176 research outputs found

    The Quality of Aesthetic Development in The Context of An Art Festival as A Condition for The Overall Development of Children and Adolescents

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    The article examines the problem of the aesthetic development of children and adolescents as a fundamental condition for the quality of education and the modern approach to educational process organization in the context of interaction of general and additional education. The authors disclose this direction of research from the point of a long-term experimental study conducted by researchers at the Institute of Art Education and Cultural Studies of the Russian Academy of Education in the period from the middle of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century. The analysis of materials of a substantial scientific study of the problem of measuring the aesthetic development of children on the example of Russia and the studies by the leading foreign scientists is carried out. The authors raise the issues related to solving this problem in modern educational organizations and schools. The article identifies the modern pedagogical principles and conditions for the implementation of the basics of aesthetic development including the aesthetic perception of the works of art by children of different ages in the practice of children’s educational organizations. The resolution of the problem of high-quality modern education is found in creating a well-organized subject and spatial environment, changing all the components of education and upbringing, and highlighting the fundamental cultural core in them

    Розкриття інформації про бенефіціарного власника та принцип прозорості у корпоративному управлінні

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    У статті розглядається динаміка сучасного сві­ту, де глобалізація визначає економічні та фінан­сові відносини, поняття «бенефіціарний власник» стає ключовим у контексті міжнародних фінансо­вих структур. Ця тема викликає значний інтерес і дискусію, оскільки ідентифікація справжнього власника та користувача фінансових ресурсів стає складнішою через розвиток різноманітних бізнес-моделей та фінансових інструментів. На­разі прозорість бенефіціарної власності розгля­дається як ключовий аспект політики у боротьбі з незаконними фінансовими потоками, до яких належать транскордонні фінансові операції, спрямовані на відмивання грошей, ухилення від сплати податків; корупція та фінансування те­роризму. Без прозорості бенефіціарної власності злочинці можуть брати участь у незаконній ді­яльності, приховуючи це за юридичними особами чи номінальними власниками. Зловживання кор­поративною таємницею можна запобігти шляхом ідентифікації, реєстрації та розкриття інформації про осіб, які здійснюють вирішальний вплив або контроль за діяльністю юридичних осіб, таких як компанії, товариства, трасти або подібні юридич­ні особи. Питання створення суб'єктів із прозо­рою структурою власності, зниження рівня ко­рупції, розкриття суспільству реальних власників певних компаній, запобігання та протидія легалі­зації незаконних доходів чиновниками всіх рівнів залишаються пріоритетними в Україні. Зокрема, країни, в яких юридичні особи можуть випускати акції на пред'явника або варранти на пред'явни­ка, або в яких можуть існувати номінальні акці­онери чи номінальні директори, повинні вжити ефективних заходів для забезпечення того, щоб вони не використовувалися для відмивання ко­штів або фінансування тероризму. У статті роз­глядається роль бенефіціарного власника в між­народних фінансових структурах, розкриваєть­ся сутність поняття, його значення та вплив на фінансові процеси. Дослідження спрямоване на розкриття ключових аспектів, пов'язаних із ви­значенням бенефіціарного власника, його ролі у запобіганні агресивному податковому плануван­ню, а також у контексті дотримання міжнародних норм і стандартів у сфері фінансової прозорості


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    The formation of food liquid medium structures containing at least 70 % of disperse particles with high dispersiveness has been considered. The possible formation mechanisms of food liquid medium structure when slow (hydrodynamic) and quick (acoustic) processes create favorable conditions for cavitation have been studied. The possibility to control these processes for initiation of mechanical and kinetic reactions that change the structure of the medium has been demonstrated. The invert syrup has been selected as the study object. The change in the invert syrup structure before and after such cavitation treatment has been recorded with the use of metallographic microscope Nikon Eclipse MA100. The decrease in disperse phase sizes from 2–3 µm to 0.1–0.4 µm along with establishing the high uniformity of component distribution as compared to the syrup without cavitation process treatment has been detected. The formation of food liquid medium structures containing at least 70 % of disperse particles with high dispersiveness has been considered. The possible formation mechanisms of food liquid medium structure when slow (hydrodynamic) and quick (acoustic) processes create favorable conditions for cavitation have been studied. The possibility to control these processes for initiation of mechanical and kinetic reactions that change the structure of the medium has been demonstrated. The invert syrup has been selected as the study object. The change in the invert syrup structure before and after such cavitation treatment has been recorded with the use of metallographic microscope Nikon Eclipse MA100. The decrease in disperse phase sizes from 2–3 µm to 0.1–0.4 µm along with establishing the high uniformity of component distribution as compared to the syrup without cavitation process treatment has been detected.


