660 research outputs found

    The groups of automorphisms of the Lie algebras of formally analytic vector fields with constant divergence

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    The groups of automorphisms of the Lie algebras of formally analytic vector fields with constant divergence are found.Comment: 4 page

    Mirror instability in a plasma with cold gyrating dust particles

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    In this work linear stability analysis of a magnetized dusty plasma with an anisotropic dust component having transversal motions much stronger than motions parallel to the external magnetic field, and isotropic light plasma components is described. Such a situation presumably establishes in a shock compressed space dusty plasma downstream the shock front. Oblique low-frequency magneto-hydrodynamic waves (ωωcd\omega\ll \omega_{cd}, ωcd\omega_{cd} being the dust cyclotron frequency) are shown to be undergone to the mirror instability. Consequences for nonthermal dust destruction behind shock fronts in the interstellar medium are discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figs, accepted to Phys. Pasma


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    Purpose. Description of construction and basic technical descriptions developed and created in Research & Design Institute «Molniya» National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» high-voltage heavy-current coaxial disk shunt of type of SC-300M2, allowing reliably to measure the peak-temporal parameters (PTP) of impulses of current of artificial lightning in wide peak and temporal ranges with the integral of their action to 15·106 J/Ohm. Methodology. Electrophysics bases of high-voltage impulsive technique, scientific and technical bases of development and creation of high-voltage heavy-current impulsive electrical equipment, including the powerful generators of current of lightning (GCL), and also measuring methods in bit chains powerful high-voltage GCL AVP large impulsive currents of micro- and millisecond temporal ranges. Results. Offered and described new construction of measuring high-voltage heavy-current shunt, containing a measuring round disk from stainless steel easily soiled a 12Х18Н10Т thickness 2 mm and external diameter 80 mm. Experimental a way impulsive active resistance of RS≈0,08 mOhm of the indicated measuring disk and on his basis a calculation coefficient transformation is found of SS of coaxial disk shunt of type of SC-300M2, numeral equal in the concerted mode of operations of his coaxial cable line (CCL) SS≈2/RS≈25·103 A/V. It is rotined that it is expedient to use this value SS for measuring in the heavy-current bit chain of GCL ATP impulsive A- and repeated impulsive D- component of current of artificial lightning, and also ATP of aperiodic impulse of current of artificial lightning of temporal form 10 μc/350 μc. It is set that taking into account application in the end CCL of shunt of a co-ordinate divizor of voltage with two output coaxial sockets 1:1 (for SSA≈25·103 A/V) and 1:2 (SSC≈12,5·103 A/V) at measuring of ATP intermediate B-, protracted C- and shortened protracted C*- component of current of artificial lightning in GCL it is expedient to utillize a numeral value SS for the examined shunt, equal 12,5·103 A/V. Practical approbation and verification of capacity of the improved measuring coaxial disk shunt of type of SC-300M2 is executed in the high-voltage heavy-current bit chain of powerful GCL, forming on the actively-inductive loading of A- and C*- the components of current of artificial lightning with rationed ATP. Originality. Developed and created new high-voltage heavy-current measuring shunt of type of SC-300M2, allowing reliably to register rationed ATP of attenuation sinewave and aperiodic impulses of current of artificial lightning in the bit chains of powerful GCL with amplitude to ±220 кА and integral them action to 13,5·106 J/Ohm. On the measuring coaxial disk shunt of type of SC-300M2 from government metrology service of Ukraine the certificate of accordance of the set form is got. Practical value. Application of the created shunt of type of SC-300M2 in composition the high-voltage heavy-current bit chains of powerful GCL will allow in a certain measure to improve the metrology providing of tests of aviation and space-rocket technique, and also objects of electroenergy on stability to lightning

    Assessment of coal quality on the site “Uspenivska No 2” in Western Donbas based on the statistical analysis of its chemical and technological properties

