146 research outputs found

    Exergames in childhood obesity treatment: A systematic review

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    In the last decade, active video games (exergames) have been proposed in obesity prevention and treatment as a potential tool to increase physical activity. This review was aimed to assess the possible role of exergames in reducing weight-related outcomes among overweight/obese children and/or adolescents. The databases PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science and SPORTDiscus were interrogated to detect controlled studies involving healthy overweight/obese children and adolescents in interventions based exclusively on exergames. Out of a total of 648 articles found, 10 met the inclusion criteria and were included in the review. The included studies differ for duration, setting and type of intervention, frequency of active game sessions, and outcomes considered. Seven out of ten studies reported better outcomes in children/adolescents involved in the interventions, with significant differences between groups in four, while three studies found better outcomes in control groups. These results suggest a possible positive effect of active video games on weight-related outcomes in obese children and adolescents. However, further research is still needed to define if they can be effectively used in childhood obesity treatment and which may be the most effective approach. The potentiality of the new digital media in this field should be explored

    Mediterranean diet, physical activity and gut microbiome composition: A cross-sectional study among healthy young italian adults

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    Background. This cross-sectional study aimed to explore the microbial composition of the gut and its possible association with the Mediterranean diet (MD) after adjusting for demographic and anthropometric characteristics in a sample of healthy young Italian adults. Methods. Gut microbiota, demographic information, and data on adherence to MD and physical activity (PA) habits were collected in a sample of 140 university students (48.6% males, mean age 22.5 ± 2.9) with a mean body mass index (BMI) of 22.4 ± 2.8 kg/m2 (15.2–33.8) and a mean PA level of 3006.2 ± 2973.6 metabolic equivalent (MET)-minutes/week (148–21,090). Results. A high prevalence of Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes was found in all the fecal samples. Significant dissimilarities in the microbiota composition were found on the basis of MD adherence and PA levels (p = 0.001). At the genus level, Streptococcus and Dorea were highly abundant in overweight/obese individuals, Ruminococcus and Oscillospira in participants with lower adherence to MD, and Lachnobacterium in subjects with low levels of PA (p = 0.001). A significantly higher abundance of Paraprevotella was shown by individuals with lower BMI, lower MD adherence, and lower PA levels (p = 0.001). Conclusions. This study contributes to the characterization of the gut microbiome of healthy humans. The findings suggest the role of diet and PA in determining gut microbiota variability

    Environmentally safe ZVI/ZnS-based polymer composite for lindane degradation in water: Assessment of photocatalytic activity and eco-toxicity

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    Monolithic composite aerogel based on a photocatalytic system, constituted by Fe0 (ZVI) coupled with ZnS (FZ), embedded into syndiotactic polystyrene (sPS) matrix was used, for the first time, in the lindane degradation under UV light. The content of FZ photocatalyst inside the monolithic composite aerogel (FZsPS) composite was 3 wt%. FESEM images of FZsPS indicate that the FZ photocatalyst is well dispersed in the polymer matrix. EDS analyses and temperature-programmed reduction (TPR-H2) measurements revealed an interpenetrated structure of the ZVI and ZnS phases as well the presence of some iron in an oxidized form. Photocatalytic activity data showed that in presence FZsPS aerogel, the almost complete lindane degradation was achieved after only 30 min of UV irradiation time. FZsPS was also effective in the lindane mineralization since a TOC removal of about 94 % was detected after 180 min of treatment time. Remarkably, based on the toxicity evaluation on Artemia fran-ciscana, while the bare FZ photocatalyst showed significant toxicity per se, no toxicity or genotoxicity was found in the water treated with the FZsPS composite system where FZ is immobilized into the sPS aerogel matrix. Therefore the proposed composite photocatalyst can be considered as a model for a strategy to eliminate the environmental impact of catalysts that would otherwise be harmful to water

    Cigarette Smoking and Human Gut Microbiota in Healthy Adults: A Systematic Review

