14,346 research outputs found

    Quantitative Description of Strong-Coupling of Quantum Dots in Microcavities

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    We have recently developed a self-consistent theory of Strong-Coupling in the presence of an incoherent pumping [arXiv:0807.3194] and shown how it could reproduce quantitatively the experimental data [PRL 101, 083601 (2008)]. Here, we summarize our main results, provide the detailed analysis of the fitting of the experiment and discuss how the field should now evolve beyond merely qualitative expectations, that could well be erroneous even when they seem to be firmly established.Comment: Submitted to the AIP Conference Proceedings Series for the ICPS 2008 (Rio de Janeiro). 2 pages, reduced-quality figur

    The Effects of Inlet Flow Modification on Cavitating Inducer Performance

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    This paper explores the effect of inlet flow modification on the cavitating and noncavitating performance of two cavitating inducers, one of simple helical design and the other a model of the low-pressure LOX pump in the Space Shuttle Main Engine. The modifications were generated by sections of honeycomb, both uniform and nonuniform. Significant improvement in the performance over a wide range of flow coefficients resulted from the use of either honeycomb section. Measurements of the axial and swirl velocity profiles of the flows entering the inducers were made in order to try to understand the nature of the inlet flow and the manner in which it is modified by the honeycomb sections

    SN/GRB connection: a statistical approach with BATSE and Asiago Catalogues

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    Recent observations suggest that some types of GRB are physically connected with SNe of type Ib/c. However, it has been pointed out by several authors that some GRBs could be associated also with other types of core-collapse SNe (type IIdw/IIn). On the basis of a comphrensive statistical study, which has made use of the BATSE and Asiago catalogues, we have found that: i) the temporal and spacial distribution of SNe-Ib/c is marginally correlated with that of the BATSE GRBs; ii) we do not confirm the existence of an association between GRBs and SNe-IIdw/IIn.Comment: Proceeding of the 4th workshop on Gamma Ray Bursts in the Afterglow Era, Rome, 2004; 4 page

    Electrostatic control of quantum dot entanglement induced by coupling to external reservoirs

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    We propose a quantum transport experiment to prepare and measure charge-entanglement between two electrostatically defined quantum dots. Coherent population trapping, as realized in cavity quantum electrodynamics, can be carried out by using a third quantum dot to play the role of the optical cavity. In our proposal, a pumping which is quantum mechanically indistinguishable for the quantum dots drives the system into a state with a high degree of entanglement. The whole effect can be switched on and off by means of a gate potential allowing both state preparation and entanglement detection by simply measuring the total current.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, Latex2e with EPL macros, to appear in Europhysics Letter

    Evaluación de vitamina C por HPLC en el desarrollo poscosecha del tomate

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    El contenido de vitamina C en el tomate varía dependiendo del grado de madurez, aumenta su cantidad mientras están en la planta, luego tiende a disminuir desde el inicio de su cosecha;por lo que el tomate maduro pierde parte del contenido de vitamina C. La determinación de vitamina C ha sido ampliamente estudiada por diferentes técnicas analíticas. Quattrocchi, Abeaira y Felipe (1992:34) consideran que“la HPLC se utiliza en casi todos los laboratorios que se realicen investigaciones químicas y bioquímicas”. El objetivo principal de este estudio, fue cuantificar el contenido de vitamina C por HPLC durante el desarrollo poscosecha del tomate

    Experimental verification of the non-equilibrium model for predicting behavior in the char zone of a charring ablator Status report

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    Experimental simulation to establish accuracy of nonequilibrium flow model with system simulating charring during ablatio

    Linear and nonlinear coupling of quantum dots in microcavities

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    We discuss the topical and fundamental problem of strong-coupling between a quantum dot an the single mode of a microcavity. We report seminal quantitative descriptions of experimental data, both in the linear and in the nonlinear regimes, based on a theoretical model that includes pumping and quantum statistics.Comment: Proceedings of the symposium Nanostructures: Physics and Technology 2010 (http://www.ioffe.ru/NANO2010), 2 pages in proceedings styl

    Solution of the Frozen Flow Momentum Equation Status Report

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    Momentum equation solved for frozen flow in char zone of charring ablato

    Exciting polaritons with quantum light

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    We discuss the excitation of polaritons---strongly-coupled states of light and matter---by quantum light, instead of the usual laser or thermal excitation. As one illustration of the new horizons thus opened, we introduce Mollow spectroscopy, a theoretical concept for a spectroscopic technique that consists in scanning the output of resonance fluorescence onto an optical target, from which weak nonlinearities can be read with high precision even in strongly dissipative environments.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Spontaneous, collective coherence in driven, dissipative cavity arrays

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    We study an array of dissipative tunnel-coupled cavities, each interacting with an incoherently pumped two-level emitter. For cavities in the lasing regime, we find correlations between the light fields of distant cavities, despite the dissipation and the incoherent nature of the pumping mechanism. These correlations decay exponentially with distance for arrays in any dimension but become increasingly long ranged with increasing photon tunneling between adjacent cavities. The interaction-dominated and the tunneling-dominated regimes show markedly different scaling of the correlation length which always remains finite due to the finite photon trapping time. We propose a series of observables to characterize the spontaneous build-up of collective coherence in the system.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, including supplemental material (with 4 pages, 1 figure). This is a shorter version with some modifications in the supplemental material (a gap in the proof was closed and calculations significantly generalized and improved