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    Purpose. To conduct a comprehensive assessment of the coal seams’ quality on the site “Uspenivska No 2” in Lozivskyi coal-bearing area of the Western Donbas industrial district; establish their grade composition according to current standards, and find the main directions of their rational use. Methods. The research is based on the methods of analysis, synthesis, and statistical treatment of indices followed by the prognosis and refining of coal quality characteristics. Findings. We analyzed the reserves of fuel and energy resources of Ukraine and evaluated chemical and technological characteristics of coal seams for the site “Uspenivska No 2”. Statistical treatment of the data allowed to reveal the relationships between the quality indices and establish lateral and stratigraphic patterns. The grade composition has been specified and the ways of coal rational use have been considered. Originality. The distribution patterns of coal quality parameters have been established for the site “Uspenivska No 2” in Lozivskyi coal-bearing area of the Western Donbas by statistical analysis. In particular, statistical significance of the reduction in the vitrinite reflectance index and combustion heat, as well as the increase in volatiles output with increasing depth has been confirmed. Practical implications. Detailed statistical analysis of coal quality allowed giving recommendations on rational use and implementation of clean technologies of coal processing at the stage of geological exploration.Цель. Всесторонняя оценка качества основных промышленных угольных пластов участка “Успеновский №2” Лозовского угленосного района Западного Донбасса, установление их марочного состава по действующим стандартам и определение основных направлений их рационального использования. Методика. Методической основой исследований является анализ, обобщение и статистическая обработка показателей с последующим прогнозом и выявлением особенностей качества угля. Результаты. Выполнен анализ запасов топливно-энергетических ресурсов Украины, дана химико-технологическая характеристика углей пластов участка “Успеновский №2”. Проведенная статистическая обработка данных позволила выявить зависимости между показателями качества, а также установить латеральные и стратиграфические закономерности. Уточен марочный состав и пути рационального использования угля. Научная новизна. Путем статистического анализа установлены закономерности распределения показателей качества углей для пластов участка “Успеновский №” Лозовского угленосного района Западного Донбасса, в частности, подтверждена статистическая значимость уменьшения показателя отражения витринита и теплоты сгорания, а также увеличения выхода летучих веществ с увеличением глубины. Практическая значимость. Детальный статистический анализ данных качества угля позволяет дать рекомендации по рациональному использованию и внедрению чистых технологий переработки угля еще на стадии геологоразведочных работ.Мета. Оцінка якості основних промислових вугільних пластів ділянки “Успенівська №2” Лозівського вугленосного району Західного Донбасу, встановлення їх марочного складу за діючими стандартами та визначення основних напрямків раціонального використання. Методика. Методичною основою дослідження є проведення аналізу, узагальнення та статистичної обробки показників із подальшим прогнозом та виявленням особливостей якості вугілля. Результати. Виконано аналіз запасів паливно-енергетичних ресурсів України, надано хіміко-технологічну характеристику вугілля пластів ділянки “Успенівська №2”. Проведена статистична обробка даних, яка дозволила виявити залежності між показниками якості й встановити латеральні та стратиграфічні закономірності. Уточнено марочний склад і шляхи раціонального використання вугілля. Наукова новизна. Шляхом статистичного аналізу встановлено закономірності розподілу показників якості вугілля для пластів ділянки “Успенівська №2” Лозівського вугленосного району Західного Донбасу, зокрема, підтверджена статистична значимість зменшення показника відбиття вітриніту та теплоти згорання, а також збільшення виходу летючих речовин зі збільшенням глибини. Практична значимість. Детальний статистичний аналіз даних якості вугілля дозволяє надати рекомендації щодо раціонального використання та впровадження чистих технологій переробки вугілля ще на стадії геологорозвідувальних робіт.Авторы выражают благодарность в содействии и консультациях генеральному директору ГРГП “Донецкгеология”, д.э.н, к.геол.н. Н.В. Жикаляку

    Irreducible modules over finite simple Lie conformal superalgebras of type K

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    We construct all finite irreducible modules over Lie conformal superalgebras of type KComment: Accepted for publication in J. Math. Phys

    Terahertz Spectroscopy System of Gas Mixtures Based on a Solid State Superconducting Source and a Terahertz Receiver

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    Abstract: The application of a Josephson generator of the terahertz range based on a long superconductor–insulator–superconductor tunnel junction matched with a transmitting antenna and emitting a signal into open space is demonstrated for gas spectroscopy. The generator is used as an active source, the signal of which is absorbed by a sample of a gas mixture in a cell with a length of 60 cm and then recorded by a spectrometer based on a superconductor–insulator–superconductor receiver with a spectral resolution better than 100 kHz. In the experiment, the absorption lines of ammonia and water in the terahertz range were recorded, and the dependence of the spectral characteristics of the absorption lines on the pressure of the gas mixture in a wide range (from 0.005 to 10 mbar) was demonstrated

    Investigation of the structure and dynamics of the ozone layer in the Eastern Arctic region during EASOE Campaign

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    Balloon measurements of the vertical distribution of ozone and aerosol were made at Dickson Island (73 deg N, 81 deg E), Kiruna (68 deg N, 20 deg E) and Heiss Island (81 deg N, 58 deg E) from December 1991 to March 1992. To acquire data on the seasonal variability of the vertical ozone distribution, electrochemical ozonesondes ECC-4A were flown three times a week. With ozonesondes on the same balloons, backscattersondes were flown on the average of two or three times per month. Using these instruments, altitude profiles of backscatter ratio were measured at two wavelengths centered at 490 nm and 940 nm. Additionally, at Heiss Island, Dickson, and Yakutsk (63 deg N, 130 deg E) regular total ozone measurements were obtained using Brewer spectrophotometers. Based on measurements of backscatter ratio it was found that after the Pinatubo eruption in June 1991 significant amount of stratospheric aerosols were formed and transported to the Arctic before the polar vortex was well developed. Analysis of ozone data has shown a deep decrease of ozone concentration in the lower stratosphere in times of intensive transportation of air masses from low latitudes to the polar region in the second half of January and also for some periods in February and March of 1992. When the values of backscatter ratio beta were more than 8-10 at a wavelength of 940 nm strong anticorrelation occurred between aerosol loading and ozone concentration in the lower stratosphere. At 50-70 deg N, the mean monthly values of total ozone in winter-spring 1992 proved to be much lower than the climatic mean values