132 research outputs found

    Fortune telling addiction: Unfortunately a serious topic about a case report

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    Background: Constant social change brings about new forms of behavior, such as smartphone use, social network-ing, indoor tanning, cosmetic surgery, etc., that could become excessive or even lead to new forms of addictive disor-ders. Methods: We report the case of a woman who starts consulting for “clairvoyance addiction”. We then discuss the addictive nature of her disorder, based on several classifications of addiction. Results: The patient fulfilled the criteria for addiction and her clinical features were typical of that of addicted people. Other differential diagnoses were discussed. Conclusion: As for any addictive behavior, the interaction of several risk factors should be consid-ered. They are related to the individual himself, but also to the object of addiction and to the socio-environmental context. In this case, all the conditions were met for fortune telling use to become addictive

    Nitrous oxide: a unique official French addictovigilance national survey

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    IntroductionNitrous oxide has become over the last few years a public health problem in many countries. France has a dedicated health monitoring system dedicated to the surveillance of the abuse, dependence and consequences associated with the use of psychoactive substances coordinated by the French National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products.We present the French national survey of nitrous oxide.Materials and methodsWe analyzed all the cases with nitrous oxide from 2012 to 2021: number of notifications, characteristics of the subjects and consumption, consequences reported and their evolutions over time. In addition, we have made a special focus on the four main complications reported.ResultsA total of 525 cases were received with an exponential increase since 2019. We observed changes in the characteristics of the notifications with an increase in the proportion of women [42.7% in 2021 vs. 30.8% in 2020 (p = 0.02)]; an increase in the quantities consumed (use of cylinders); a negative evolution of the contexts of use with a search for self-therapeutic effects and use in violent contexts; an increasing trend of the severity of cases [78.1% in 2021 vs. 70.0% in 2020 (p = 0.07)].The main effects were substance use disorders and/or associated criteria (82.5%), neurological disorders (75.4%), psychiatric symptoms (15.4%) and cardiovascular events (8.6%). In terms of evolution, we observed a significant increase in cases with a use disorder and an increase in neurological complications. Moreover, new serious effects, notably cardiovascular events were reported.DiscussionThe combination of high availability, varied effects from euphoria to relief of discomfort in a stressful global pandemic context and the development of dependence could explain the rapid growth of consumption and the seriousness of the cases.It must now be taken into account that (i) Substance use disorders are associated with nitrous oxide consumption; (ii) clinicians must consider “nitrous oxide” in young subjects presenting different types of manifestations; and (iii) stopping consumption is imperative and is the first treatment. In this context, an addictological assessment must also be carried out

    Front Public Health

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    INTRODUCTION: Nitrous oxide has become over the last few years a public health problem in many countries. France has a dedicated health monitoring system dedicated to the surveillance of the abuse, dependence and consequences associated with the use of psychoactive substances coordinated by the French National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products.We present the French national survey of nitrous oxide. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We analyzed all the cases with nitrous oxide from 2012 to 2021: number of notifications, characteristics of the subjects and consumption, consequences reported and their evolutions over time. In addition, we have made a special focus on the four main complications reported. RESULTS: A total of 525 cases were received with an exponential increase since 2019. We observed changes in the characteristics of the notifications with an increase in the proportion of women [42.7% in 2021 vs. 30.8% in 2020 (p = 0.02)]; an increase in the quantities consumed (use of cylinders); a negative evolution of the contexts of use with a search for self-therapeutic effects and use in violent contexts; an increasing trend of the severity of cases [78.1% in 2021 vs. 70.0% in 2020 (p = 0.07)].The main effects were substance use disorders and/or associated criteria (82.5%), neurological disorders (75.4%), psychiatric symptoms (15.4%) and cardiovascular events (8.6%). In terms of evolution, we observed a significant increase in cases with a use disorder and an increase in neurological complications. Moreover, new serious effects, notably cardiovascular events were reported. DISCUSSION: The combination of high availability, varied effects from euphoria to relief of discomfort in a stressful global pandemic context and the development of dependence could explain the rapid growth of consumption and the seriousness of the cases.It must now be taken into account that (i) Substance use disorders are associated with nitrous oxide consumption; (ii) clinicians must consider "nitrous oxide" in young subjects presenting different types of manifestations; and (iii) stopping consumption is imperative and is the first treatment. In this context, an addictological assessment must also be carried out

