10,112 research outputs found

    Binary spinning black hole Hamiltonian in canonical center-of-mass and rest-frame coordinates through higher post-Newtonian order

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    The recently constructed Hamiltonians for spinless binary black holes through third post-Newtonian order and for spinning ones through formal second post-Newtonian order, where the spins are counted of zero post-Newtonian order, are transformed into fully canonical center-of-mass and rest-frame variables. The mixture terms in the Hamiltonians between center-of-mass and rest-frame variables are in accordance with the relation between the total linear momentum and the center-of-mass velocity as demanded by global Lorentz invariance. The various generating functions for the center-of-mass and rest-frame canonical variables are explicitly given in terms of the single-particle canonical variables. The no-interaction theorem does not apply because the world-line condition of Lorentz covariant position variables is not imposed.Comment: 18 pages, no figure

    QCD at Finite Density and Color Superconductivity

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    Brief review of current status of the field.Comment: Invited talk at Lattice 99, Pisa, July 1999. 5 pages, 7 fig

    Channeling process in a bent crystal

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    We have investigated the channeling process of charged particles in a bent crystal. Invoking simple assumptions we derive a criterion, which determines whether channeling occurs or not. We obtain the same criterion using the Dirac equation. It is shown that the centrifugal force acting on the particle in the bent crystal significantly alters the effective transverse potential. The cases of axial and planar channeling are considered. The channeling probability and the dechanneling probability due to tunneling of the particle under the barrier in the effective transverse potential are estimated. These probabilities depend on the specific scaling parameter characterizing the process. Using the quasiclassical theory of synchrotron radiation we have calculated the contribution to the radiation spectrum, which arises due to the curvature of the channel. This contribution becomes significant to TeV electrons or positrons. Some practical consequences of our results are briefly discussed

    Two-dimensional simulations of temperature and current-density distribution in electromigrated structures

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    We report on the application of a feedback-controlled electromigration technique for the formation of nanometer-sized gaps in mesoscopic gold wires and rings. The effect of current density and temperature, linked via Joule heating, on the resulting gap size is investigated. Experimentally, a good thermal coupling to the substrate turned out to be crucial to reach electrode spacings below 10 nm and to avoid overall melting of the nanostructures. This finding is supported by numerical calculations of the current-density and temperature profiles for structure layouts subjected to electromigration. The numerical method can be used for optimizing the layout so as to predetermine the location where electromigation leads to the formation of a gap.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Production of Z^0 bosons with rapidity gaps: exclusive photoproduction in gamma p and p p collisions and inclusive double diffractive Z^0's

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    We extend the k_\perp-factorization formalism for exclusive photoproduction of vector mesons to the production of electroweak Z^0 bosons. Predictions for the gamma p \to Z^0 p and p p \to p p Z^0 reactions are given using an unintegrated gluon distribution tested against deep inelastic data. We present distributions in the Z^0 rapidity, transverse momentum of Z^0 as well as in relative azimuthal angle between outgoing protons. The contributions of different flavours are discussed. Absorption effects lower the cross section by a factor of 1.5-2, depending on the Z-boson rapidity. We also discuss the production of Z^0 bosons in central inclusive production. Here rapidity and (x_{\Pom,1}, x_{\Pom,2}) distributions of Z^0 are calculated. The corresponding cross section is about three orders of magnitude larger than that for the purely exclusive process.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figs, A. Cisek is married name of A. Rybarsk

    Geostatistical interpretation of paleoceanographic data over large ocean basins - Reality and fiction

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    A promising approach to reconstruct oceanographic scenarios of past time slices is to drive numerical ocean circulation models with sea surface temperatures, salinities, and ice distributions derived from sediment core data. Set up properly, this combination of boundary conditions provided by the data and physical constraints represented by the model can yield physically consistent sets of three-dimensional water mass distribution and circulation patterns. This idea is not only promising but dangerous, too. Numerical models cannot be fed directly with data from single core locations distributed unevenly and, as it is the common case, scarcely in space. Conversely, most models require forcing data sets on a regular grid with no missing points, and some method of interpolation between punctual source data and model grid has to be employed. An ideal gridding scheme must retain as much of the information present in the sediment core data while generating as few artifacts in the interpolated field as possible. Based on a set of oxygen isotope ratios, we discuss several standard interpolation strategies, namely nearest neighbour schemes, bicubic splines, Delaunay triangulation, and ordinary and indicator kriging. We assess the gridded fields with regard to their physical consistence and their implications for the oceanic circulation

    Variable damping and coherence in a high-density magnon gas

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    We report on the fast relaxation behavior of a high-density magnon gas created by a parametric amplification process. The magnon gas is probed using the technique of spin-wave packet recovery by parallel parametric pumping. Experimental results show a damping behavior which is in disagreement with both the standard model of exponential decay and with earlier observations of non-linear damping. In particular, the inherent magnon damping is found to depend upon the presence of the parametric pumping field. A phenomenological model which accounts for the dephasing of the earlier injected magnons is in good agreement with the experimental data
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