21 research outputs found

    The basis of nonlocal curvature invariants in quantum gravity theory

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    A complete basis of nonlocal invariants in quantum gravity theory is built to third order in spacetime curvature and matter-field strengths. The nonlocal identities are obtained which reduce this basis for manifolds with dimensionality 2ω<62\omega<6. The present results are used in heat-kernel theory, theory of gauge fields and serve as a basis for the model-independent approach to quantum gravity and, in particular, for the study of nonlocal vacuum effects in the gravitational collapse problem.Comment: 28 pages, REVTeX, Alberta Thy 14-9

    Asymptotic behaviours of the heat kernel in covariant perturbation theory

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    The trace of the heat kernel is expanded in a basis of nonlocal curvature invariants of NNth order. The coefficients of this expansion (the nonlocal form factors) are calculated to third order in the curvature inclusive. The early-time and late-time asymptotic behaviours of the trace of the heat kernel are presented with this accuracy. The late-time behaviour gives the criterion of analyticity of the effective action in quantum field theory. The latter point is exemplified by deriving the effective action in two dimensions.Comment: 22 pages, REVTeX, Alberta Thy 45-9

    Plane torsion waves in quadratic gravitational theories

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    The definition of the Riemann-Cartan space of the plane wave type is given. The condition under which the torsion plane waves exist is found. It is expressed in the form of the restriction imposed on the coupling constants of the 10-parametric quadratic gravitational Lagrangian. In the mathematical appendix the formula for commutator of the variation operator and Hodge operator is proved. This formula is applied for the variational procedure when the gravitational field equations are obtained in terms of the exterior differential forms.Comment: 3 May 1998. - 11

    Dyonic Wormholes in 5D Kaluza-Klein Theory

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    New spherically symmetric dyonic solutions, describing a wormhole-like class of spacetime configurations in five-dimensional Kaluza-Klein theory, are given in an explicit form. For this type of solution the electric and magnetic fields cause a significantly different global structure. For the electric dominated case, the solution is everywhere regular but, when the magnetic strength overcomes the electric contribution, the mouths of the wormhole become singular points. When the electric and magnetic charge parameters are identical, the throats ``degenerate'' and the solution reduces to the trivial embedding of the four-dimensional massless Reissner-Nordstr{\"o}m black hole solution. In addition, their counterparts in eleven-dimensional supergravity are constructed by a non-trivial uplifting.Comment: Revised version to appear in Class. Quant. Gra

    Some Spinor-Curvature Identities

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    We describe a class of spinor-curvature identities which exist for Riemannian or Riemann-Cartan geometries. Each identity relates an expression quadratic in the covariant derivative of a spinor field with an expression linear in the curvature plus an exact differential. Certain special cases in 3 and 4 dimensions which have been or could be used in applications to General Relativity are noted.Comment: 5 pages Plain TeX, NCU-GR-93-SSC

    Pleba\'nski-Demia\'nski-like solutions in metric-affine gravity

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    We consider a (non--Riemannian) metric--affine gravity theory, in particular its nonmetricity--torsion sector ``isomorphic'' to the Einstein--Maxwell theory. We map certain Einstein--Maxwell electrovacuum solutions to it, namely the Pleba\'nski--Demia\'nski class of Petrov type D metrics.Comment: 12 pages of a LaTeX-fil

    Cosmological Landscape From Nothing: Some Like It Hot

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    We suggest a novel picture of the quantum Universe -- its creation is described by the {\em density matrix} defined by the Euclidean path integral. This yields an ensemble of universes -- a cosmological landscape -- in a mixed state which is shown to be dynamically more preferable than the pure quantum state of the Hartle-Hawking type. The latter is dynamically suppressed by the infinitely large positive action of its instanton, generated by the conformal anomaly of quantum fields within the cosmological bootstrap (the self-consistent back reaction of hot matter). This bootstrap suggests a solution to the problem of boundedness of the on-shell cosmological action and eliminates the infrared catastrophe of small cosmological constant in Euclidean quantum gravity. The cosmological landscape turns out to be limited to a bounded range of the cosmological constant Λmin≤Λ≤Λmax\Lambda_{\rm min}\leq \Lambda \leq \Lambda_{\rm max}. The domain Λ<Λmin\Lambda<\Lambda_{\rm min} is ruled out by the back reaction effect which we analyze by solving effective Euclidean equations of motion. The upper cutoff is enforced by the quantum effects of vacuum energy and the conformal anomaly mediated by a special ghost-avoidance renormalization of the effective action. They establish a new quantum scale Λmax\Lambda_{\rm max} which is determined by the coefficient of the topological Gauss-Bonnet term in the conformal anomaly. This scale is realized as the upper bound -- the limiting point of an infinite sequence of garland-type instantons which constitute the full cosmological landscape. The dependence of the cosmological constant range on particle phenomenology suggests a possible dynamical selection mechanism for the landscape of string vacua.Comment: Final version, to appear in JCA

    Can Galactic Observations Be Explained by a Relativistic Gravity Theory?

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    We consider the possibility of an alternative gravity theory explaining the dynamics of galactic systems without dark matter. From very general assumptions about the structure of a relativistic gravity theory we derive a general expression for the metric to order (v/c)2(v/c)^2. This allows us to compare the predictions of the theory with various experimental data: the Newtonian limit, light deflection and retardation, rotation of galaxies and gravitational lensing. Our general conclusion is that the possibility for any gravity theory to explain the behaviour of galaxies without dark matter is rather improbable.Comment: 12p, REVTeX 3.