37 research outputs found

    The Use of Low-temperature Potential of the Environment in Energy-efficient Refrigeration Supply Technologies of the Enterprises of GC “Titan”

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    AbstractThe paper deals with issues on the improvement of the refrigeration supply system of a petrochemical enterprise in Western Siberia. Using a low-temperature potential of the environment allows for saving on some productions up to 50% of energy resources. It also describes variants of refrigeration supply schemes using new energy-efficient technologies


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    Use of the bypass heat of the combustion products, placed on the boiler in par-allel heater air or heat exhaust small gas turbines in the same bypass will provide an additional opportunity to make independent heat and power supply, ensuring that electricity supply schedule


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    The paper presents main types of surgically relevant posttraumatic lesions in 4136 patients with skull vault as well as skull base defects, craniofacial deformities, recurrent CSF leaks, arterio-venous fistulas, aneurysms and pseudoaneurysms etc. Classification of TBI sequelae and complications as well as its clinical course grading is presented. The use of modern neuroimaging techniques for studying pathophysiologic mechanisms and complications of TBI has been demonstrated. Special emphasis was given to minimally invasive and reconstructive surgery; computer modeling with subsequent full-copy stereolitographic laser implant setup was shown which is of great importance in cases of large and complex skull base and craniofacial deformities. Patient selection for transcranial and endonasal CSF leak closure techniques was justified. Treatment of post-traumatic vascular injuries using Serbinenko balloon-catheters as well as modern techniques such as stents, coils and embolization has been demonstrated.  В сообщении (созданном по материалам доклада, представленного на Сессии общего собрания РАМН, Санкт-Петербург, 14−15 июня 2012 г.) представлены основные хирургически значимые формы посттравматической патологии у 4136 пациентов с дефектами и деформациями костей свода, основания черепа и лицевого скелета, рецидивирующей ликвореей, артериосинусными соустьями, истинными и ложными аневризмами и др. Разработана классификация последствий и осложнений черепно-мозговой травмы, а также периодизация ее клинического течения. Раскрыты возможности современных нейровизуализационных технологий распознавания и исследования патогенеза последствий и осложнений черепно-мозговой травмы. Особое внимание уделено реконструктивной и минимально инвазивной хирургии, детально описан метод компьютерного моделирования и последующего стереолитографического лазерного воспроизведения полномасштабных копий черепа, его дефектов и имплантатов,  что особенно значимо при обширных и сложных краниобазальных и краниофациальных повреждениях. Обосновано дифференцированное применение интракраниальных и эндоназальных доступов для закрытия хронических ликворных фистул. Вместе с впервые созданной в НИИ нейрохирургии им. Н.Н. Бурденко методикой эндоваскулярной реконструкции магистральных сосудов с помощью баллонов-катетеров Ф.А. Сербиненко представлены новые подходы, опирающиеся на современные технологии с использованием стентов, микроспиралей и эмболизирующих композиций.

    A scintillation γ-ray detector based on a solid-state photomultiplier

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    A scintillation detector based on a silicon photodetector of a new type—a solid-state photomultiplier—and a single-crystal CsI(Tl) scintillator was investigated. The effect of temperature on the low-energy detection threshold and the energy resolution of the detector and the influence of the radiation level on the detector efficiency (i.e., the influence of the counting rate of the distortion in the recorded spectrum shape) were estimated. A mathematical model of the detector was developed in order to assess its parameters

    The CdZnTe Detector with Slit Collimator for Measure Distribution of the Specific Activity Radionuclide in the Ground

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    From 2011 in the NRC "Kurchatov Institute" carry out the dismantling of the MR multiloop research reactor. Now the reactor and all technological equipment in the premises of the reactor were dismantled. Now the measurements of radioactive contamination in the reactor premises are made. The most contaminated parts of premises - floor and the ground beneath it. To measure the distribution of specific activity in the ground the CdZnTe detector (volume 500MM3) was used. Detector placed in a lead shielding with a slit collimation hole. The upper part of shielding is made movable to close and open the slit of the collimator. At each point two measurements carried out: with open and closed collimator. The software for determination specific activity of radionuclides in ground was developed. The mathematical model of spectrometric system based on the Monte-Carlo method. Measurements of specific activity of ground were made. Using the results of measurements the thickness of the removed layer of ground and the amount of radioactive waste were calculated