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    The main recipe component of most types of flour confectionery is wheat flour, the technological properties of which largely effect not only the quality indicators of the finished product, but also the stability of the technological flow of its production. However, today, in Russia there are no specialized requirements for the quality of wheat flour for confectionery, in contrast to the requirements for the baking wheat flour. The article lists the main problems and features of the quality of Russian wheat flour consisting in the absence of target classifications of grain and a decrease in its qualitative potential, in particular, a decrease in the amount of gluten and improvement of its quality. As part of the work, the influence of the technological properties of wheat flour on the rheological parameters of the dough and the quality of sugar cookies, which are traditionally in high demand of population groups of every age, was studied, while the share of domestic products is more than 85%. The work was performed in the laboratory of flour confectionery products of All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Confectionery Industry. The determination of organoleptic, physical and chemical, structural and mechanical indicators of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products was carried out by standard methods.The main recipe component of most types of flour confectionery is wheat flour, the technological properties of which largely effect not only the quality indicators of the finished product, but also the stability of the technological flow of its production. However, today, in Russia there are no specialized requirements for the quality of wheat flour for confectionery, in contrast to the requirements for the baking wheat flour. The article lists the main problems and features of the quality of Russian wheat flour consisting in the absence of target classifications of grain and a decrease in its qualitative potential, in particular, a decrease in the amount of gluten and improvement of its quality. As part of the work, the influence of the technological properties of wheat flour on the rheological parameters of the dough and the quality of sugar cookies, which are traditionally in high demand of population groups of every age, was studied, while the share of domestic products is more than 85%. The work was performed in the laboratory of flour confectionery products of All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Confectionery Industry. The determination of organoleptic, physical and chemical, structural and mechanical indicators of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products was carried out by standard methods

    Three-Dimensional Mathematical Modeling of Dynamics Interfaces Between Aluminum, Electrolytes and Reverse Zone of Oxidized Metal Depending on the Potencial Distribution

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    В статье представлена новая математическая модель с высокой степенью детализации описания изучаемых процессов. Проведены расчёты электролизёра Содерберга для модельной задачи, а также расчёты для многоанодного электролизёра. Для описания гидродинамики процесса электролиза используется система уравнений Навье-Стокса. Распределение электромагнитных полей описывается системой уравнений Максвелла. Рассматривается влияние распределения потенциала по аноду на МГД-стабильность электролиза, а также даётся сравнительный анализ численных экспериментовThe mathematical model with a high detailed description of the studied processes is presented in current paper. Results of modeling Soderbergh’s reduction cell for model task and for reduction cell with multiple anodes are also presented. System of the equations of Navier-Stokes is used for modeling of hydrodynamics of process of electrolysis. Distribution of electromagnetic fields is fitted to Maxwell’s system of equations. Influence of distribution of electric potential over the anode on MHD-stability of process is considered and comparative analysis of numerical experiments is also give

    Mathematical Model of Electrodiffusion, Dissociation and Recombination in the Diffusive Layer

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    We study a mathematical model of electrochemical processes in the thin diffusive layer of polymer electrolyte between the electrode and the bulk. We consider diffusion, migration, dissociation and recombination of positive and negative ions in the electric field that take place in this region under various boundary conditions. We demonstrate that the unique stable steady state of the electrochemical system is determined by the ratio of dissociation to recombination. This state attracts time-dependent solutions of the model, but their convergence strongly depends on the electroneutrality of the bulk

    Reactive oxygen-related diseases: therapeutic targets and emerging clinical indications

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    SIGNIFICANCE Enhanced levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) have been associated with different disease states. Most attempts to validate and exploit these associations by chronic antioxidant therapies have provided disappointing results. Hence, the clinical relevance of ROS is still largely unclear. RECENT ADVANCES We are now beginning to understand the reasons for these failures, which reside in the many important physiological roles of ROS in cell signaling. To exploit ROS therapeutically, it would be essential to define and treat the disease-relevant ROS at the right moment and leave physiological ROS formation intact. This breakthrough seems now within reach. CRITICAL ISSUES Rather than antioxidants, a new generation of protein targets for classical pharmacological agents includes ROS-forming or toxifying enzymes or proteins that are oxidatively damaged and can be functionally repaired. FUTURE DIRECTIONS Linking these target proteins in future to specific disease states and providing in each case proof of principle will be essential for translating the oxidative stress concept into the clinic. Antioxid. Redox Signal. 23, 1171-1185