5 research outputs found

    Kosterlitz Thouless Universality in Dimer Models

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    Using the monomer-dimer representation of strongly coupled U(N) lattice gauge theories with staggered fermions, we study finite temperature chiral phase transitions in (2+1) dimensions. A new cluster algorithm allows us to compute monomer-monomer and dimer-dimer correlations at zero monomer density (chiral limit) accurately on large lattices. This makes it possible to show convincingly, for the first time, that these models undergo a finite temperature phase transition which belongs to the Kosterlitz-Thouless universality class. We find that this universality class is unaffected even in the large N limit. This shows that the mean field analysis often used in this limit breaks down in the critical region.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Quantum dynamics of phase transitions in broken symmetry λϕ4\lambda \phi^4 field theory

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    We perform a detailed numerical investigation of the dynamics of broken symmetry λϕ4\lambda \phi^4 field theory in 1+1 dimensions using a Schwinger-Dyson equation truncation scheme based on ignoring vertex corrections. In an earlier paper, we called this the bare vertex approximation (BVA). We assume the initial state is described by a Gaussian density matrix peaked around some non-zero value of ,andcharacterizedbyasingleparticleBose−Einsteindistributionfunctionatagiventemperature.Wecomputetheevolutionofthesystemusingthreedifferentapproximations:Hartree,BVAandarelated2PI−1/Nexpansion,asafunctionofcouplingstrengthandinitialtemperature.IntheHartreeapproximation,thestaticphasediagramshowsthatthereisafirstorderphasetransitionforthissystem.Aswechangetheinitialstartingtemperatureofthesystem,wefindthattheBVArelaxestoanewfinaltemperatureandexhibitsasecondorderphasetransition.WefindthattheaveragefieldsthermalizeforarbitraryinitialconditionsintheBVA,unlikethebehaviorexhibitedbytheHartreeapproximation,andweillustratehow, and characterized by a single particle Bose-Einstein distribution function at a given temperature. We compute the evolution of the system using three different approximations: Hartree, BVA and a related 2PI-1/N expansion, as a function of coupling strength and initial temperature. In the Hartree approximation, the static phase diagram shows that there is a first order phase transition for this system. As we change the initial starting temperature of the system, we find that the BVA relaxes to a new final temperature and exhibits a second order phase transition. We find that the average fields thermalize for arbitrary initial conditions in the BVA, unlike the behavior exhibited by the Hartree approximation, and we illustrate how and dependontheinitialtemperatureandonthecouplingconstant.Wefindthatthe2PI−1/Nexpansiongivesdramaticallydifferentresultsfor depend on the initial temperature and on the coupling constant. We find that the 2PI-1/N expansion gives dramatically different results for .Comment: 28 pages, 21 figures; ver 2 -- additional comments on the nature of the phase transition in 1+1 dimension