    Characterization of antipsychotic utilization before clozapine initiation for individuals with schizophrenia: an innovative visualization of trajectories using French National Health Insurance data

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    Abstract Aims Despite recommendations to initiate clozapine after two unsuccessful trials of antipsychotics, clozapine is underprescribed and initiated too late. The aim of this study was to describe different antipsychotic treatment sequences in the 36 months before the initiation of clozapine and to characterize clusters of treatment trajectories. Methods Using the French National Health Insurance database, a historical cohort study of the population in an area in western France was performed. The data from all new users of clozapine with a diagnosis of schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder in the period of 2017–2018 were evaluated. All outpatient reimbursements for antipsychotics during the 36 months before clozapine initiation were analysed. Successive reimbursements for identical treatments were grouped into treatment trials (TTs), and different trajectories were clustered using a state sequence analysis. Results The results showed 1191 TTs for 287 individuals. The mean number of TTs per individual was 3.2. Risperidone, aripiprazole and haloperidol were the main treatments delivered. The frequencies of antipsychotics used differed between monotherapies and combination therapies. A three-cluster typology was identified: one cluster (n = 133) of ‘less treated’ younger individuals with fewer TTs and shorter TT durations; a second cluster (n = 53) of ‘more treated’ individuals with higher numbers of TTs and combinations of antipsychotics; and a third cluster (n = 103) of ‘treatment-stable’ older individuals with longer TT durations. Conclusions The results indicate that the median number of TTs during the 36 months before clozapine prescription was higher than the two recommended. The different trajectories were associated with individual characteristics and treatment differences, suggesting that additional studies of clinical parameters are needed to understand barriers to clozapine prescription

    A Comparison of Treatment-Seeking Behavioral Addiction Patients with and without Parkinson's Disease

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    The administration of dopaminergic medication to treat the symptoms of Parkinson's disease (PD) is associated with addictive behaviors and impulse control disorders. Little is known, however, on how PD patients differ from other patients seeking treatments for behavioral addictions. The aim of this study was to compare the characteristics of behavioral addiction patients with and without PD. N = 2,460 treatment-seeking men diagnosed with a behavioral addiction were recruited from a university hospital. Sociodemographic, impulsivity [Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (BIS-11)], and personality [Temperament and Character Inventory-Revised (TCI-R)] measures were taken upon admission to outpatient treatment. Patients in the PD group were older and had a higher prevalence of mood disorders than patients without PD. In terms of personality characteristics and impulsivity traits, PD patients appeared to present a more functional profile than PD-free patients with a behavioral addiction. Our results suggest that PD patients with a behavioral addiction could be more difficult to detect than their PD-free counterparts in behavioral addiction clinical setting due to their reduced levels of impulsivity and more standard personality traits. As a whole, this suggests that PD patients with a behavioral addiction may have different needs from PD-free behavioral addiction patients and that they could potentially benefit from targeted interventions

    A comparison of treatment-seeking behavioral addiction patients with and without parkinson's disease

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    The administration of dopaminergic medication to treat the symptoms of Parkinson's disease (PD) is associated with addictive behaviors and impulse control disorders. Little is known, however, on how PD patients differ from other patients seeking treatments for behavioral addictions. The aim of this study was to compare the characteristics of behavioral addiction patients with and without PD. N = 2,460 treatment-seeking men diagnosed with a behavioral addiction were recruited from a university hospital. Sociodemographic, impulsivity [Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (BIS-11)], and personality [Temperament and Character Inventory-Revised (TCI-R)] measures were taken upon admission to outpatient treatment. Patients in the PD group were older and had a higher prevalence of mood disorders than patients without PD. In terms of personality characteristics and impulsivity traits, PD patients appeared to present a more functional profile than PD-free patients with a behavioral addiction. Our results suggest that PD patients with a behavioral addiction could be more difficult to detect than their PD-free counterparts in behavioral addiction clinical setting due to their reduced levels of impulsivity and more standard personality traits. As a whole, this suggests that PD patients with a behavioral addiction may have different needs from PD-free behavioral addiction patients and that they could potentially benefit from targeted interventions

