99 research outputs found

    Problems of Threats to Russia’s Economic Security in Cooperation with the Countries of the Eurasian Economic Union in the Context of Administrative and Legal Regulation

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    The paper examines topical the problems of minimizing threats to Russia’s economic security when interacting with the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union in the context of administrative and legal regulation, problems arising in the organization of this work and the direction of their improvement. The objective of the study is to comprehensively study, analyze and summarize the theoretical provisions and results of practical activities in the sphere of minimizing threats to Russia’s economic security when interacting with the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union in the context of administrative and legal regulation. Methodology: Approved scientific methods for the comprehensive study of phenomena and processes in their interdependence and, above all, the didactic method of cognition. In the process of collection and processing of empirical material, the author used a comprehensive, systemic, axiological and synergetic approaches that ensure a comprehensive study of the problems of minimizing threats to Russia’s economic security when interacting with the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union in the context of administrative and legal regulation. Results: it is necessary to confess that government activity on providing of economic security and defense of national interests of country in area of economy must come true on permanent basis.     Keywords: minimization of threats of economic security to Russia; Eurasian Economic Union; administrative legal regulation; system of theoretical knowledge and practical recommendations of minimization of threats of economic security to Russia at cooperating with the countries of the Eurasian economic union; assistance to development of small and middle enterprise due to the decline of financial and administrative expenses; diagnostics and monitoring of economic strength security

    C60 fullerenes increase the intensity of rotational movements in non-anesthetized hemiparkinsonic rats

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    The effect of C60 fullerene aqueous colloid solution (C60FAS) on the intensity of long-lasting (persisting for one hour) rotational movements in non-anesthetized rats was investigated. For this purpose, an experimental hemiparkinsonic animal model was used in the study. Rotational movements in hemiparkinsonic animals were initiated by the intraperitoneal administration of the dopamine receptor agonist apomorphine. It was shown that a preliminary injection of C60FAS (a substance with powerful antioxidant properties) in hemiparkinsonic rats induced distinct changes in animal motor behavior. It was revealed that fullerene-pretreated animals, in comparison with non-pretreated or vehicle-pretreated rats, rotated for 1 h at an approximately identical speed until the end of the experiment, whereas the rotation speed of control rats gradually decreased to 20–30% of the initial value. One can assume that the observed changes in the movement dynamics of the hemiparkinsonic rats after C60FAS pretreatment presumably can be induced by the influence of C60FAS on the dopaminergic system, although the isolated potentiation of the action of apomorphine C60FAS cannot be excluded. Nevertheless, earlier data on the action of C60FAS on muscle dynamics has suggested that C60FAS can activate a protective action of the antioxidant system in response to long-lasting muscular activity and that the antioxidant system in turn may directly decrease fatigue-related changes during long-lasting muscular activity

    Метаболизм глутамата в структурах головного мозга при экспериментальном геморрагическом шоке

