27 research outputs found

    Stereo-Matching of LineSegments based on a 3-dimensional heuristic with potential for Parallel Implementation

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    This work provides a segment-based alternative to the edge-based stereo algorithm already existing in the TINA system. Our starting point is the algorithm of Ayache & Faverjon (1985). It attempts to recover groups of linematches having low local disparity variations. In our implementation of Ayache & Faverjon's algorithm matches were built quickly, but glaring mistakes occurred and the general behaviour was difficult to control. Therefore the constraints on the continuity of the world implicitly used in the original approach were reformulated to achieve more robust matching, more particularly by requiring mutual support between reconstructed 3-D segments. A new algorithm has been designed that is suitable for parallel implementation, where 3-D matches and their neighbourhood relationships are explicitly computed, cliques found (objects) and uniqueness enforced. This paper describes a line based approach to binocular stereo that augments the capabilities of the TINA system (Porrill et al 1987, Pollard et al 1987). The already existing stereo matching is edge-based utilising the PMF algorithm (Pollard 1985) and its descendents. Whilst an edge based approach is more general, image structures that are amenable to description by linear approximations can be efficiently and robustly matched by an alternative strategy. Hence a combined approach is adopted allowing either, redundant cross primitive consistency to give increased robustness, or segment matching to seed matching at the lower level to improve efficiency. The starting point for this work is the segment matching algorithm due to Ayache and Faverjon (1985) which employs a hypothesis, propagation and test strategy to identify corresponding segments. Only a small number of well selected segments act as a basis for match hypotheses, the remainder being found as a result of the propagation stage. Their algorithm sets up a few likely correct matches and propagates them. Along the propagation, a weak disparity gradient constraint is enforced through an imposed limit upon the disparity difference between neighbouring matched segments

    Guide biomasse-Ă©nergie

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    Effets aigus d'une irradition corps entier sur la sécrétion pancréatique exocrine chez le porc

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    International audienceReports on radiation damage to the pancreas deal essentially with long-term morphological changes with few data on pancreatic exocrine function. The aim of this work was to study the acute effects of whole body irradiation on volume and enzyme activities in the pancreatic juice. A whole body gamma irradiation (6 Gy) was investigated in pigs with continuous sampling of pancreatic juice before and after exposure via an indwelling catheter in the pancreatic duct. For each sample collected, total protein concentration and enzyme activities of trypsin, chymotrypsin, elastase, lipase and amylase were determined. Pancreatic juice volume was monitored during all periods of collection. The volume of pancreatic juice secreted daily decreased one day after irradiation and remained lower than the control values over the experimental period. Total proteins secreted in the pancreatic juice and total activities of pancreatic enzymes were reduced similarly. On the other hand, only specific activities of elastase and lipase were affected by irradiation. Whole body gamma irradiation resulted in a rapid and marked decrease of exocrine pancreatic secretion, in terms of volume as well as secreted enzymes. This may contribute in part to the intestinal manifestations of the acute and/or late radiation syndrome. © 2004 EDP Sciences

    Effects of lindane exposure on rainbow-trout (oncorhynchus-mykiss) immunity .III. Effect on nonspecific immunity and b-lymphocyte functions

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    Ecotox. Environ. Safe. ISI Document Delivery No.: NL882 Times Cited: 27 Cited Reference Count: 27 Dunier, m siwicki, ak scholtens, j molin, sd vergnet, c studnicka, m Academic press inc jnl-comp subscriptions San diegoInternational audienceThe effect of the organochlorine insecticide lindane (gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane) was examined on some major immune functions of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) on the chemiluminescent response of pronephric cells (PMA-induced) in phagocytosis, on the proliferation of lymphocytes with B and T mitogens, and on the number of B lymphocytes analyzed by cytofluorometry. Two different methods of exposure were tried via food (first protocol) and via a single intraperitoneal injection (second protocol). After the oral contamination at a daily body dose of 1 mg/kg for 30 days, a decreased chemiluminescent response was observed which persisted for two more weeks and disappeared over 1.5 months. No effect was observed on lymphocyte proliferation and on the number of circulating B lymphocytes. In the second protocol lindane was administered intraperitoneally at 10, 50, or 100 mg/kg body wt. After 45 days the lymphocyte proliferation of B cells was depressed but not the T cell one. The B cells number in head kidney as measured by cytofluorometry was not significantly modified. Some nonspecific immunity parameters in sera were significantly modified. (C) 1994 Academic Press, Inc

    Response to domestication and selection for growth in the European sea bass (<i>Dicentrarchus labrax</i>) in separate and mixed tanks

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    Selective breeding of European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) receives a growing interest, as the estimated heritability of growth is medium to high. In this study, we compared the offspring of four groups of sea bass sires, mated with the same wild dams: wild (W), first generation of domestication (D), first generation of mass selection for length (M), first generation of PROSPER-like selection for length (P). The comparison was done both in replicated tanks (separate rearing) and in mixed tanks (mixed rearing) where sire origins were recovered by genotyping of eight microsatellite markers. Weight, length and growth rate were measured from day 238 post-fertilization (69 g mean weight) to day 611 post-fertilization (390 g mean weight). Both in mixed and separate tanks, both selected groups (P, M) were larger than unselected groups (W, D). No difference was seen at any time between W and D, nor between M and P. The selection response estimate on weight was larger in mixed tanks when compared to separate tanks (+ 42% in mixed tanks, + 23% in separate tanks at day 611), yielding realized heritability estimates of 0.60 and 0.34, respectively, and confirming the excellent potential of the species for growth improvement through selective breeding. Both selection response and the amplification effect between mixed and separate tanks decreased as rearing density increased. Our hypothesis is that selection response is magnified by competition in mixed tanks, while sub-optimal rearing conditions lower the observed selection response, more in separate tanks (where selected thus larger fish are at a higher density than unselected ones) than in mixed tanks (where all fish experience the same density effects)