    Parkinson's disease and iatrogenic impulsive-compulsive behaviors: A case/non-case study to build a complete model of individual vulnerability

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    Background and aims: Parkinson’s disease (PD) is one of the most prevalent neurodegenerative diseases. First-line medications consist of drugs that act by counteracting dopamine deficiency in the basal ganglia. Unfortunately, iatrogenic impulsive-compulsive behaviors (ICBs) can occur in up to 20% of PD patients over the course of their illness. ICBs must be considered multifactorial disorders that reflect the interactions of the medication with an individual’s vulnerability and the underlying neurobiology of PD. We aimed to explore the predictive genetic, psychopathological and neurological factors involved in the development of ICBs in PD patients by building a complete model of individual vulnerability. Methods: The PARKADD study was a case/non-case study. A total of 225 patients were enrolled (“ICB” group, N 5 75; “no ICB” group, N 5 150), and 163 agreed to provide saliva samples for genetic analysis. Sociodemographic, neurological and psychiatric characteristics were assessed, and genotyping for the characterization of polymorphisms related to dopaminergic and opioid systems was performed. Results: Factors associated with “ICBs” were younger age of PD onset, personal history of ICB prior to PD onset and higher scores on the urgency and sensation seeking facets of impulsivity. No gene variant was significantly associated, but the association with the opioid receptor mu 1 (OPRM1) rs1799971 polymorphism was close to significance. Discussion and conclusions: The influence of gene-environment interactions probably exists, and additional studies are needed to decipher the possible role of the opioid system in the development of ICBs in PD patients

    Douleur et pharmacodépendance aux opiacés (d'un état des lieux vers l'amélioration des pratiques)

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    Le Centre d'Evaluation et d'Information sur la Pharmacodépendance - Addictovigilance (CEIP-A) de Nantes est fréquemment sollicité par des professionnels de santé pour des questions concernant la prise en charge de la douleur chez des patients pharmacodépendants ou sous traitement de substitution aux opiacés. Face à l'absence de recommandations des agences de santé sur ce sujet, un groupe de travail multidisciplinaire piloté par le CEIP-A s'est constitué au CHU de Nantes, afin d'élaborer des fiches pratiques d'aide à la prise en charge de ces patients. Afin d'adapter au mieux ces documents aux besoins des professionnels, un état des lieux des pratiques et des connaissances a été réalisé à l'aide d'un questionnaire distribué à tous les médecins du CHU. Ce travail synthétise les résultats de cet état des lieux et propose des pistes pour améliorer la prise en charge de la douleur chez les patients pharmacodépendants aux opiacés.NANTES-BU Médecine pharmacie (441092101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    La bandelette urinaire (quel apport dans le suivi des patients recevant un traitement de substitution aux opiacés)

