3,350 research outputs found

    On the asymptotic acoustic-mode phase in red-giant stars and its dependence on evolutionary state

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    Asteroseismic investigations based on the wealth of data now available,in particular from the CoRoT and Kepler missions, require a good understanding of the relation between the observed quantities and the properties of the underlying stellar structure. Kallinger et al. 2012 found a relation between their determination of the asymptotic phase of radial oscillations in evolved stars and the evolutionary state, separating ascending-branch red giants from helium-burning stars in the `red clump'. Here we provide a detailed analysis of this relation, which is found to derive from differences between these two classes of stars in the thermodynamic state of the convective envelope. There is potential for distinguishing red giants and clump stars based on the phase determined from observations that are too short to allow distinction based on determination of the period spacing for mixed modes. The analysis of the phase may also point to a better understanding of the potential for using the helium-ionization-induced acoustic glitch to determine the helium abundance in the envelopes of these stars.Comment: MNRAS, in the pres

    Tests of the asymptotic large frequency separation of acoustic oscillations in solar-type and red giant stars

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    Asteroseismology, i.e. the study of the internal structures of stars via their global oscillations, is a valuable tool to obtain stellar parameters such as mass, radius, surface gravity and mean density. These parameters can be obtained using certain scaling relations which are based on an asymptotic approximation. Usually the observed oscillation parameters are assumed to follow these scaling relations. Recently, it has been questioned whether this is a valid approach, i.e., whether the order of the observed oscillation modes are high enough to be approximated with an asymptotic theory. In this work we use stellar models to investigate whether the differences between observable oscillation parameters and their asymptotic estimates are indeed significant. We compute the asymptotic values directly from the stellar models and derive the observable values from adiabatic pulsation calculations of the same models. We find that the extent to which the atmosphere is included in the models is a key parameter. Considering a larger extension of the atmosphere beyond the photosphere reduces the difference between the asymptotic and observable values of the large frequency separation. Therefore, we conclude that the currently suggested discrepancies in the scaling relations might have been overestimated. Hence, based on the results presented here we believe that the suggestions of Mosser et al. (2013) should not be followed without careful consideration.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication by MNRAS as a Letter to the Edito

    Measuring the extent of convective cores in low-mass stars using Kepler data: towards a calibration of core overshooting

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    Our poor understanding of the boundaries of convective cores generates large uncertainties on the extent of these cores and thus on stellar ages. Our aim is to use asteroseismology to consistently measure the extent of convective cores in a sample of main-sequence stars whose masses lie around the mass-limit for having a convective core. We first test and validate a seismic diagnostic that was proposed to probe in a model-dependent way the extent of convective cores using the so-called r010r_{010} ratios, which are built with l=0l=0 and l=1l=1 modes. We apply this procedure to 24 low-mass stars chosen among Kepler targets to optimize the efficiency of this diagnostic. For this purpose, we compute grids of stellar models with both the CESAM2k and MESA evolution codes, where the extensions of convective cores are modeled either by an instantaneous mixing or as a diffusion process. Among the selected targets, we are able to unambiguously detect convective cores in eight stars and we obtain seismic measurements of the extent of the mixed core in these targets with a good agreement between the CESAM2k and MESA codes. By performing optimizations using the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm, we then obtain estimates of the amount of extra-mixing beyond the core that is required in CESAM2k to reproduce seismic observations for these eight stars and we show that this can be used to propose a calibration of this quantity. This calibration depends on the prescription chosen for the extra-mixing, but we find that it should be valid also for the code MESA, provided the same prescription is used. This study constitutes a first step towards the calibration of the extension of convective cores in low-mass stars, which will help reduce the uncertainties on the ages of these stars.Comment: 27 pages, 15 figures, accepted in A&

    Avances en el manejo eficiente del olivar surbonaerense

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    Cinco años de vinculación entre la Cámara de Productores Olivícolas “Sur Oliva”, con sede en la cabecera del partido surbonaerense de Coronel Dorrego, el Programa Nacional de Reconversión Productiva (Cambio Rural) dependiente de la Chacra Experimental Integrada Barrow del Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria y las asignaturas Propiedades Edáficas y Fertilidad (módulo Física de Suelo), Fruticultura, Utilización de Residuos Orgánicos, Zoología Agrícola y Patología Vegetal del Departamento de Agronomía de la Universidad Nacional del Sur han consolidado un grupo de trabajo interdisciplinario y una vía de comunicación con el medio productivo. Se comenzó con la detección de problemáticas que originaron distintas líneas de investigación con la participación de estudiantes y graduados y el apoyo de organismos provinciales (Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas) y municipales. Luego surgieron actividades de asistencia técnica a productores y se instalaron parcelas experimentales en una de las fincas, las cuales generan conocimientos y experiencias, que también enriquecen la labor docente con la incorporación curricular de nuevos contenidos. La difusión de resultados y conclusiones se canaliza a través de revistas, jornadas y reuniones científicas, y mediante el contacto directo con integrantes del sistema productivo. También se publicó material en la revista “AgroUNS”, órgano de difusión del Departamento de Agronomía

    Measuring the vertical age structure of the Galactic disc using asteroseismology and SAGA

