282 research outputs found
Теоретико-прикладні засади дослідження запобігання суїциду в пенітенціарних установах України
Suicide prevention in penal establishments and pre-trial institutions is the one of priority tasks of State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine. This problem could be solved only after serious analysis of current situation in wide social context. The actual questions of research for the reasons of suicides as well as increase of their number in prisons are illuminated in the article. The methods of suicide preventing among convicted persons and inmates are proposed. Предупреждение самоубийств, совершаемых в учреждениях исполнения наказаний и следственных изоляторах, – одно из приоритетных заданий Государственной пенитенциарной службы Украины. Решение этой проблемы не возможно без основательного анализа текущей ситуации с привлечением обширного социального контекста. В статье освещены актуальные вопросы исследования причин суицидов, а также увеличения их числа в пенитенциарных учреждениях. Предложены способы предупреждения совершения суицида осужденными и заключенными.Попередження самогубств, що вчинюються в установах виконання покарань та слідчих ізоляторах, є одним із пріоритетних завдань Державної пенітенціарної служби України. Вирішення цієї проблеми не можливе без ґрунтовного аналізу поточної ситуації із залученням широкого соціального контексту. У статті висвітлено актуальні питання дослідження причин суїцидів зростання кількості їх кількості у пенітенціарних установах. Запропоновано шляхи запобігання вчиненню засудженими та ув’язненими суїциду
The main ideas and properties of blockchain have been examined: architecture, models of blockchain use, in particular, decentralized autonomous organizations and applications, private blockchain – systems and blockchain – services. Blockchain infrastructure in implementation has been analyzed: reality and myths. An attention has been paid to current trends of blockchain usage in business and society in terms of opportunities, threats and risks. The areas of blockchain implementation have been presented, such as government, business, financial organizations, cryptocurrency and ICO, smart contracts and current trends of using blockchain technology
Translation Solutions for Sustainable Collocations of the English Political Mass Media Discourse
The article discusses the issues of syntactic-semantic solutions of fixed collocations translation. A review of collocation samples under study has been performed; and their definition has been given. The authors undertake a comparative analysis of the collocations in the process of their translation from English into Russian. The results of the functioning of the phrases studied in the English-language political mass media texts have been presented. Particular attention is paid to such word combinations that make up the periphery of phraseology. This approach is the authors development of the topic of the collocations. It is shown that the latter have not yet fully adopted their final form of use. The authors also assume that the collocations under analysis have not yet been recorded in the dictionaries. This is the core point of the authors’ development. The novelty of the study is seen in the fact that for the first time the presence of the related meaning of one of the components of such collocations is formulated. It is concluded that its direct and figurative meanings cannot but affect the translation solutions. The authors argue that the probability of borrowings and metaphorization among such word combinations is very high. The classification of models of formation of these constructions has been proposed. The relevance of the study can be explained by the difficulties of their rendering. The authors of the article offer their innovative approaches of translation solutions of mass media collocations under study
Contemporary experience of education digitalization
The article considers the evolution, forms and current situation in the field of education based on information technologies (ITE). The authors investigate directions of changes in the educational sphere as a form of activity, as well as the system and process of knowledge transfer under information and communication technologies (ICT) influence. The paper defines the general properties of the forms of education, based on information technologies. The authors use as a tool of studying the impact of the information and communication technologies on educational institutions and on a learning process the idea of a value chain and employees routine loops reflection in it. The study highlights three areas in which information and communication technologies are changing educational organizations: pedagogics, infrastructure, and organization. The article shows how these changes are seen in the value chain. The paper considers a number of trends in the widely understood process of digitalization of education, the COVID-19 pandemic impact on the development of on-line education, evaluates the existing experience of such education and the limits of its applicability
Маркетинговые методы в работе медицинской библиотеки
Application of marketing approaches in the Scientific Medical Library of the SSMU. The use of additional financial assets for library development. Informational and promotional activities. Library work on the formation and perfection of the image.Внедрение маркетинговых подходов в научно-медицинской библиотеке Сибирского государственного медицинского университета (НМБ СГМУ). Привлечение дополнительных финансовых средств на развитие библиотеки. Информационная и рекламная деятельность. Работа библиотеки по формированию и совершенствованию имиджа
A importância do problema apresentado no artigo é determinada pelo fato de que a manifestação de agressão entre crianças e adolescentes em instituições de ensino da sociedade contemporânea representa um novo desafio para a escola russa, o sistema de aplicação da lei e o sistema de apoio social no país. Federação Russa. O artigo contém os resultados da análise do comportamento agressivo entre menores como fator na formação de comportamentos desviantes de crianças e adolescentes. O autor fundamentou a necessidade de incluir os seguintes componentes no sistema de prevenção do impacto negativo da atividade da Internet na socialização de crianças em idade escolar: o desenvolvimento de uma cultura da informação, o desenvolvimento de qualidades pessoais que contribuam para o enfrentamento de riscos.The importance of the problem presented in the paper is determined by the fact that the manifestation of aggression among children and teenagers in educational institutions in contemporary society represents a new challenge for the Russian school, the law enforcement system and the system of social support in the Russian Federation. The paper contains the results of the analysis of aggressive behavior among minors as a factor in the formation of deviant behavior of children and teenagers. The author has substantiated the necessity to include the following components in the system of prevention of the negative impact of Internet activity on socialization of schoolchildren: the development of an information culture, the development of personal qualities that contribute to confronting risks.La importancia del problema presentado en el documento está determinada por el hecho de que la manifestación de agresión entre niños y adolescentes en las instituciones educativas de la sociedad contemporánea representa un nuevo desafío para la escuela rusa, el sistema de aplicación de la ley y el sistema de apoyo social en el país. Federación Rusa. El documento contiene los resultados del análisis del comportamiento agresivo entre menores como un factor en la formación del comportamiento desviado de niños y adolescentes. El autor ha corroborado la necesidad de incluir los siguientes componentes en el sistema de prevención del impacto negativo de la actividad de Internet en la socialización de los escolares: el desarrollo de una cultura de la información, el desarrollo de cualidades personales que contribuyen a enfrentar los riesgos
Genre Specificity of the Official Site of the Parish (Based on the Website of the Sem Klyuchei Parish in Honour of the Vladimir Icon of the Blessed Virgin)
В работе рассматривается официальный сайт прихода на предмет взаимосвязи религиозного и публицистического стилей. Анализируется жанровая специфика сайта.The article studies the official website of the parish and specially considers the relationship between religious and journalistic styles. The genre specificity of the site is analyzed
English Mainstream Texts and Specifics of Their Discourse Expansion
The paper discusses English mainstream discourse specifics and its expanding under the lens of collocations. With discourse definition being provided, discourse vs text differences are reviewed. Based on the mainstream discourse definition, collocation examples borrowed from the authentic English sources have been collected and studied. The paper analysis is focused on featuring their semantics, with some of the examples undergoing reinterpretation of the words’ direct meaning. Other cases are emphasized as hard to reveal the direct meaning due to lack of information transparency or triviality conveyed by a marked out component of the collocation. The scientific originality of the study is expected to be found in the way the authors verbalize the information. The specific intentions are conveyed by “ packing ” them into a language structure with specific features attached. The backdrop knowledge used embraces both the language structure insights and those of the social context, social “landscape”, anthropogenic figurativeness, etc to reach the targeted addressee. The research topicality as considered by the coauthors, involves identifying the usual discourse expansion features which characterize general or specific language “landscape”. The verbs and collocations with a certain role to play in a verbal and cognitive process of discourse expanding, its dynamic changes and mainstream text organization are analyzed as a part of the respective semantic field
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