336 research outputs found

    Лексико-грамматические доминанты научного текста

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    Стаття присвячена опису лексико-граматичних домінантів наукового тексту, які складають семантичне ядро всього тексту і впливають на інші як однорідні, так і різнорідні мовні одиниці, що належать до певного рівня системи мови, визначенню наукового стилю як виду комунікації, виявленню його характерних особливостей, виділенню основних його жанрів.This research is devoted to the proplems of definition of scientific style as type of communication, specification of its characteristic features, determination of substyles, and also description of lexical and grammatical dominants of scientific style that make the semantic main body of the whole text and influence other both homogeneous and heterogeneous linguistic units belonging to the certain level of the language system.Статья посвящена описанию лексико-грамматических доминантов научного текста, которые составляют семантическое ядро всего текста и влияют на другие как однородные, так и разнородные языковые единицы, которые входят в определенный уровень системы языка,определению научного стиля как вида коммуникации, его характерных особенностей, выделения основных его жанров

    Determination of the propellant combustion law under ballistic experiment conditions

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    The main characteristics of ballistic experiment are the maximum pressure in the combustion chamber P max and the projectile velocity at the time of barrel leaving U M. During the work the burning law of the new high-energy fuel was determined in a ballistic experiment. This burning law was used for a parametric study of depending P max and U M from a powder charge mass and a traveling charge at initial temperature of + 20 °C was carried out. The optimal conditions for loading were obtained for improving the muzzle velocity by 14.9 %. Under optimal loading, there is defined the conditions, which is possible to get the greatest value muzzle velocity projectile at pressures up to 600 MPa

    Photoelectric and Spectral Properties of Composite Films based on GCBE-Oligomer with Different Concentrations of Polymethine Dyes

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    Thin film of composites based on N-epoxypropylcarbazole and n-butylglycidyl ether co-oligomer (GCBE) sensitized by various concentrations of cationic polymethine dyes with different polymethine chain length have been prepared. Their photophysical, electrical, and spectral properties have been investigated. All studied composite films have been shown to exhibited photoconductivity effect. In film composites with high concentration of the dye photovoltaic effect have been detected. The diffusion nature of this effect and its features correlation with electronic properties of PCFs components has been established

    Visualization of high-speed interaction of bodies in water

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    The work presents opportunities of hydroballistic complex for studying the characteristics of movement super-cavitation model (SCM) on the length of waterway to 10 m. Gunfire of SCM implemented by this complex allows to study movement and collision of the different masses of SCM with underwater obstacles at subsonic, transonic and supersonic velocities in water. During the movement of SCM different masses the behavior supercavity was investigated

    Токсикологічна характеристика препарату ForticeptTM Hoof Oinment

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    Antibiotic resistance of the main infectious disease pathogens is one of the biggest problems of present time, which causes the need for searching for new antimicrobial medicinal substances and developing effective medicinal agents. One of the innovative medicinal preparations with the antimicrobial action, which is recommended for application for animals with hoof diseases, is ForticeptTM Hoof Oinment. Integration in the practice new medicinal preparations needs their strict toxicological control, which involves the exploring of acute and chronic toxicity and remote effects of possible side effect. The purpose of work was the determination of the acute toxicity parameters of the ForticeptTM Hoof Oinmentduring the oral administration to white laboratory mice and evaluation of the skin resorptive action of the preparation after it was administrated on rats’ skin. For determination of the acute toxicity there were used male laboratory mice with the average weight of the body 20 g – two groups with 10 animals in each. For the first group (the control one) with the help of the probe there was injected the distilled water (0.1 ml) into stomach. For the second group there was injected ForticeptTM Hoof Oinment (0.1 g), where the dose of the preparation is equal 500 mg/kg. For evaluation of the skin resorptive action of the preparation there were used 6 white rats with the average weight of the body 175 g. On the pre-prepared patch of skin there was administrated the preparation in the number that is equal 2857 mg/kg of body weight. For control there was leaved a free from preparation patch of bare skin. Exposition lasted for 4 hours. The indicators were explored in dynamics after 6, 24, 48 hours from the exposition started. After the research results there was established that ForticeptTM Hoof Oinment doesn’t cause death after its intragastric administration to the white laboratory mice in the number that is equal 5000 mg/kg of the body weight, that’s why depending on the degree of toxicity it belongs to the V toxicity class (Practically nontoxic). After one-time application of the preparation to the white rats in the number which is equal 2857 mg/kg of the body weight there wasn’t observes no death or pronounced changes in the behavior reactions, motor activity, state of the nervous system, amount of the consumed food and water. Therefore ForticeptTM Hoof Oinmentaccording to the results of the determination of the acute toxicity after its administration on the skin to the white rats depending on the degree of toxicity it belongs to the V toxicity class (Practically nontoxic). ForticeptTM Hoof Oinment doesn’t detect skin resorptive action, that points on the absence of toxic effects of the preparation due to its application on the skin.Антибіотикорезистентність основних збудників інфекційних захворювань є однією з найбільших проблем сучасності, що обумовлює необхідність пошуку нових лікарських речовин протимікробної дії та розробки ефективних лікарських засобів. Одним із інноваційних лікарських препаратів з протимікробною активністю, що рекомендується до застосування тваринам з хворобами копит, є ForticeptTM Hoof Oinment. Впровадження в практику нових лікарських препаратів потребує їхнього суворого токсикологічного контролю, який передбачає вивчення гострої та хронічної токсичності, а також віддалених ефектів можливої побічної дії. Метою роботи було визначення параметрів гострої токсичності препарату ForticeptTM Hoof Oinment за перорального введення білим лабораторним мишам, а також оцінка шкірно-резорбтивної дії препарату після його нанесення на шкіру щурам. Для визначення гострої токсичності використовували самців лабораторних мишей з середньою масою тіла 20 г – дві групи по 10 тварин у кожній. Тваринам першої групи (контрольна) уводили в шлунок за допомогою зонду дистильовану воду в кількості 0,1 мл. Тваринам другої – препарат ForticeptTM Hoof Oinment у кількості 0,1 г, за якої доза препарату відповідає 5000 мг/кг. Для оцінки шкірно-резорбтивної дії препарату було використано 6 білих щурів з середньою масою тіла 175 г. На заздалегідь підготовлену ділянку шкіри наносили препарат у кількості, що відповідала дозі 2857 мг/кг маси тіла. Для контролю залишали вільною від препарату частину оголеної ділянки шкіри. Експозиція складала 4 години. Показники вивчали у динаміці через 6, 24, 48 год від початку експозиції. У результаті досліджень встановлено, що ForticeptTM Hoof Oinment не спричиняє загибелі після його внутрішньошлункового введення білим лабораторним мишам у кількості, що відповідає дозі 5000 мг/кг маси тіла, тобто за ступенем токсичності належить до V класу токсичності (практично нетоксичні). Після одноразового нанесення на шкіру білим щурам препарату у кількості, що відповідає дозі 2857 мг/кг маси тіла, не спостерігали загибелі та виражених змін поведінкових реакцій, рухової активності, стану нервової системи, кількості спожитого корму та води. Отже, ForticeptTM Hoof Oinment за результатами визначення гострої токсичності після його нанесення на шкіру білим щурам за ступенем токсичності належить до V класу токсичності (практично нетоксичні). ForticeptTM Hoof Oinment не проявляє шкірно-резорбтивної дії, що вказує на відсутність токсичної дії препарату за його аплікації на шкіру

