18 research outputs found

    Bottleneck crossover between classical and quantum superfluid turbulence

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    We consider superfluid turbulence near absolute zero of temperature generated by classical means, e.g., towed grid or rotation but not by counterflow. We argue that such turbulence consists of a polarized tangle of mutually interacting vortex filaments with quantized vorticity. For this system, we predict and describe a bottleneck accumulation of the energy spectrum at the classical-quantum crossover scale l. Demanding the same energy flux through scales, the value of the energy at the crossover scale should exceed the Kolmogorov-41 (K41) spectrum by a large factor ln10/3(l/a0) (l is the mean intervortex distance and a0 is the vortex core radius) for the classical and quantum spectra to be matched in value. One of the important consequences of the bottleneck is that it causes the mean vortex line density to be considerably higher than that based on K41 alone, and this should be taken into account in (re)interpretation of new (and old) experiments as well as in further theoretical studies

    Finite-dimensional turbulence of planetary waves

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    Finite-dimensional wave turbulence refers to the chaotic dynamics of interacting wave "clusters" consisting of finite number of connected wave triads with exact three-wave resonances. We examine this phenomenon using the example of atmospheric planetary (Rossby) waves. It is shown that the dynamics of the clusters is determined by the types of connections between neighboring triads within a cluster; these correspond to substantially different scenarios of energy flux between different triads. All the possible cases of the energy cascade termination are classified. Free and forced chaotic dynamics in the clusters are investigated: due to the huge fluctuations of the energy exchange between resonant triads these two types of evolution have a lot in common. It is confirmed that finite-dimensional wave turbulence in finite wave systems is fundamentally different from kinetic wave turbulence in infinite systems; the latter is described by wave-kinetic equations that account for interactions with overlapping quasiresonances of finite amplitude waves. The present results are directly applicable to finite-dimensional wave turbulence in any wave system in finite domains with three-mode interactions as encountered in hydrodynamics, astronomy, plasma physics, chemistry, medicine, etc


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    We establish anomalous inertial range scaling of structure functions for a model of advection of a passive scalar by a random velocity field. The velocity statistics is taken gaussian with decorrelation in time and velocity differences scaling as ∣x∣κ/2|x|^{\kappa/2} in space, with 0≤κ<20\leq\kappa < 2. The scalar is driven by a gaussian forcing acting on spatial scale LL and decorrelated in time. The structure functions for the scalar are well defined as the diffusivity is taken to zero and acquire anomalous scaling behavior for large pumping scales LL. The anomalous exponent is calculated explicitly for the 4^{\m\rm th} structure function and for small κ\kappa and it differs from previous predictions. For all but the second structure functions the anomalous exponents are nonvanishing.Comment: 8 pages, late

    From dynamical scaling to local scale-invariance: a tutorial

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    Dynamical scaling arises naturally in various many-body systems far from equilibrium. After a short historical overview, the elements of possible extensions of dynamical scaling to a local scale-invariance will be introduced. Schr\"odinger-invariance, the most simple example of local scale-invariance, will be introduced as a dynamical symmetry in the Edwards-Wilkinson universality class of interface growth. The Lie algebra construction, its representations and the Bargman superselection rules will be combined with non-equilibrium Janssen-de Dominicis field-theory to produce explicit predictions for responses and correlators, which can be compared to the results of explicit model studies. At the next level, the study of non-stationary states requires to go over, from Schr\"odinger-invariance, to ageing-invariance. The ageing algebra admits new representations, which acts as dynamical symmetries on more general equations, and imply that each non-equilibrium scaling operator is characterised by two distinct, independent scaling dimensions. Tests of ageing-invariance are described, in the Glauber-Ising and spherical models of a phase-ordering ferromagnet and the Arcetri model of interface growth.Comment: 1+ 23 pages, 2 figures, final for

    Equations of motion and conservation laws in a theory of stable stratified turbulence

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    This paper is part of an invited talk given at the international conference 'Turbulent Mixing and Beyond'. We consider non-isothermal fluid flows and revise simplifications of basic hydrodynamic equations for such flows, arriving eventually at a generalization of the Oberbeck–Boussinesq approximation valid for arbitrary equation of state including both non-ideal gases as well as liquids. The proposed approach is based on a suggested general definition of potential temperature. Special attention is paid to the energy conservation principle: the proposed approximation exactly preserves the total mechanical energy by approximate equations of motion. It is emphasized explicitly the importance for any turbulent boundary layer model to respect the conservation laws

    Universal model of finite Reynolds number turbulent flow in channels and pipes

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    In this Letter, we suggest a simple and physically transparent analytical model of pressure driven turbulent wall-bounded flows at high but finite Reynolds numbers Re. The model provides an accurate quantitative description of the profiles of the mean-velocity and Reynolds stresses (second order correlations of velocity fluctuations) throughout the entire channel or pipe, for a wide range of Re, using only three Re-independent parameters. The model sheds light on the long-standing controversy between supporters of the century-old log-law theory of von Kàrmàn and Prandtl and proposers of a newer theory promoting power laws to describe the intermediate region of the mean velocity profile

    Energy conservation and second-order statistics in stably stratified turbulent boundary layers

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    We address the dynamical and statistical description of stably stratified turbulent boundary layers with the important example of the atmospheric boundary layer with a stable temperature stratification in mind. Traditional approaches to this problem, based on the profiles of mean quantities, velocity second-order correlations, and dimensional estimates of the turbulent thermal flux run into a well-known difficulty, predicting the suppression of turbulence at a small critical value of the Richardson number, in contradiction with observations. Phenomenological attempts to overcome this problem suffer from various theoretical inconsistencies. Here we present a closure approach taking into full account all the second-order statistics, which allows us to respect the conservation of total mechanical energy. The analysis culminates in an analytic solution of the profiles of all mean quantities and all second-order correlations removing the unphysical predictions of previous theories. We propose that the approach taken here is sufficient to describe the lower parts of the atmospheric boundary layer, as long as the Richardson number does not exceed an order of unity. For much higher Richardson numbers the physics may change qualitatively, requiring careful consideration of the potential Kelvin-Helmholtz waves and their interaction with the vortical turbulence

    Turbulent fluxes in stably stratified boundary layers

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    We present here an extended version of an invited talk we gave at the international conference 'Turbulent Mixing and Beyond'. The dynamical and statistical description of stably stratified turbulent boundary layers with the important example of the stable atmospheric boundary layer in mind is addressed. Traditional approaches to this problem, based on the profiles of mean quantities, velocity second-order correlations and dimensional estimates of the turbulent thermal flux, run into a well-known difficulty, predicting the suppression of turbulence at a small critical value of the Richardson number, in contradiction to observations. Phenomenological attempts to overcome this problem suffer from various theoretical inconsistencies. Here, we present an approach taking into full account all the second-order statistics, which allows us to respect the conservation of total mechanical energy. The analysis culminates in an analytic solution of the profiles of all mean quantities and all second-order correlations, removing the unphysical predictions of previous theories. We propose that the approach taken here is sufficient to describe the lower parts of the atmospheric boundary layer, as long as the Richardson number does not exceed an order of unity. For much higher Richardson numbers, the physics may change qualitatively, requiring careful consideration of the potential Kelvin–Helmholtz waves and their interaction with the vortical turbulence