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    Purpose. To study glutamate metabolism characteristics in phylogenetically different parts of the mammalian brain in experimentally induced hemorrhagic shock (HS) in cats.Material and methods. Experiments were performed on 76 cats. HS was induced by intermittent bloodletting from femoral artery at a rate of 10ml/kg•10 minutes, with the average volume of 24±0.8 ml/kg. The bloodletting was discontinued after arterial pressure (BP) drop to 60.0±1.5 mmHg. We studied ammonia, glutamate (Gt), and α-ketoglutarate (α-KG) levels and glutaminase (GS) and glutamate dehydrogenase (GDG) activity in specimens harvested from phylogenetically different parts of the brain (cortex, limbic system, diencephalon, and medulla oblongata).Results. In intact animals, the peak GDG activity was found in the medulla oblongata (phylogenetically the oldest part of the brain) and the peak GS activity was registered in the sensorimotor cortex (phylogenetically the youngest part of the brain); the glutaminase activity did not depend on the phylogenetic age of brain structures.In the case of HS, Gt metabolism changes began in the sensorimotor cortex manifested by decreased GS activity, which progresses by the 70th minute of the post%hemorrhagic period (PHP) accompanied by delayed increase in the GDG and glutaminase activity, as well as Gt accumulation. In the limbic system and diencephalon the Gt metabolism was changing (impaired glutamine synthesis, stimuled Gt synthesis with glutamine desamidization and α%KG amination) when developed by the 70th minute of the PHP. Similarly to sensorimotor cortex, changes were associated with Gt accumulation. During the agony, α%KG deficiency developed in all parts of the brain as a result of its increased contribution to Gt synthesis. At the same period of time, in the sensorimotor cortex, limbic system and diencephalon the Gt synthesis from glutamine was stimulated, however, the Gt contribution tothe formation of glutamine was decreased. The accumulation of ammonia regardless of the HS stage was detected only inthe sensorimotor cortex, limbic system and diencephalon; in the medulla oblongata ammonium increase was found only during the agony.Сonclusion. HS creates conditions for glutamate accumulation in nerve cells by impairing the metabolism of glutamate in the brain structures. The nature and scope of these disorders depend both on the intensity of glutamate metabolism in phylogenetically different brain structures in acute blood loss and HS.Цель исследования — изучить особенности метаболизм глутамата в филогенетически различных отде% лах головного мозга млекопитающих при геморрагическом шоке (ГШ).Материал и методы. В опытах на 76 кошках исследовали филогенетически различные отделы головного мозга (кора, лимбический, промежуточный и продолговатый мозг) при ГШ, вызванным дробным кровопусканием из бедренной артерии со скоростью 10мл/кг•10 мин в среднем объеме 24±0,8 мл/кг, которое прекращали при снижении артериального давления до уровня 60,0±1,5 мм рт. ст. Исследовали содержание аммиака, глутамата (Гт), αкетоглутарата (α-КГ), активность глутаминсинтетазы (ГС), глутаминазы, глута% матдегидрогеназы (ГДГ).Результаты. У интактных животных максимальную активность ГДГ обнаружили в продолговатом мозге (филогенетический самый древний отдел), ГС — в сенсомоторной коре (филогенетически самый моло% дой отдел), активность глутаминазы не зависела от степени филогенетической зрелости структур головного мозга. При ГШ изменения метаболизма Гт начинались в сенсомоторной коре и проявлялись снижением активности ГС, которое прогрессировало к 70-й минуте постгеморрагического периода (ПГП) на фоне отсроченного увеличения активности ГДГ, глутаминазы и накопления Гт. В лимбическом и промежуточноммозге изменения метаболизма Гт (нарушение его вовлечения в синтез глутамина, стимуляция образования Гт при дезамидировании глутамина и аминировании α-КГ) развивались на 70-й минуте ПГП и, как в сенсо% моторной коре, сопровождались накоплением Гт. При агонии во всех исследуемых отделах головного мозга развивался дефицит α-КГ из-за его повышенного вовлечения в образование Гт. Одновременно с этим в сен% сомоторной коре, лимбическом и промежуточном мозге стимулировалось образование Гт из глутамина, но снижалось вовлечение Гт в образование глутамина. Накопление аммиака независимо от стадии ГШ обнаружили только в сенсомоторной коре, лимбическом и промежуточном мозге; в продолговатом мозге — только при агонии.Заключение. Геморрагический шок, нарушая метаболизм глутамата в структурах головного мозга, создает условия для его накопления в нервных клетках. Характер и направленность этих нарушений зависят как от интенсивности метаболизма глутамата в филогенетически различных структурах головного мозга на момент острой кровопотери, так и от стадии развития геморрагического шока

    Model for Predicting Risk of Postpartum Purulent-Inflammatory Complications after Cesarean Section: Cohort Retrospective Study