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    En France, depuis les annĂ©es 1980, s'est dĂ©veloppĂ©e une politique de prise en charge des toxicomanes. Le traitement, visant Ă  rĂ©duire les risques infectieux liĂ©s Ă  l'utilisation des substances psychoactives, et Ă  favoriser l'insertion sociale des usagers, intĂšgre la prescription d'un mĂ©dicament de substitution aux opiacĂ©s (MSO) : la buprĂ©norphine haut dosage ou la mĂ©thadone. Si les indications des deux mĂ©dicaments sont identiques, leurs propriĂ©tĂ©s pharmacologiques et pharmacocinĂ©tiques diffĂšrent, ce qui a conduit le lĂ©gislateur Ă  mettre en place un cadre rĂ©glementaire distinct pour les deux molĂ©cules. La rĂ©glementation en vigueur impose donc une analyse d'urines avant le dĂ©but du traitement par mĂ©thadone, afin de poser le diagnostic de dĂ©pendance aux opiacĂ©s. Pour la buprĂ©norphine, la rĂ©glementation est plus ouverte et donne davantage de latitude au prescripteur. Il en rĂ©sulte une grande diversitĂ© de pratiques. On retrouve Ă©galement ces disparitĂ©s dans le suivi des traitements, certains mĂ©decins estimant indispensable le monitoring des consommations pour dĂ©tecter prĂ©cocement une Ă©ventuelle rechute et adapter la posologie du MSO, d'autres n'y trouvant aucun intĂ©rĂȘt. Le dosage des toxiques urinaires en laboratoire prĂ©sente comme principal inconvĂ©nient pour le prescripteur, le dĂ©lai plus ou moins long avant la rĂ©ception des rĂ©sultats. C'est pourquoi il existe des bandelettes urinaires, permettant la prise de connaissance immĂ©diate des substances consommĂ©es par le patient. NĂ©anmoins, l'apport de leur utilisation dans la prise en charge des patients sous MSO demeurait jusqu'Ă  maintenant inexplorĂ©. Cette Ă©tude montre que l'utilisation de la bandelette urinaire a un apport sur la pratique mĂ©dicale dans la majoritĂ© des situations, notamment en confortant les dĂ©cisions mĂ©dicales et en enrichissant le dialogue mĂ©decin/patient. Son utilisation permet aussi dans certains cas l'ajustement et la personnalisation des modalitĂ©s de prescription et de dĂ©livrance du MSO.NANTES-BU MĂ©decine pharmacie (441092101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Consommation de substances psychoactives et grossesse (suivi de femmes enceintes prises en charge en consultation d'addictologie au CHU de Nantes de 2008 Ă  2012)

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    En France mĂ©tropolitaine, on estime Ă  790 290 le nombre de naissances en 2012. La grossesse est un moment privilĂ©giĂ© oĂč les premiers liens se crĂ©ent entre une mĂšre et son bĂ©bĂ©. C'est Ă©galement une pĂ©riode Ă  risque puisque les consommations de la mĂšre, qu'elles soient licites ou illicites, vont possiblement imprĂ©gner le fƓtus. C'est le cas des mĂ©dicaments de substitution aux opiacĂ©s (MSO) et des benzodiazĂ©pines. Au travers d'une Ă©tude rĂ©alisĂ©e au sein du Centre d'Evaluation et d'Information sur la PharmacodĂ©pendance Addictovigilance, en collaboration avec le service d'addictologie du CHU de Nantes, nous avons suivi des femmes enceintes, consommatrices de MSO et/ou de benzodiazĂ©pines. Ces femmes enceintes ont Ă©tĂ© prises en charge en consultation d'addictologie au CHU de Nantes de 2008 Ă  2012. Cette Ă©tude souligne l'importance de la prise en charge des femmes enceintes prĂ©sentant une problĂ©matique addictive. En effet, la substitution chez les femmes pharmacodĂ©pendantes aux opiacĂ©s permet de rĂ©duire les risques de complication de la grossesse, notamment ceux associĂ©s aux conditions de vie, Ă  l'environnement, Ă  la malnutrition, au suivi mĂ©dical alĂ©atoire ou encore Ă  la consommation d'autres substances Ă  risque. Elle vise Ă©galement Ă  rĂ©duire les pĂ©riodes de manque, nĂ©fastes pour le fƓtus. Pour les femmes pharmacodĂ©pendantes aux benzodiazĂ©pines, nous dĂ©crivons les bĂ©nĂ©fices de la prise en charge et prĂ©sentons les recommandations actuelles sur la consommation des benzodiazĂ©pines chez les femmes enceintes.NANTES-BU MĂ©decine pharmacie (441092101) / SudocSudocFranceF
