232 research outputs found

    Cultural spaces through the prism of unity and diversity: on the outcomes of 4th Central Asian readings

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    The article summarizes the outcomes of International research and practical conference “4th Readings in Central Asian history: Cultural spaces through the prism of unity and diversity”, which took place on September 20-23, 2018 at Tuvan State University, city of Kyzyl (Republic of Tyva, Russian Federation). The aim of the conference was to study and analyze, from the perspective of the sociocultural approach, the results of theoretical and empirical studies of the socio-economic, political, ethno-social and ethno-cultural development of the specific areas within the Central Asian macro-region in terms of history and modernity. The conference focused on the problems of development of Tuva, adjacent regions and their peoples. The conference papers were presented at 4 problem-focused sections: ‘Ethnotransformational processes in Central Asia’; ‘Socio-political spaces of Central Asia‘; ‘Historical and cultural spaces of Central Asia’; ‘Confessional spaces of Central Asia’, and also at the international seminar ‘Ethnosocial processes in Siberia: ethno-culture and economy’, and panel discussion ‘Ethnic policy of the state on the federal level and in the Siberian Federal region’. The review below reflects upon the most significant ideas advanced in the most interesting papers. The reviewers conclude that the Readings in Central Asian history have become an important event for Tuvan studies, both in its scholarly aspect and with regard to its social missio

    Quantum phase transitions in a new exactly solvable quantum spin biaxial model with multiple spin interactions

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    The new integrable quantum spin model is proposed. The model has a biaxial magnetic anisotropy of alternating coupling between spins together with multiple spin interactions. Our model gives the possibility to exactly find thermodynamic characteristics of the considered spin chain. The ground state of the model can reveal spontaneous values of the total magnetic and antiferromagnetic moments, caused by multiple spin couplings. Also, in the ground state, depending on the strength of multiple spin couplings, our model manifests several quantum critical points, some of which are governed by the external magnetic field

    Measurement of J/psi to eta_c gamma at KEDR

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    We present a study of the inclusive photon spectra from 5.9 million J/psi decays collected with the KEDR detector at the VEPP-4M e+e- collider. We measure the branching fraction of radiative decay J/psi to eta_c gamma, eta_c width and mass. Our preliminary results are: M(eta_c) = 2979.4+-1.5+-1.9 MeV, G(eta_c) = 27.8+-5.1+-3.3 MeV, B(J/psi to eta_c gamma) = (2.34+-0.15+-0.40)%.Comment: To be published in Proceedings of the PhiPsi09, Oct. 13-16, 2009, Beijing, Chin

    Comparative assessment of the effects of Soderm®- Forte, Cytoflavin® and their combination on microcirculation in the gingival mucosa in rats

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    The aim of the study was to identify whether Soderm®-Forte, Cytoflavin® and their combination can improve microcirculation in the gingival mucosa in rat

    Quantum chiral phases in frustrated easy-plane spin chains

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    The phase diagram of antiferromagnetic spin-S chain with XY-type anisotropy and frustrating next-nearest-neighbor interaction is studied in the limit of large integer S with the help of a field-theoretical approach. It is shown that the existence of gapless and gapped chiral phases found in recent numerical studies [M.Kaburagi et al., J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. vol.68, 3185 (1999), T.Hikihara et al., J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. vol.69, 259 (2000)] is not specific for S=1, but is rather a generic large-S feature. Estimates for the corresponding transition boundaries are obtained, and a sketch of the typical phase diagram is presented. It is also shown that frustration stabilizes the Haldane phase against the variation of the anisotropy.Comment: 4 revtex pages, 3 ps figure