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    Background. Relevance of the study is related to the lack of a unified strategy for determining the risk of infectious complications of puerperium. Currently, the specialists use the collected data from studies documenting the main factors of infection in a population or cohorts of postpartum women. However, accuracy of these factors is not established and prognosis could not be personalized. The paper analyzes significant risk factors for the infectious complications associated with cesarean section (C-Section) and develops a model for their prognosis and an individual assessment of the risk of postpartum infection in order to take timely preventive measures. Objective. To identify predictors of postpartum purulent-inflammatory complications after cesarean section, to evaluate their predictive value, and to develop a statistical model for determining the risk of their occurrence.Methods. The cohort retrospective study (January 2019 to January 2022) was conducted in four obstetric health facilities of Krasnodar and was focused on analysis of medical records. Anamnestic, clinical and laboratory data of all women after cesarean section delivery were collected. Model: a patient diagnosed with any infection associated with cesarean section within 42 days after delivery — postoperative suture infection, endometritis, peritonitis, thrombophlebitis, sepsis. Infections were grouped to carry out a single risk assessment with an internal validation test and to develop a multifactor logistic regression model. All analyses were conducted using version R 3.2.3 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL) and Transparent Reporting of a multivariable prediction model for Individual Prognosis Or Diagnosis (TRIPOD).Results. Infection associated with cesarean section occurred in 2.50% of women (n = 548; 95% CI 2.6–3.5), suture disruption — in 0.59% (n = 129; 95%, CI 0.41–0.81), endometritis — 1.46% (n = 321; 95%, CI 1.15–1.94), peritonitis — 0.16% (n = 35; 95%, CI 0.11–0.20), thrombophlebitis 0.04% (n = 9; 95%, CI 0.01–0.05), sepsis 0.25% (n = 54; 95%, CI 0.15–0.35). The authors have identified 14 major variables with a high prognostic risk for the development of infectious complications of puerperium. The model differentiated women with and without purulent inflammatory complications of puerperium by internal validation (concordance index = 0.712, 95%, CI 0.672–0.755).Conclusion. The developed model can be used to accurately predict the risk of infectious complications after abdominal delivery and to identify high-risk patients. It ensures a differentiated approach with a possibility to expand studies and strengthen antibiotic therapy, which promotes reduction of surgical site puerperal infection

    Possibilities of using branched-chain amino acids for the treatment and prevention of sarcopenia in elderly and old patients (literature review)

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    Due to the high prevalence of sarcopenia among elderly and old patients, early prevention and treatment of sarcopenia and its complications are relevant. Protein supplements can be used to maintain muscle strength and mass during aging. The possibility of using branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) in the treatment and prevention of sarcopenia in geriatric patients is of scientific interest. BCAAs promote the synthesis and inhibit the degradation of muscle tissue proteins, are involved in the regulation of tissue sensitivity to insulin, ammonia utilization, the tricarboxylic acid cycle, etc.Search strategy. The search for scientific articles for literature review was carried out in the PubMed and PubMed Central databases. The selection criterion was scientific articles published up to December 2022. We used the following search keywords: “branched-chain amino acids”, “BCAA”, “body composition”, “sarcopenia”, “aging”. The 2019 European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People 2 (EWGSOP2) Consensus was included in the list of articles.Conclusions. The possibility of using BCAAs in elderly and old patients for the prevention and treatment of sarcopenia is a relevant topic that continues to be actively studied. The effectiveness of BCAA supplementation in the diet is debatable as long as sufficient protein is consumed daily. On the other hand, BCAA supplementation may be justified in cases where it is not possible to consume enough high-quality protein in the diet. More research is needed on this topic


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    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a classic autoimmune disease associated with the production of wide range of autoantibodies, and their detection has diagnostic and prognostic implication. The objective of this study was to estimate the diagnostic value of antibodies against modified citrullinated vimentin (AMCV) and nuclear antigen RA33 of the IgA rheumatoid factor (RF) versus the value of routinely used profile of autoantibodies in diagnostic work-up of RA. Material and methods. 253 patients with RA prehistory of varying duration were included into the study group. The control group was comprised of 92 patients, including patients with seronegative spondyloarthropathies and diffuse connective tissue diseases, as well as sex and age matched healthy controls. Serum levels of IgM and IgA RF, antibodies against cyclic citrullinated peptide (ACCP), ACMV, anti-keratin antibodies (AKA), antibodies against RA33 antigen (ARA33) and antinuclear factor (ANF) were measured in all patients and controls. Results and discussion. Diagnostic sensitivity of AMCV equaled 78%, ACCP — 77%, IgM RF — 71%, IgA RF — 43%, AKA — 43%, ARA33 — 31% and ANF — 31%. All anti-citrullinic antibodies (AKA, ACCP, ACMV) were significantly more commonly associated with IgM RF. Among RF and ACCP seronegative patients ACMV were found in 24% cases with 20 IU/Ml detection threshold, and in 21% — with 30 IU/Ml, allowing to increase diagnostic specificity of the test up to 91% with the increment of diagnostic threshold. Incidence of ARA33 was not significantly different among the RF and ACCP positive or negative subgroups, thus making ARA33 an independent RA marker. Specificity of this marker was 87,9%, thus making it inferior to RF and ACCP by a composite of diagnostic characteristics. Conclusions. Integrated measurement of ACMV and ARA33 is a rational approach at the second stage of serologic testing work-up in suspected cases of RA onset, when initial RF and ACCP tests were negative

