205 research outputs found

    Correlated learning for aggregation systems

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    Learning Individual Policies in Large Multi-agent Systems through Local Variance Minimization

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    In multi-agent systems with large number of agents, typically the contribution of each agent to the value of other agents is minimal (e.g., aggregation systems such as Uber, Deliveroo). In this paper, we consider such multi-agent systems where each agent is self-interested and takes a sequence of decisions and represent them as a Stochastic Non-atomic Congestion Game (SNCG). We derive key properties for equilibrium solutions in SNCG model with non-atomic and also nearly non-atomic agents. With those key equilibrium properties, we provide a novel Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) mechanism that minimizes variance across values of agents in the same state. To demonstrate the utility of this new mechanism, we provide detailed results on a real-world taxi dataset and also a generic simulator for aggregation systems. We show that our approach reduces the variance in revenues earned by taxi drivers, while still providing higher joint revenues than leading approaches.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2003.0708

    Transferable Curricula through Difficulty Conditioned Generators

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    Advancements in reinforcement learning (RL) have demonstrated superhuman performance in complex tasks such as Starcraft, Go, Chess etc. However, knowledge transfer from Artificial "Experts" to humans remain a significant challenge. A promising avenue for such transfer would be the use of curricula. Recent methods in curricula generation focuses on training RL agents efficiently, yet such methods rely on surrogate measures to track student progress, and are not suited for training robots in the real world (or more ambitiously humans). In this paper, we introduce a method named Parameterized Environment Response Model (PERM) that shows promising results in training RL agents in parameterized environments. Inspired by Item Response Theory, PERM seeks to model difficulty of environments and ability of RL agents directly. Given that RL agents and humans are trained more efficiently under the "zone of proximal development", our method generates a curriculum by matching the difficulty of an environment to the current ability of the student. In addition, PERM can be trained offline and does not employ non-stationary measures of student ability, making it suitable for transfer between students. We demonstrate PERM's ability to represent the environment parameter space, and training with RL agents with PERM produces a strong performance in deterministic environments. Lastly, we show that our method is transferable between students, without any sacrifice in training quality.Comment: IJCAI'2

    Enhancing the Hierarchical Environment Design via Generative Trajectory Modeling

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    Unsupervised Environment Design (UED) is a paradigm for automatically generating a curriculum of training environments, enabling agents trained in these environments to develop general capabilities, i.e., achieving good zero-shot transfer performance. However, existing UED approaches focus primarily on the random generation of environments for open-ended agent training. This is impractical in scenarios with limited resources, such as the constraints on the number of generated environments. In this paper, we introduce a hierarchical MDP framework for environment design under resource constraints. It consists of an upper-level RL teacher agent that generates suitable training environments for a lower-level student agent. The RL teacher can leverage previously discovered environment structures and generate environments at the frontier of the student's capabilities by observing the student policy's representation. Moreover, to reduce the time-consuming collection of experiences for the upper-level teacher, we utilize recent advances in generative modeling to synthesize a trajectory dataset to train the teacher agent. Our proposed method significantly reduces the resource-intensive interactions between agents and environments and empirical experiments across various domains demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach

    Diversity Induced Environment Design via Self-Play

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    Recent work on designing an appropriate distribution of environments has shown promise for training effective generally capable agents. Its success is partly because of a form of adaptive curriculum learning that generates environment instances (or levels) at the frontier of the agent's capabilities. However, such an environment design framework often struggles to find effective levels in challenging design spaces and requires costly interactions with the environment. In this paper, we aim to introduce diversity in the Unsupervised Environment Design (UED) framework. Specifically, we propose a task-agnostic method to identify observed/hidden states that are representative of a given level. The outcome of this method is then utilized to characterize the diversity between two levels, which as we show can be crucial to effective performance. In addition, to improve sampling efficiency, we incorporate the self-play technique that allows the environment generator to automatically generate environments that are of great benefit to the training agent. Quantitatively, our approach, Diversity-induced Environment Design via Self-Play (DivSP), shows compelling performance over existing methods
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