208 research outputs found

    Direct marketing of beef in organic suckler cattle farms: economic results and impact on breeding system management

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    In response to the bovine crises of 1996 and 2000, and also to the poorly structured organic beef market chain, direct marketing of beef to consumers by the farmer has developed. We studied the impact of this marketing system on economic performance and farming practices. The results show that direct marketing can generate added value, despite the extra costs. Farmers have made the necessary changes to their practices, and have adapted their herd management. Through strengthening the link between the farm and the outside world, direct marketing offers an alternative to the expansion of farms, making it possible to support a greater workforce with the same structure


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    The organic Charolais suckler farmers of the French Massif Central sell most of their animals on the conventional market. The high cost of the inputs, and in particular the concentrates, is an incentive for these suckler farmers to seek a high degree of food self-sufficiency on their farms. This self-sufficiency is reached through good management of grass and especially through cereal crops for animal feeding. The strong limitation of the inputs does not affect the numerical productivity or the health of the herd, but it entails lower meat productivity per animal and per hectare. However, the operational cost savings make it possible to maintain income per hectare at the same level as that of conventional farms

    Environmental Good Production in the Optimum Activities Portfolio of a Risk Averse Farmer

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    An analytical framework is proposed for analysis of environmental good production by farmers in the case of price uncertainty. Environmental good production contracted by means of agri-environmental agreements is treated as a risk less option in the farmer's production activities portfolio. Efficient frontiers were generated using mathematical programming farm level models of suckler cow farms in Monts du Cantal, in France. It was demonstrated that for a DARA risk averse farmer: 1) the agreement payment level is not without impact on the farming intensity on parcels not subscribed under the corresponding argi-environmental programme, 2) a lump sum payment matters under uncertainty, 3) the overall impact of the lump sum payment on environmental good production depends on the type of jointness in production of agricultural and environmental goods, and on the level of uncertainty.uncertainty, portfolio optimisation, biodiversity, agricultural policy, mathematical programming, Agricultural and Food Policy, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy, Q12, Q18, Q28,

    Impacts possibles de la réforme de la PAC de juin 2003 et de ses différentes options d'application sur des exploitations d'élevages bovins allaitants

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    La derniĂšre rĂ©forme de la PAC poursuit celle de 1992, elle-mĂȘme confirmĂ©e par l'Agenda 2000, dans le dĂ©couplage des soutiens directs Ă  la production. Afin de voir les adaptations des exploitations d'Ă©levage bovin allaitant, des simulations de diffĂ©rentes options d'application de la rĂ©forme ont Ă©tĂ© faites pour les principaux cas d'exploitations, plus ou moins intensives, naisseurs ou naisseurs-engraisseurs de taurillons ou de boeufs, avec plus ou moins de cultures, situĂ©es dans les 3 rĂ©gions charolaise, limousine et Pays de Loire. Les tendances qui se dĂ©gagent, aprĂšs adaptations Ă  prix stables, soutiens globalement maintenus et Ă  superficie constante, sont la faible incidence sur le rĂ©sultat Ă©conomique, la rĂ©duction des cultures au profit des prairies et du cheptel, l'augmentation du nombre de vaches aprĂšs diminution dans la situation de rĂ©fĂ©rence, le maintien de la finition des femelles avec les rapports de prix entre catĂ©gories de 1998, et l'engraissement des mĂąles plus difficile mais maintenu dans certaines options dans les systĂšmes naisseurs-engraisseurs Ă©tudiĂ©s.

    Environmental good production in the optimum activities portfolio of a risk averse-farmer

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    An analytical framework is proposed for analysis of environmental good production by farmers in the case of price uncertainty. Environmental good production contracted by means of agri-environmental agreements is treated as a riskless option in the farmer’s production activities portfolio. It is shown that agri-environmental agreements aiming at biodiversity competing with beef production are likely to increase management intensity on the non-enrolled land, and that the effect of the payments for these agreements on the number of hectares enrolled is ambiguous. It is also demonstrated that an increase in the output price variability and/or a decrease in the level of decoupled subsidies will induce an increase (decrease) in the area enrolled in agreements aiming at biodiversity competing with (complementary to) beef production. The obtained results are illustrated by means of efficient frontiers generated using mathematical programming farm level models of suckler cow farms in Monts du Cantal, in France.uncertainty, portfolio optimisation, biodiversity, agricultural policy, mathematical programming

    Organic livestock farming systems in the Massif Central: evolution (2008-2011) and analysis of the technical and economic performances and drivers

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    The “Organic Farming Massif Central” hub and fifteen partners lead a program on sustainability and on the technical and economic operation of OF livestock systems in the Massif Central. This systemic and multi-year study (2008-2011) is based on data from a constant sample over four years, from 56 farms comprising four types of products: cattle and sheep, dairy and meat. Over 4 years, the technical and economic results are quite stable, and at a good level, but with great variability inter-farms. With lower labor productivity, but with a more diversified crop rotation, a good food self-sufficiency and good technical skills, the farms with the highest income get an income more than four times higher than the farms with the lowest income

    Formation et répartition des gains de productivité en élevage bovin viande. Qui sont les gagnants et les perdants entre 1980 et 2015 ?