    Chronic endometritis and infertility — in vitro fertilization outcomes: systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background. The relevance of the problem is related to the high prevalence of chronic endometritis (CE); its role in female infertility, implantation failures during assisted reproductive technology procedures, and recurrent miscarriage; as well as the lack of a unified strategy in the diagnosis and treatment of this pathology. The present systematic review with a meta-analysis focuses on evaluating the impact of CE and its therapy on the outcome of in vitro fertilization. In addition, the effect of CE of various severity on the outcomes of assisted reproductive technologies is analyzed. Objective. To analyze the effect of CE of varying severity and its treatment on the outcomes of in vitro fertilization. Methods. Using PubMed, Medline, Scopus, Embase, ELibrary, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), WHO International Clinical Trials Registry, and Russian Science Citation Index, a systematic search was conducted for articles published over the past 12 years that met the following criteria: randomized controlled trial examining the effect of CE of varying severity on fertility and ways to treat it. The following indicators were calculated: ongoing pregnancy/live birth, clinical pregnancy, and miscarriage rates. A total of 4145 patients (from ten studies) were included. A meta-analysis was performed using Stata 11.0 software (The Cochrane Collaboration, Oxford, UK). The heterogeneity was considered low at I2 <30%, moderate at 30–50%, and high at >50%. Results. Women with CE exhibited lower ongoing pregnancy/live birth (OR 1.97; p = 0.02) and clinical pregnancy rates (OR 2.28; p = 0.002) as compared to women without it. CE treatment increased the ongoing pregnancy/live birth (OR 5.33; p < 0.0001) and clinical pregnancy rates (OR 3.64; p = 0.0001). In vitro fertilization outcomes were comparable in women treated for CE and women without CE (ongoing pregnancy/live birth rate, clinical pregnancy rate, and miscarriage rate: p = ns). Women with severe CE exhibited lower ongoing pregnancy/live birth (OR 0.43; p = 0.003) and clinical pregnancy rates (OR 0.40; p = 0.0007). Mild CE showed no significant effect on in vitro fertilization outcomes (ongoing pregnancy/ live birth rate, clinical pregnancy rate, and miscarriage rate: p = ns). Conclusion. The conducted meta-analysis showed that CE significantly reduces the ongoing pregnancy/live birth and clinical pregnancy rates in infertile women undergoing in vitro fertilization. Noteworthy is that antimicrobial therapy in such patients improves the results of assisted reproductive technologies, which are comparable to those of patients without CE. The negative impact of this pathology on the implantation capacity of the endometrium is most often observed in the severe form, while its mild form has virtually no effect on the in vitro fertilization outcome

