6,977 research outputs found

    Population dynamics, gregarious behavior and oviposition preference of Neomegalotomus parvus (Westwood) (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Alydidae).

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    Interactions between Neomegalotomus parvus (Westwood) (Coreoidea: Heteroptera: Alydidae) and host plants were investigated including population monitoring throughout the year, gregarious behavior in the field, and oviposition preference among host plants and one non-host plant in field cages. Cowpea, Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp., soybean, Glycine max (L.) Mill. cv. BR 37, pigeon pea, Cajanus cajan (L.) Mill., pigeon pea cv. Anão, and lablab, Dolichos lablab L. were monitored in the field. N. parvus was found on host plants during 11 months. The shortest period of occurrence was observed on soybean and the longest on lablab. Insects were found mostly on mature pods. Contagious distribution (negative bionomial) was detected, characterizing the aggregation. Greater number of eggs were observed on pigeon pea, followed by soybean and lablab. Eggs were not found on cowpea, on common bean Phaseolus vulgaris L., and on rice, Oryza sativa L

    Ativação da rota dos fenilpropanoides em genótipos de soja em consequência de herbivoria por Anticarsia gemmatalis.

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    Os mecanismos de defesa das plantas envolvem uma série de características morfológicas e um complexo de substâncias químicas que são repelentes ou tóxicas aos insetos herbívoros. Algumas dessas substâncias são constitutivas, no entanto, as plantas podem ter rotas induzidas por algum tipo de estresse. Vários metabólitos secundários estão envolvidos na interação inseto-planta e muitos podem causar efeitos negativos em insetos-praga. Desta forma, o objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar e quantificar os compostos químicos induzidos em genótipos de soja por herbivoria causado por Anticarsia gemmatalis (Hübner, 1818) (Lepidoptera: Eribidae). Os genótipos IAC 24 e PI 227687 (resistentes) e BRS 257 e BMX Potência RR (suscetíveis) foram cultivados em casa-de-vegetação até estádio R1, e submetidas ao dano por lagartas de 5º instar de A. gemmatalis. Essas foram individualizadas e colocadas em gaiolas contendo um trifólio, por 48 horas. Os trifólios sem dano e com dano foram extraídos segundo metodologia do laboratório de Ecologia Química da Embrapa Soja e analisados em HPLC. De modo geral, os resultados indicaram que o dano causado pela lagarta aumentou a concentração dos isoflavonoides daidzina, glicitina, malonildaidzina, malonil-glicitina, acetil-daidzina, malonil-genistina, acetil-glicitina e genisteína. Além dessas substâncias, destacamos a fitoalexina coumestrol que foi induzida em todos os genótipos e o flavonól rutina, na PI 227687 que aumentou a sua concentração após injúria. A genistina foi identificada em todas as cultivares, mesmo quando não foram danificadas por A. gemmatalis, demonstrando ser esta uma isoflavona constitutiva. Já é conhecido que essa isoflavona e a rutina fazem parte do arsenal de defesa da soja em PI 227687, que reforça a sua característica de resistência a insetos desfolhadores. Desta forma, com base nos resultados obtidos é possível sugerir que os genótipos de soja utilizam a via dos fenilpropanoides em resposta ao ataque do inseto

    Digitalization Platform for Mechanistic Modeling of Battery Cell Production

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    he application of batteries in electric vehicles and stationary energy-storage systems is widely seen as a promising enabler for a sustainable mobility and for the energy sector. Although significant improvements have been achieved in the last decade in terms of higher battery performance and lower production costs, there remains high potential to be tapped, especially along the battery production chain. However, the battery production process is highly complex due to numerous process–structure and structure–performance relationships along the process chain, many of which are not yet fully understood. In order to move away from expensive trial-and-error operations of production lines, a methodology is needed to provide knowledge-based decision support to improve the quality and throughput of battery production. In the present work, a framework is presented that combines a process chain model and a battery cell model to quantitatively predict the impact of processes on the final battery cell performance. The framework enables coupling of diverse mechanistic models for the individual processes and the battery cell in a generic container platform, ultimately providing a digital representation of a battery electrode and cell production line that allows optimal production settings to be identified in silico. The framework can be implemented as part of a cyber-physical production system to provide decision support and ultimately control of the production line, thus increasing the efficiency of the entire battery cell production process

    Na+,K+-ATPase of gastric cells A target of Helicobacter pylori cytotoxic activity

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    AbstractThe present study shows a direct impairing action of a cytotoxin-producing Helicobacter pylori strain on the Na+,K−-ATPase (evaluated as K+-dependent phosphatase activity) of human gastric epithelial cells in culture. The toxin itself is likely involved in this action which may also account for the cell edema found in vivo in Helicobacter pylori-colonized stomach