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    La mĂ©thode des comptes de surplus permet d’évaluer l’évolution de la productivitĂ© de l’ensemble des facteurs d’une entreprise (consommations intermĂ©diaires, capital, terre, travail) et la rĂ©partition des gains de productivitĂ© entre les diffĂ©rents agents Ă©conomiques. Les auteurs ont appliquĂ© cette mĂ©thode sur une base de donnĂ©es de 164 exploitations bovins allaitants du bassin Charolais de 1980 Ă  2015. Sur la pĂ©riode de 36 ans – avec des diffĂ©rences par sous-pĂ©riodes –, le surplus de productivitĂ© globale (SPG) cumulĂ© s’accroĂźt faiblement Ă  un rythme de +0,17 %/an. Ce faible accroissement du SPG est liĂ© Ă  la constante augmentation de la productivitĂ© du travail, alors que la productivitĂ© des autres facteurs rĂ©gresse. Les auteurs observent un difficile maintien du revenu des exploitants, une trĂšs lĂ©gĂšre baisse du prix des inputs, des fermages et des frais financiers auxquels s’ajoute une trĂšs forte augmentation des soutiens publics directs. L’ensemble de surplus Ă©conomique cumulĂ© a Ă©tĂ© captĂ© Ă  64 % par l’aval de la filiĂšre bovine sous forme de baisse de prix et Ă  22 % par l’aval des autres filiĂšres (principalement cĂ©rĂ©ales). SchĂ©matiquement on retrouve bien ici le principe de la rĂ©forme de 1992 (Mac Sharry) : un transfert du contribuable par les soutiens directs vers le consommateur via la baisse des prix. La stagnation du revenu des exploitants indique clairement qu’ils sont perdants dans cette rĂ©partition des gains de productivitĂ© malgrĂ© l’amĂ©lioration de la productivitĂ© du facteur travail.Thanks to the surplus accounting method, we measured the productivity gains and the combined effects of output and input price variation on Charolais beef cattle farmers’ income between 1980 and 2015. During this period, the total factor productivity has slightly grown at an average annual rate of 0.17% mainly due to a huge increase of labour productivity, while the productivity of all other factors decreased. We observed a stability of farmers’ income, a slight drop in intermediate consumptions’ prices, land rent and financial costs, and a high increase in public aids. Over the 36 years, with a share of 64% of the global surplus, the downstream of the beef sector appears as the main beneficiary of these productivity gains through a decrease in agricultural products prices. The stability of farmers’ income indicates that the farmers are the losers in the surplus distribution in spite of the improvement of their labour productivity

    Analyse diachronique de l’efficience technique des systĂšmes de production bovin viande. Baisse de la productivitĂ© des facteurs variables sur 23 ans

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    De 1990 Ă  2012, les exploitations d’élevage bovins viande françaises ont accru leur taille et leur productivitĂ© du travail de plus de 60 % grĂące, notamment, Ă  une substitution travail/capital et Ă  une simplification de certaines pratiques d’alimentation du troupeau, entre autres. L’efficience technique des systĂšmes de production, mesurĂ©e par le ratio volume de production hors aides/volume des consommations intermĂ©diaires a baissĂ© de prĂšs de 20 %, alors que le revenu par travailleur s’est maintenu grĂące aux aides et aux gains de productivitĂ© physique du travail. Cette efficience technique est positivement corrĂ©lĂ©e Ă  l’autonomie alimentaire des exploitations, elle-mĂȘme nĂ©gativement corrĂ©lĂ©e Ă  la taille des exploitations et des troupeaux. Alors que le volume de production par hectare de surface agricole utilisĂ©e a stagnĂ©, l’autonomie alimentaire par les fourrages (la valorisation de l’herbe) a perdu 6 points. Les 23 annĂ©es de progrĂšs gĂ©nĂ©tique, technique, technologique et des connaissances ont accompagnĂ© l’augmentation continue de la taille des exploitations et de la productivitĂ© du travail, et ont donc juste permis de compenser la diminution d’efficience des systĂšmes de production.Over the past 23 years (1990-2012) French beef-cattle farms had increased their size and labor productivity by more than 60%. These gains were possible thanks to a substitution work/capital and to a simplification of herd feeding practices. The efficiency of production systems is estimated by the ratio volume of agricultural production/volume of intermediate consumptions (inputs, services, capital consumption). This efficiency decreased by 20%, while income per worker remained stable thanks to aids and subsidies and to the gains in labor productivity. The efficiency of the beef-cattle farming systems is strongly positively correlated with the feed self-sufficiency, which is itself negatively correlated with the size of farms and herds. While the volume of agricultural products per hectare of agricultural area remained stable, the forage feed self-sufficient lost 6 points. 20 years of genetics, technical, technological and knowledge progress has thus helped offset lower efficiency strongly related to the continuous increase in the size of the farms

    Les flux d'azote en Ă©levage de ruminants

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    L'Ă©levage transforme l'azote des vĂ©gĂ©taux en produits animaux et en rejette une partie sous forme de dĂ©jections, qui peuvent ĂȘtre utilisĂ©es comme engrais. Toutefois le dĂ©veloppement des productions animales a conduit dans certains territoires Ă  une concentration des apports et rejets d'azote, et une pollution des eaux, du sol et de l'atmosphĂšre. Cette problĂ©matique est traitĂ©e depuis une vingtaine d'annĂ©es par les politiques europĂ©ennes. Que sait-on aujourd'hui de la dynamique des flux d'azote issus des Ă©levages ? Quelles sont les pistes et les Ă©chelles pertinentes d'action pour rĂ©duire les Ă©missions et leurs impacts sur l'environnement tout en prĂ©servant la compĂ©titivitĂ© des productions animales ? Ces questions ont motivĂ© de la part des ministĂšres en charge de l'Agriculture et de l'Ecologie, au printemps 2010, une demande d'expertise scientifique collective auprĂšs de l'INRA pour disposer d'un bilan des connaissances sur les diffĂ©rents flux d'azote associĂ©s aux activitĂ©s d'Ă©levage. Nous relatons ici les Ă©lĂ©ments majeurs concernant l'Ă©levage des ruminants