    Композитный дренаж в хирургии глаукомы

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    PURPOSE: To assess the hypotensive effectiveness, frequency and nature of intra- and postoperative complications in patients with various clinical manifestations of refractory glaucoma.MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study included 196 patients (196 eyes) with various forms, stages and clinical manifestations of glaucoma. There were 142 patients with primary glaucoma, among them 120 with open-angle glaucoma and 22 with angle-closure glaucoma. Among the patients with primary glaucoma, 85 had pseudophakia (77 with openangle and 8 with angle-closure forms); 57 had a native lens (43 with open-angle and 14 with angle-closure forms of the disease). Secondary glaucoma was presented mainly by patients with neovascular (21) and postuveal (16) glaucoma. The intraocular pressure (IOP) level in the group as a whole ranged from 16 to 50 mm Hg (on average 30.1±2.6 mm Hg). In all presented cases of surgical intervention, the Glautex drainage was used, which is a bioresorbable composite biomaterial based on polylactic acid (polylactide) and polyethylene glycol (manufactured by “HiBiTech”, Russia). Standard methods of patient examination were used.RESULTS: In patients with POAG, the IOP averaged 13.7± 4.7 mm Hg one week after surgery and 16.1±3 mm Hg 12 months after surgery. The absolute success of the operation was noted in 71 patients with POAG (59.2%); the relative hypotensive effect — in 85.8%. In primary angle-closure glaucoma, the same indicators were 47.6 and 61.1%, respectively. In the group of patients with neovascular and postuveal glaucoma, the hypotensive effect was as expected lower and amounted to 42.8 and 50.0%, respectively. The restart of therapy at different periods of observation was done in 78.3%. Complications, their frequency and nature, noted by us in the operated patients, could be attributed to those typical for fistulizing operations in refractory glaucoma. The most common complication was ciliochoroidal detachment, which was seen in all groups, but percentage-wise was more common in patients with PACG, neovascular and postuveal glaucoma.CONCLUSION: Composite drainage based on polylactic acid (polylactide) and polyethylene glycol (glautex) is an effective and safe solution to the issue of surgical treatment of glaucoma. The antihypertensive effectiveness of the Glautex drainage implant depends on the severity of the glaucomatous process and the timeliness of the surgical intervention. The frequency and nature of complications depends on the degree of refractoriness of glaucoma, initial clinical characteristics of the process, and patients' multimorbidity.ЦЕЛЬ. Оценить гипотензивную эффективность, частоту и характер интра- и послеоперационных осложнений у пациентов с различными клиническими проявлениями рефрактерной глаукомы.МАТЕРИАЛ И МЕТОДЫ. В исследование вошло 196 пациентов (196 глаз) с различными формами, стадиями и клиническими проявлениями глауком. С первичной глаукомой было 142 пациента, из них с открытоугольной формой — 120; с закрытоугольной — 22. Из числа больных с первичной глаукомой у 85 была псевдофакия (77 с открытоугольной и 8 с закрытоугольной формами); 57 имели нативный хрусталик (43 с открытоугольной и 14 — с закрытоугольной формами заболевания). Вторичная глаукома была представлена в основном пациентами с неоваскулярной (21) и постувеальной (16) глаукомой. Уровень внутриглазного давления (ВГД) в целом по группе колебался от 16 до 50 мм рт.ст. (в среднем 30,1±2,6 мм рт.ст.). Во всех представленных случаях хирургического вмешательства был использован дренаж Глаутекс, представляющий собой биорезорбируемый композитный биоматериал на основе полимолочной кислоты (полилактида) и полиэтиленгликоля (производство фирмы «HiBiTech», Россия). Использованы стандартные методы обследования пациентов.РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ. У пациентов с первичной открытоугольной глаукомой (ПОУГ) через неделю после операции уровень офтальмотонуса составил в среднем 13,7± 4,7 мм рт.ст. Через 12 мес. после операции уровень ВГД составил 16,1±3 мм рт.ст. Абсолютный успех операции был отмечен у 71 пациента с ПОУГ (59,2%); относительный гипотензивный эффект составил 85,8%. При первичной закрытоугольной глаукоме (ПЗУГ) эти же показатели составили 47,6 и 61,1% соответственно. В группе больных с неоваскулярной и постувеальной глаукомой гипотензивный эффект был ожидаемо ниже. Он составил 42,8 и 50,0% соответственно. Рестарт терапии в разные сроки наблюдения составил 78,3%. Осложнения, их частота и характер, отмеченные нами у оперированных больных, можно было отнести к типичным для операций фистулизирующего типа при рефрактерной глаукоме. Наиболее частым осложнением была цилиохориоидальная отслойка. Она диагностирована во всех группах, но в процентном отношении чаще встречалась при ПЗУГ, неоваскулярной и постувеальной глаукомах.ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ. Композитный дренаж на основе полимолочной кислоты (полилактида) и полиэтиленгликоля (Глаутекс) является эффективным и безопасным решением вопроса хирургического лечения глауком. Гипотензивная эффективность при имплантации дренажа Глаутекс зависит от тяжести глаукомного процесса и своевременности выполнения хирургического вмешательства. Частота и характер осложнений зависят от степени рефрактерности глаукомы, основных исходных клинических характеристик процесса, полиморбидности пациентов