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    The intestinal microbiota is a crucial regulator of human health and disease because of its interactions with the immune system. Tobacco smoke also influences the human ecosystem with implications for disease development. This systematic review aims to analyze the available evidence, until June 2021, on the relationship between traditional and/or electronic cigarette smoking and intestinal microbiota in healthy human adults. Of the 2645 articles published in PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science, 13 were included in the review. Despite differences in design, quality, and participants’ characteristics, most of the studies reported a reduction in bacterial species diversity, and decreased variability indices in smokers’ fecal samples. At the phylum or genus level, the results are very mixed on bacterial abundance both in smokers and non-smokers with two exceptions. Prevotella spp. appears significantly increased in smokers and former smokers but not in electronic cigarette users, while Proteobacteria showed a progressive increase in Desulfovibrio with the number of pack-years of cigarette (p = 0.001) and an increase in Alphaproteobacteria (p = 0.04) in current versus never smokers. This attempt to systematically characterize the effects of tobacco smoking on the composition of gut microbiota gives new perspectives on future research in smoking cessation and on a new possible use of probiotics to contrast smoke-related dysbiosis

    Microbial assemblages in pressurized antarctic brine pockets (Tarn flat, northern Victoria land): A hotspot of biodiversity and activity

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    Two distinct pressurized hypersaline brine pockets (named TF4 and TF5), separated by a thin ice layer, were detected below an ice-sealed Antarctic lake. Prokaryotic (bacterial and archaeal) diversity, abundances (including virus-like particles) and metabolic profiles were investigated by an integrated approach, including traditional and new-generation methods. Although similar diversity indices were computed for both Bacteria and Archaea, distinct bacterial and archaeal assemblages were observed. Bacteroidetes and Gammaproteobacteria were more abundant in the shallowest brine pocket, TF4, and Deltaproteobacteria, mainly represented by versatile sulphate-reducing bacteria, dominated in the deepest, TF5. The detection of sulphate-reducing bacteria and methanogenic Archaea likely reflects the presence of a distinct synthrophic consortium in TF5. Surprisingly, members assigned to hyperthermophilic Crenarchaeota and Euryarchaeota were common to both brines, indicating that these cold habitats host the most thermally tolerant Archaea. The patterns of microbial communities were different, coherently with the observed microbiological diversity between TF4 and TF5 brines. Both the influence exerted by upward movement of saline brines from a sub-surface anoxic system and the possible occurrence of an ancient ice remnant from the Ross Ice Shelf were the likely main factors shaping the microbial communities

    Can physical activity influence human gut microbiota composition independently of diet? A systematic review

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    Evidence suggests that physical activity (PA) influences the human gut microbiota composition, but its role is unclear because of dietary interference. The aim of this review is to clarify this issue from this new perspective in healthy individuals. Articles analyzing intestinal microbiota from fecal samples by 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing were selected by searching the electronic databases PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science until December 2020. For each study, methodological quality was assessed, and results about microbiota biodiversity indices, phylum and genus composition, and information on PA and diet were considered. From 997 potentially relevant articles, 10 met the inclusion criteria and were analyzed. Five studies involved athletes, three were performed on active people classified on the basis of habitual PA level, and two among sedentary subjects undergoing exercise interventions. The majority of the studies reported higher variability and prevalence of the phylum Firmicutes (genera Ruminococcaceae or Fecalibacteria) in active compared to inactive individuals, especially in athletes. The assessment of diet as a possible confounder of PA/exercise effects was completed only in four studies. They reported a similar abundance of Lachnospiraceae, Paraprevotellaceae, Ruminococcaceae, and Veillonellaceae, which are involved in metabolic, protective, structural, and histological functions. Further studies are needed to confirm these findings

    Sedentary behaviors and physical activity of Italian undergraduate students during lockdown at the time of COVID−19 pandemic