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    The investigation deals with the study of the biomechanical properties of renal tissues and the comparison of different hemostatic suture procedures used during resection of the kidney for its tumor. The performed experimental study allows one to recommend that a renal capsule as the organ’s most stable and plastic part must be necessarily inserted into the hemostatic suture on both sides. The elastic modulus (Young’s modulus) serves as an integral indicator of the deformation-strength properties of renal tissues, which enables it to be recommended for the wider use in experimental and clinical studies. The proposed modified suture can minimize the number of postoperative bleedings from the renal parenchyma and reduce the time of surgery, thereby improving the results of organ-saving treatment in patients with kidney cancer.Исследование посвящено изучению биомеханических свойств тканей почки и сравнению различных методик гемостатических швов, применяемых при резекции почки по поводу опухоли. Проведенное экспериментальное исследование позволяет рекомендовать обязательное включение в гемостатический шов с двух сторон почечную капсулу как наиболее прочную и пластичную часть органа. Модуль упругости (модуль Юнга) служит интегральным показателем деформационно-прочностных свойств тканей почки, что позволяет рекомендовать его для более широкого использования в экспериментальных и клинических исследованиях. Предлагаемый модифицированный шов позволяет сократить до минимума число послеоперационных кровотечений из паренхимы почки, уменьшить время операции и тем самым улучшить результаты органосохраняющего лечения больных раком почки

    Commensurate-Incommensurate Phase Transitions for Multichain Quantum Spin Models: Exact Results

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    The behavior in an external magnetic field is studied for a wide class of multichain quantum spin models. It is shown that the magnetic field together with the interchain couplings cause commensurate-incommensurate phase transitions between the gapless phases in the ground state. The conformal limit of these models is studied and it is shown that the low-lying excitations for the incommensurate phases are not independent. A scenario for the transition from one to two space dimensions for the integrable multichain models is proposed. The similarities in the external field behavior for the quantum multichain spin models and a wide class of quantum field theories are discussed. The exponents for the gaps caused by relevant perturbations of the models are calculated.Comment: 23 pages, LaTeX, typos correcte

    Use of Polarization Lidar for Investigation of Meteorological Formations

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    This paper presents the results of theoretical and experimental, investigations of depolarization characteristics of different meteorological formations. Experimental investigations are carried out with a monostatic lidar. The ruby laser radiation is polarized in a vertical plane. The radiation reflected is accepted by a lens system of 150 rom in diameter and a viewing angle of 12' and further it is divided by Wollaston prism into the components polarized orthogonally. In this case the principal plane of the prism is exposed parallel with the laser polarization plane. Investigations show the degree of radiation polarization, reflected from water clouds, to be changed within 1/0.7 (seldom up to 0.6) depending on their density. In most cases a signal reflected from the cloud leading edge is polarized completely. The time shift is observed between polarized and crosspolarized components of a Fignal, reflected from a cloud, depending on the density of a meteorological object. While penetrating into the cloud depth a degree of polarization decreases up to 0.8-0.7, and the character of this decrease is different for various types of clouds. For crystal clouds the shift between the components of the reflected signal is not observed and the magnitude of polarization degree amounts to 0.1/0.3 in comparison with water clouds. The polarization degree of radiation reflected by fog is not less than 0.6, and that in the rains of average intensity (about 5 mm/h) is always about 1. The authors have suggested an algorithm of numerical solution of nonstationary transfer equation in the vector form to forecast the influence of multiple scattering effects on polarization characteristics of the lidar light signal. The method of statistical simulation (Monte-Carlo technique) forms the basis of the algorithm. Numerical estimates obtained for a model of stratocumulus at lambda = 0.6943 microns under boundary conditions close to the conditions of natural experiment being discussed proved to be in a good agreement with the results of observation. Specifically, Fig. 1 shows the profiles of polarization (p) versus depth (L) of the following drop formations: fog (curve 1) with horizontal meteorological visibility of 4 km two stratocumulus at a height of 1100 m with the attenuation factors delta = 0.01m(exp -1) (curve 2) and delta = 0.05m(exp -1) (curve 3). Curve 3 shows the results of numerical estimates and the value of their statistical error