8 research outputs found

    Expression Profiling of a Genetic Animal Model of Depression Reveals Novel Molecular Pathways Underlying Depressive-Like Behaviours

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    The Flinders model is a validated genetic rat model of depression that exhibits a number of behavioural, neurochemical and pharmacological features consistent with those observed in human depression.In this study we have used genome-wide microarray expression profiling of the hippocampus and prefrontal/frontal cortex of Flinders Depression Sensitive (FSL) and control Flinders Depression Resistant (FRL) lines to understand molecular basis for the differences between the two lines. We profiled two independent cohorts of Flinders animals derived from the same colony six months apart, each cohort statistically powered to allow independent as well as combined analysis. Using this approach, we were able to validate using real-time-PCR a core set of gene expression differences that showed statistical significance in each of the temporally distinct cohorts, representing consistently maintained features of the model. Small but statistically significant increases were confirmed for cholinergic (chrm2, chrna7) and serotonergic receptors (Htr1a, Htr2a) in FSL rats consistent with known neurochemical changes in the model. Much larger gene changes were validated in a number of novel genes as exemplified by TMEM176A, which showed 35-fold enrichment in the cortex and 30-fold enrichment in hippocampus of FRL animals relative to FSL.These data provide significant insights into the molecular differences underlying the Flinders model, and have potential relevance to broader depression research

    Evaluation of the Serotonergic Genes htr1A, htr1B, htr2A, and slc6A4 in Aggressive Behavior of Golden Retriever Dogs

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    Aggressive behavior displays a high heritability in our study group ofGolden Retriever dogs.Alterations in brain serotonin metabolism have been described in aggressive dogs before. Here, we evaluate whether four genes of the canine serotonergic system, coding for the serotonin receptors 1A, 1B, and 2A, and the serotonin transporter, could play a major role in aggression in Golden Retrievers. We performed mutation screens, linkage analysis, an association study, and a quantitative genetic analysis. There was no systematic difference between the coding DNA sequence of the candidate genes in aggressive and non-aggressiveGoldenRetrievers.An affecteds-only parametric linkage analysis revealed no strong major locus effect on human-directed aggression related to the candidate genes. An analysis of 41 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the 1 Mb regions flanking the genes in 49 unrelated human-directed aggressive and 49 unrelated nonaggressive dogs did not show association of SNP alleles, genotypes, or haplotypes with aggression at the candidate loci. We completed our analyses with a study of the effect of variation in the candidate genes on a collection of aggressionrelated phenotypicmeasures.The effects of the candidate gene haplotypes were estimated using the Restricted Maximum Likelihood method, with the haplotypes included as fixed effects in a linear animal model. We observed no effect of the candidate gene haplotypes on a range of aggression-related phenotypes, thus extending our conclusions to several types of aggressive behavior.We conclude that it is unlikely that these genes play a major role in the variation in aggression in the Golden Retrievers that we studied. Smaller phenotypic effects of these loci could not be ruled out with our sample size

    Pharmacogenetics of the g protein-coupled receptors

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    Pharmacogenetics investigates the influence of genetic variants on physiological phenotypes related to drug response and disease, while pharmacogenomics takes a genome-wide approach to advancing this knowledge. Both play an important role in identifying responders and nonresponders to medication, avoiding adverse drug reactions, and optimizing drug dose for the individual. G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are the primary target of therapeutic drugs and have been the focus of these studies. With the advance of genomic technologies, there has been a substantial increase in the inventory of naturally occurring rare and common GPCR variants. These variants include single-nucleotide polymorphisms and insertion or deletions that have potential to alter GPCR expression of function. In vivo and in vitro studies have determined functional roles for many GPCR variants, but genetic association studies that define the physiological impact of the majority of these common variants are still limited. Despite the breadth of pharmacogenetic data available, GPCR variants have not been included in drug labeling and are only occasionally considered in optimizing clinical use of GPCR-targeted agents. In this chapter, pharmacogenetic and genomic studies on GPCR variants are reviewed with respect to a subset of GPCR systems, including the adrenergic, calcium sensing, cysteinyl leukotriene, cannabinoid CB1 and CB2 receptors, and the de-orphanized receptors such as GPR55. The nature of the disruption to receptor function is discussed with respect to regulation of gene expression, expression on the cell surface (affected by receptor trafficking, dimerization, desensitization/downregulation), or perturbation of receptor function (altered ligand binding, G protein coupling, constitutive activity). The large body of experimental data generated on structure and function relationships and receptor-ligand interactions are being harnessed for the in silico functional prediction of naturally occurring GPCR variants. We provide information on online resources dedicated to GPCRs and present applications of publically available computational tools for pharmacogenetic studies of GPCRs. As the breadth of GPCR pharmacogenomic data becomes clearer, the opportunity for routine assessment of GPCR variants to predict disease risk, drug response, and potential adverse drug effects will become possible

    Blood Platelet as a Peripheral Cell in Oxidative Stress in Psychiatric Disorders

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    Consensus paper of the WFSBP Task Force on Biological Markers: Biological Markers in Depression

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