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    Background: From March to May 2020, lockdown measures were adopted in Italy to contain the epidemic of the novel Coronavirus. People were forced to restrict their movement and social contacts, therefore having a higher risk of inactivity. This study, carried out among Italian undergraduates, explored their sedentary and physical activities (PA) during the lockdown with respect to their previous habits. Methods: An electronic questionnaire was administered once to students attending three Italian universities after the end of lockdown. Results: A total of 1430 students (mean age 22.9 ± 3.5 years, 65.5% females) completed the questionnaire. All the sedentary behaviors increased significantly, and all the physical activities decreased significantly during the lockdown. Time spent using electronic devices showed the highest increase (+52.4 min/day), and walking the greatest decrease (−365.5 min/week). Being younger than 22 years old, female, and previously active, attending the universities of Naples and Rome and having at least one graduate parent were associated with the achievement of recommended levels of PA even during the lockdown. Conclusions: This study highlights the reduction of PA among Italian undergraduates in the course of home-confinement due to the CoViD-19 pandemic. The practice of adequate PA during the lockdown was mainly associated with the previous adoption of an active lifestyle. Promoting active lifestyles during the non-pandemic period may have had positive effects also in case of lockdown

    S100B protein as a therapeutic target in multiple sclerosis: The S100B inhibitor arundic acid protects from chronic experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis

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    S100B is an astrocytic protein behaving at high concentration as a damage-associated molecular pattern molecule. A direct correlation between the increased amount of S100B and inflammatory processes has been demonstrated, and in particular, the inhibitor of S100B activity pentamidine has been shown to ameliorate clinical scores and neuropathologic-biomolecular parameters in the relapsing-remitting experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis mouse model of multiple sclerosis. This study investigates the effect of arundic acid (AA), a known inhibitor of astrocytic S100B synthesis, in the chronic experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, which is another mouse model of multiple sclerosis usually studied. By the daily evaluation of clinical scores and neuropathologic-molecular analysis performed in the spinal cord, we observed that the AA-treated group showed lower severity compared to the vehicle-treated mice, particularly in the early phase of disease onset. We also observed a significant reduction of astrocytosis, demyelination, immune infiltrates, proinflammatory cytokines expression and enzymatic oxidative reactivity in the AA-treated group. Overall, our results reinforce the involvement of S100B in the development of animal models of multiple sclerosis and propose AA targeting the S100B protein as a focused potential drug to be considered for multiple sclerosis treatment

    The prevention of doping and the improper use of drugs and food supplements in sports and physical activities: a survey on the activity of the prevention departments of Italian local health authorities

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    Doping is an important public health problem widespread not only among elite athletes, but also among amateur and recreational athletes and the general population. In Italy the introduction of doping prevention within the Essential Levels of Care (LEA) with the DPCM 12/1/2017 represents a crucial step towards the implementation of education and health promotion interventions. In this context, the Departments of Prevention (DP) of the Local Health Authorities (LHA) have to play a fundamental role, becoming the cultural and operational reference on this issue. As part of the "Doping prevention: development of a permanent educational tool coordinated by the National Health Service Prevention Departments" project, funded by the Italian Ministry of Health, a survey was conducted on the activities carried out by the DP regarding doping prevention and improper use and abuse of drugs and food supplements in sports and physical activities, as a basis for the harmonization of organizational structures and prevention programs and the creation of a collaboration network at a regional and national level

    What about your body ornament? Experiences of tattoo and piercing among italian youths

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    Background: tattooing and piercing are increasingly common, especially among youths. However, several health complications may be associated with these practices if basic hygiene rules are not respected. This multicenter study was aimed at exploring tattoo and piercing experiences reported by a large sample of Italian undergraduate students through a public health perspective. Methods: tattooed and/or pierced students attending 12 Italian universities were asked to complete a web-based questionnaire regarding their body art experience. Results: out of 1472 respondents, 833 (56.6%) were tattooed and 1009 (68.5%) were pierced. The greatest proportion of tattooed students (93.9%) got her/his first tattoo in a tattoo studio, while most of the pierced were serviced in a jewelry store (48.0%). The pierced ones were less informed on health issues related to the procedure (56.0% versus 77.8% of tattooed p < 0.001), and tattooists were reportedly more attentive to hygiene rules (instrument sterilization 91.5% versus 79.1% of piercers, p < 0.001; use of disposable gloves 98.2% versus 71% of piercers, p < 0.001). Conclusions: educational interventions for both professionals and communities are needed to improve the awareness and the control of health risks related to body art throughout the Italian territory
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