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    The existence of a vertical age gradient in the Milky Way disc has been indirectly known for long. Here, we measure it directly for the first time with seismic ages, using red giants observed by Kepler. We use Stroemgren photometry to gauge the selection function of asteroseismic targets, and derive colour and magnitude limits where giants with measured oscillations are representative of the underlying population in the field. Limits in the 2MASS system are also derived. We lay out a method to assess and correct for target selection effects independent of Galaxy models. We find that low mass, i.e. old red giants dominate at increasing Galactic heights, whereas closer to the Galactic plane they exhibit a wide range of ages and metallicities. Parametrizing this as a vertical gradient returns approximately 4 Gyr/kpc for the disc we probe, although with a large dispersion of ages at all heights. The ages of stars show a smooth distribution over the last 10 Gyr, consistent with a mostly quiescent evolution for the Milky Way disc since a redshift of about 2. We also find a flat age-metallicity relation for disc stars. Finally, we show how to use secondary clump stars to estimate the present-day intrinsic metallicity spread, and suggest using their number count as a new proxy for tracing the ageing of the disc. This work highlights the power of asteroseismology for Galactic studies; however, we also emphasize the need for better constraints on stellar mass-loss, which is a major source of systematic age uncertainties in red giant stars.Comment: MNRAS, accepted. SAGA website and data at http://www.mso.anu.edu.au/saga/data_access.htm

    Avaliação da governança da água em bacias hidrográficas do Rio de Janeiro como suporte ao gerenciamento dos recursos hídricos.

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    A governança da água vem ganhando importância, pois se percebeu que a crise da água está muitas vezes relacionada às deficiências na tomada de decisão. A Lei Nacional da Água permitiu com que o Brasil criasse interessantes instrumentos para a gestão integrada e sustentável da água, incluindo diferentes atores locais na tomada de decisão no âmbito dos comitês de bacias hidrográficas. No Rio de Janeiro há nove comitês de bacias os que abastecem a maior parte da população são: Guandu, Lagos São João e Guapi-Macacu. Este estudo avaliou o seu desempenho em relação à governança da água. Embora a disponibilidade de água não seja um problema, o crescimento demográfico e econômico geram aumento da demanda e, consequentemente, das fontes de poluição da água. Por meio da adaptação do método Barômetro da Governança Local a percepção de diferentes atores locais foi obtida por meio de entrevistas com diferentes atores, quelevaram em conta: efetividade, eficiência, transparência, regras e leis, prestação de contas, resolução de conflitos, conscientização, participação, equidade, mobilização e articulação. Lacunas na estrutura de governança da água foram identificadas em diferentes níveis nas bacias estudadas. Para melhorar o seu nível é importante focar em alguns aspectos tais como: educação ambiental, empoderamento local, diálogo entre os níveis estaduais e municipais, eficiência do uso da água e na transparência do processo decisório

    Avaliação da governança da água em bacias hidrográficas do Rio de Janeiro como suporte ao gerenciamento dos recursos hídricos.

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    A governança da água vem ganhando importância, pois se percebeu que a crise da água está muitas vezes relacionada às deficiências na tomada de decisão. A Lei Nacional da Água permitiu com que o Brasil criasse interessantes instrumentos para a gestão integrada e sustentável da água, incluindo diferentes atores locais na tomada de decisão no âmbito dos comitês de bacias hidrográficas. No Rio de Janeiro há nove comitês de bacias os que abastecem a maior parte da população são: Guandu, Lagos São João e Guapi-Macacu. Este estudo avaliou o seu desempenho em relação à governança da água. Embora a disponibilidade de água não seja um problema, o crescimento demográfico e econômico geram aumento da demanda e, consequentemente, das fontes de poluição da água. Por meio da adaptação do método Barômetro da Governança Local a percepção de diferentes atores locais foi obtida por meio de entrevistas com diferentes atores, que levaram em conta: efetividade, eficiência, transparência, regras e leis, prestação de contas, resolução de conflitos, conscientização, participação, equidade, mobilização e articulação. Lacunas na estrutura de governança da água foram identificadas em diferentes níveis nas bacias estudadas. Para melhorar o seu nível é importante focar em alguns aspectos tais como: educação ambiental, empoderamento local, diálogo entre os níveis estaduais e municipais, eficiência do uso da água e na transparência do processo decisório

    The Bolocam 1.1 mm Lockman Hole Galaxy Survey: SHARC II 350 micron Photometry and Implications for Spectral Models, Dust Temperatures, and Redshift Estimation

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    We present 350 micron photometry of all 17 galaxy candidates in the Lockman Hole detected in a 1.1 mm Bolocam survey. Several of the galaxies were previously detected at 850 microns, at 1.2 mm, in the infrared by Spitzer, and in the radio. Nine of the Bolocam galaxy candidates were detected at 350 microns and two new candidates were serendipitously detected at 350 microns (bringing the total in the literature detected in this way to three). Five of the galaxies have published spectroscopic redshifts, enabling investigation of the implied temperature ranges and a comparison of photometric redshift techniques. Lambda = 350 microns lies near the spectral energy distribution peak for z = 2.5 thermally emitting galaxies. Thus, luminosities can be measured without extrapolating to the peak from detection wavelengths of lambda > 850 microns. Characteristically, the galaxy luminosities lie in the range 1.0 - 1.2 x 10^13 L_solar, with dust temperatures in the range of 40 K to 70 K, depending on the choice of spectral index and wavelength of unit optical depth. The implied dust masses are 3 - 5 x 10^8 M_solar. We find that the far-infrared to radio relation for star-forming ULIRGs systematically overpredicts the radio luminosities and overestimates redshifts on the order of Delta z ~ 1, whereas redshifts based on either on submillimeter data alone or the 1.6 micron stellar bump and PAH features are more accurate.Comment: In Press (to appear in Astrophysical Journal, ApJ 20 May 2006 v643 1) 47 pages, 10 figures, 4 table

    `Pure' Supernovae and Accelerated Expansion of the Universe

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    A special class of type Ia supernovae that is not subject to ordinary and additional intragalactic gray absorption and chemical evolution has been identified. Analysis of the Hubble diagrams constructed for these supernovae confirms the accelerated expansion of the Universe irrespective of the chemical evolution and possible gray absorption in galaxies.Comment: 2 figures, 1 tabl