40 research outputs found

    Pyroelectric study of polarization switching in Langmuir-Blodgett films of poly(vinylidene fluoride trifluoroethylene)

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    The ferroelectric switching in Langmuir-Blodgett films of poly (vinylidene fluoride trifluoroethylene) is studied. The films have a distribution of switching times several decades wide. Nearly a half of the film volume may be switched faster than 1 ms, though complete switching of a whole sample may require 100 s or more. The switching occurs through a domain nucleation and growth mechanism. The decay of polarization at zero bias is logarithmic in time, with a constant rate below 5% per decade at room temperatures. The coercive voltage may be as low as 5 V, which makes the films promising for use in nonvolatile random-access data storage

    Manifestation of a Ferroelectric Phase Transition

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    Temperature dependences of the dielectric properties of ultrathin polyvinylidene fluoride films prepared using the Langmuir-Blodgett method were studied by linear and nonlinear dielectric spectroscopy. It is shown that ultrathin Langmuir films of polyvinylidene fluoride exhibit a manifestation of a first-order ferroelectric phase transition, which can be assigned to the interaction between the spontaneous polarization and the surfaces bounding the film. As the film thickness increases, the effect of the surfaces decreases and the ferroelectric phase transition shifts to high temperatures to vanish altogether when the temperature region of the transition rises above the melting point

    Critical point in ferroelectric Langmuir-Blodgett polymer films

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    The ferroelectric critical point has been found in a ferroelectric polymer by exploring the influence of the electric field on the paraelectric-ferroelectric phase transition. Dielectric and pyroelectric measurements on 30-monolayer-thick films of the crystalline copolymer poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) grown by Langmuir-Blodgett deposition show a single hysteresis loop below the zero-field phase transition temperature Tc0=80±10 °C, double hysteresis loops between Tc0 , and the critical temperature Tcr=145±5 °C, and no hysteresis above Tcr where the critical electric field is Ecr=0.93±0.1X109 V/m

    Influence of dynamical scattering in crystalline poly„vinylidene

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    The effective Debye temperature of poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) copolymers was measured using photoemission and neutron diffraction techniques. An effective Debye temperature of 53611K is obtained from the photoemission data and 6963.5K from neutron diffraction measurements. This effective Debye temperature is a consequence of the temperature-dependent dynamic motions perpendicular to the surface of these crystalline polymer films

    Influence of dynamical scattering in crystalline poly„vinylidene

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    The effective Debye temperature of poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) copolymers was measured using photoemission and neutron diffraction techniques. An effective Debye temperature of 53611K is obtained from the photoemission data and 6963.5K from neutron diffraction measurements. This effective Debye temperature is a consequence of the temperature-dependent dynamic motions perpendicular to the surface of these crystalline polymer films

    Lattice-Stiffening Transition in Copolymer Films of Vinylidene Fluoride (70%) with Trifluoroethylene (30%)

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    We report the discovery of a compressibility phase transition at 160 K in crystalline copolymer films of vinylidene fluoride ( 70%) with trifluoroethylene ( 30%). This phase transition is distinct from the known bulk ferroelectric-paraelectric phase transition at 353 K and surface ferroelectric phase transition at 295 K. The new phase transition is characterized by an increase in the effective Debye temperature from 48 to 245 K along the 〈010〉 direction as the temperature falls below 160 K. This phase transition is evident in neutron scattering, x-ray diffraction, angle-resolved photoemission, and in the dipole active phonon modes in electron energy-loss spectroscopy

    General features of the intrinsic ferroelectric coercive field

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    The value of the intrinsic ferroelectric coercive field is obtained independently, from general energy considerations and from the predictions of several models of the ferroelectric state. All predictions yield a value of the order of the depolarization field, which is equal to the spontaneous polarization divided by the dielectric permittivity, and are consistent with the recent measurements of the intrinsic ferroelectric coercive field in ultrathin Langmuir–Blodgett films of copolymers of polyvinylidene fluoride with trifluoroethylene. Prior studies succeeded only in measuring the much smaller extrinsic coercive fields, which are limited by nucleation processes and domain motion

    Kinetics of ferroelectric switching in ultrathin films

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    The kinetics of polarization switching in ultrathin ferroelectric polymer films exhibit a critical behavior; there is a pronounced slowing just above the coercive field and just below the critical temperature. The critical slowing is observed in the switching kinetics of ferroelectric Langmuir-Blodgett films of 70% vinylidene-fluoride and 30% trifluoroethylene copolymer with thickness up to 30 ML. Thicker films exhibit an exponential dependence on the field and temperature that is normally associated with extrinsic switching by domain nucleation and growth. We show that the critical behavior arises naturally from the dynamics of homogeneous intrinsic switching in the context of mean-field theory. These results have important implications for the modeling and control of the ferroelectric films in nonvolatile computer memories and solid-state data storage media

    Infrared spectroscopic ellipsometry study of vinylidene fluoride (70%)-trifluoroethylene (30%) copolymer Langmuir-Blodgett films

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    We report the studies of the molecular conformation and chain orientations through characterization of the vibrational modes in crystalline Langmuir–Blodgett films of the polyvinylidene fluoride/trifluoroethylene copolymer. The infrared spectra obtained by polarized reflectometry and ellipsometry showed that the ferroelectric phase has predominantly all-trans conformation and the paraelectric phase has predominantly alternating trans-gauche conformation, as in solvent-formed films of the same copolymer. The results showed that the polymer chains are predominantly parallel to the film plane with a random in-plane orientation and most of the ferroelectric phase vibrational mode behaviors are consistent with the published mode assignments. The ferroelectric phase optical dispersion curves in the infrared range were extracted from the data analysis based on a uniaxial model