    Synthesis of Nanoscale TiO2 and Study of the Effect of Their Crystal Structure on Single Cell Response

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    To study the effect of nanoscale titanium dioxide (TiO2) on cell responses, we synthesized four modifications of the TiO2 (amorphous, anatase, brookite, and rutile) capable of keeping their physicochemical characteristics in a cell culture medium. The modifications of nanoscale TiO2 were obtained by hydrolysis of TiCl4 and Ti(i-OC3H7)4 (TIP) upon variation of the synthesis conditions; their textural, morphological, structural, and dispersion characteristics were examined by a set of physicochemical methods: XRD, BET, SAXS, DLS, AFM, SEM, and HR-TEM. The effect of synthesis conditions (nature of precursor, pH, temperature, and addition of a complexing agent) on the structural-dispersion properties of TiO2 nanoparticles was studied. The hydrolysis methods providing the preparation of amorphous, anatase, brookite, and rutile modifications of TiO2 nanoparticles 3–5 nm in size were selected. Examination of different forms of TiO2 nanoparticles interaction with MDCK cells by transmission electron microscopy of ultrathin sections revealed different cell responses after treatment with different crystalline modifications and amorphous form of TiO2. The obtained results allowed us to conclude that direct contact of the nanoparticles with cell plasma membrane is the primary and critical step of their interaction and defines a subsequent response of the cell

    Simulation of high-speed interaction between impactor and layered-spaced design involving explosive

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    In this paper we present calculating and experimental study of high-speed interaction between explosive content, protected by layered-spaced design, and the cermet impactor in wide speed range. An experimental technique and mathematical model of during the behavior of explosives, protected by layer-spaced design, by with high-speed impact. The process of the interaction between the cermet impactor and element of the protective design is customized and depends on the materials of the interacting bodies, the speed and angle of impact

    Special features of high-speed interaction of supercavitating solids in water

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    Special features of material behavior of a supercavitating projectile are investigated at various initial velocities of entering water on the basis of the developed stress-strain state model with possibility of destruction of solids when moving in water and interacting with various underwater barriers with the use of consistent methodological approach of mechanics of continuous media. The calculation-experimental method was used to study the modes of motion of supercavitating projectiles at sub- and supersonic velocities in water medium after acceleration in the barrelled accelerator, as well as their interaction with barriers. Issues of stabilization of the supercavitating projectile on the initial flight path in water were studied. Microphotographs of state of solids made of various materials, before and after interaction with water, at subsonic and supersonic velocities were presented. Supersonic velocity of the supercavitating projectile motion in water of 1590 m/s was recorded

    Calculation and experimental study on high-speed impact of heat-resistant coating materials with a meteoric particle

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    The given article presents the conducted calculation and experimental study on destruction of heat-resistant coating material of an aircraft in the process of high-speed interaction of the steel spherical projectile. The projectile is imitating a meteoric particle. The study was conducted in the wide range of velocities. The mathematical behavioral model of heat-resistant coating under high-speed impact was developed. The interaction of ameteoric particle with an element of the protective structure has especially individual character and depends on impact velocity and angle, materials of the interacting solids