2227 plants that segregates for diplospory and lacks parthenogenesis. Both markers segregated c. 1:1 in the entire population, indicating a 1:1 segregation rate of diplospory. Fine-mapping showed three amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) closest to DIP at 0.2 cM at one flank and a single AFLP at 0.4 cM at the other flank. Our data lacked strong evidence for ASD at marker regions close to DIP. An unexpected bias towards diplosporous plants among the recombinants (20 out of 24) was found. One third of these diplosporous recombinants showed incomplete penetrance of 50-85% diplospory. Conclusions Our data give interesting new insights into the structure of the diplospory locus in Taraxacum. We postulate a locus with a minimum of two DIP-genes and possibly including one or two enhancers or cis-regulatory elements on the basis of the bias towards diplosporous recombinants and incomplete penetrance of diplospory in some of them. We define the DIP-locus to 0.6 cM, which is estimated to cover ~200-300 Kb, with the closest marker at 0.2 cM. Our results confirm the minor role of suppression of recombination and ASD around DIP, making it an excellent candidate to isolate via a chromosome-walking approach.

    Gray matter network differences between behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia and Alzheimer's disease

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    We set out to study whether single-subject gray matter (GM) networks show disturbances that are specific for Alzheimer's disease (AD; n = 90) or behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD; n = 59), and whether such disturbances would be related to cognitive deficits measured with mini-mental state examination and a neuropsychological battery, using subjective cognitive decline subjects as reference. AD and bvFTD patients had a lower degree, connectivity density, clustering, path length, betweenness centrality, and small world values compared with subjective cognitive decline. AD patients had a lower connectivity density than bvFTD patients (F = 5.79, p = 0.02; mean ± standard deviation bvFTD 16.10 ± 1.19%; mean ± standard deviation AD 15.64 ± 1.02%). Lasso logistic regression showed that connectivity differences between bvFTD and AD were specific to 23 anatomical areas, in terms of local GM volume, degree, and clustering. Lower clustering values and lower degree values were specifically associated with worse mini-mental state examination scores and lower performance on the neuropsychological tests. GM showed disease-specific alterations, when comparing bvFTD with AD patients, and these alterations were associated with cognitive deficits

    Exhaled metabolite patterns to identify recent asthma exacerbations

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    Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that can lead to exacerbations, defined as acute episodes of worsening respiratory symptoms and lung function. Predicting the occurrence of these exacerbations is an important goal in asthma management. The measurement of exhaled breath by electronic nose (eNose) may allow for the monitoring of clinically unstable asthma and exacerbations. However, data on its ability to perform this is lacking. We aimed to evaluate whether eNose could identify patients that recently had asthma exacerbations. We performed a cross-sectional study, measuring exhaled breath using the SpiroNose in adults with a physician-reported diagnosis of asthma. Patients were randomly divided into a training (n = 252) and validation (n = 109) set. For the analysis of eNose signals, principal component (PC) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA) were performed. LDA, based on PC1-4, reliably discriminated between patients who had a recent exacerbation from those who had not (training receiver operating characteristic (ROC)–area under the curve (AUC) = 0.76,95% CI 0.69–0.82), (validation AUC = 0.76, 95% CI 0.64–0.87). Our study showed that, exhaled breath analysis using eNose could accurately identify asthma patients who recently had an exacerbation, and could indicate that asthma exacerbations have a specific exhaled breath pattern detectable by eNose

    Participation of Multifunctional RNA in Replication, Recombination and Regulation of Endogenous Plant Pararetroviruses (EPRVs)

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    Pararetroviruses, taxon Caulimoviridae, are typical of retroelements with reverse transcriptase and share a common origin with retroviruses and LTR retrotransposons, presumably dating back 1.6 billion years and illustrating the transition from an RNA to a DNA world. After transcription of the viral genome in the host nucleus, viral DNA synthesis occurs in the cytoplasm on the generated terminally redundant RNA including inter- and intra-molecule recombination steps rather than relying on nuclear DNA replication. RNA recombination events between an ancestral genomic retroelement with exogenous RNA viruses were seminal in pararetrovirus evolution resulting in horizontal transmission and episomal replication. Instead of active integration, pararetroviruses use the host DNA repair machinery to prevail in genomes of angiosperms, gymnosperms and ferns. Pararetrovirus integration – leading to Endogenous ParaRetroViruses, EPRVs – by illegitimate recombination can happen if their sequences instead of homologous host genomic sequences on the sister chromatid (during mitosis) or homologous chromosome (during meiosis) are used as template. Multiple layers of RNA interference exist regulating episomal and chromosomal forms of the pararetrovirus. Pararetroviruses have evolved suppressors against this plant defense in the arms race during co-evolution which can result in deregulation of plant genes. Small RNAs serve as signaling molecules for Transcriptional and Post-Transcriptional Gene Silencing (TGS, PTGS) pathways. Different populations of small RNAs comprising 21–24 nt and 18–30 nt in length have been reported for Citrus, Fritillaria, Musa, Petunia, Solanum and Beta. Recombination and RNA interference are driving forces for evolution and regulation of EPRVs

    Characterization of the SPIRITAS:A Disposable Sampling Setup for Volatile Organic Compound Collection and Analysis

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    Analyzing exhaled breath for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) using thermal desorption–gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (TD-GC-MS) offers a non-invasive diagnostic approach for various diseases. Despite its promise, the method faces challenges like sampling heterogeneity and high costs. Following the European Respiratory Society’s advocacy for methodological standardization, we developed the SPIRITAS (Standardized Product for Inexpensive Respiratory InvesTigation: A breath Sampler), a low-cost, disposable breath sampler. This study evaluates the SPIRITAS’s effectiveness in detecting targeted VOCs. We tested the SPIRITAS using the Peppermint Experiment, a standardized protocol that allows for comparison between different breath sampling and analytical practices by assessing the ability to detect five peppermint-specific VOCs after ingestion of a 200-milligram peppermint oil capsule. We included ten subjects and performed six breath samples per participant, including a baseline measurement taken before ingestion. We used the Wilcoxon signed-rank test to evaluate whether baseline values were significantly lower than the peak values of the targeted VOCs. Additionally, we conducted an experiment utilizing humidified medical-grade air to identify any VOCs attributable to the SPIRITAS setup itself. Results showed successful detection of four out of five targeted “peppermint-associated” VOCs: alpha-pinene (p ≀ 0.01), beta-pinene (p ≀ 0.01), menthone (p = 0.01), and menthol (p = 0.02), indicating significant differences between the baseline and peak values in the volunteers’ breath. However, detection of eucalyptol was inconsistent. In addition, we identified 16 VOCs that were released by the SPIRITAS, one of which remains unidentified. Our findings underscore the SPIRITAS’s potential for clinical applications, paving the way for broader biomarker research. The combination of ease of use, low cost, reduced risk of contamination, and standardization makes SPIRITAS very suitable for large-scale international studies. Furthermore, we have demonstrated the SPIRITAS’s effectiveness in detecting specific VOCs and identified 16 compounds originating from the SPIRITAS, ensuring that these compounds would not be mis-qualified as potential biomarkers in future clinical studies.</p
