118 research outputs found

    Frequency-dependent reflection of spin waves from a magnetic inhomogeneity induced by a surface DC-current

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    The reflectivity of a highly localized magnetic inhomogeneity is experimentally studied. The inhomogeneity is created by a dc-current carrying wire placed on the surface of a ferrite film. The reflection of propagating dipole-dominated spin-wave pulses is found to be strongly dependent on the spin-wave frequency if the current locally increases the magnetic field. In the opposite case the frequency dependence is negligible.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure

    Double-level indication of globalization effects in portfolio investment models

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    In this article, to study this problem, proposed a model that describes a double-level mechanism for profit generating. Usage of this model allowed us to set the specificity of the influence of globalization to the main characteristics of portfolio decisions. Based on this specificity was modified the Sharp's diagonal portfolio investment model with the aim of its practical use in the context of globalization. The performed calculations confirmed the validity of the theoretical recommendation

    Fragmentation channels of relativistic 7^7Be nuclei in peripheral interactions

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    Nuclei of 7^7Li were accelerated at the JINR Nuclotron. After the charge-exchange reaction involving these nuclei at an external target a second 7^7Be beam of energy 1.23A GeV was formed. This beam was used to expose photo-emulsion chambers. The mean free path for inelastic 7^7Be interactions in emulsion λ\lambda=14.0±\pm0.8 cm coincides within the errors with those for 6^6Li and 7^7Li nuclei. More than 10% of the 7^7Be events are associated with the peripheral interactions in which the total charge of the relativistic fragments is equal to the charge of the 7^7Be and in which charged mesons are not produced. An unusual ratio of the isotopes is revealed in the composition of the doubly charged 7^7Be fragments: the number of 3^3He fragments is twice as large as that of 4^4He fragments. In 50% of peripheral interactions, a 7^7Be nucleus decays to two doubly charged fragments. The present paper gives the channels of the 7^7Be fragmentation to charged fragments. In 50% of events, the 7^7Be fragmentation proceeds only to charged fragments involving no emission of neutrons. Of them, the 3^3He+4^4He channel dominates, the 4^4He+d+p and 6^6Li+pchannels constitute 10% each. Two events involving no emission of neutrons are registered in the 3-body 3^3He+t+p and 3^3He+d+d channels. The mean free path for the coherent dissociation of relativistic 7^7Be nuclei to 3^3He+4^4He is 7±\pm1 m. The particular features of the relativistic 7^7Be fragmentation in such peripheral interactions are explained by the 3^3He+4^4He 2-cluster structure of the 7^7Be nucleus.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, 3 tables, conference: Conference on Physics of Fundamental Interactions, Moscow, Russia, 5-9 Dec 200

    Role of the Nuclear and Electromagnetic Interactions in the Coherent Dissociation of the Relativistic 7^7Li Nucleus into the 3^3H + 4^4He Channel

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    The differential cross section in the transverse momentum QQ and a total cross section of (31±4)(31\pm4) mb for the coherent dissociation of a 3-A-GeV/cc 7^7Li nucleus through the 3^3H+4+^4He channel have been measured on emulsion nuclei. The observed QQ dependence of the cross section is explained by the predominant supposition of the nuclear diffraction patterns on light (C, N, O) and heavy (Br, Ag) emulsion nuclei. The contributions to the cross section from nuclear diffraction (Q400Q\le400 MeV/cc) and Coulomb (Q50(Q\le50 MeV/cc) dissociations are calculated to be 40.7 and 4 mb, respectively.Comment: ISSN 0021-3640, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 200

    Инвагинация червеобразного отростка

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    The pathology of the appendix remains one of the topical areas of abdominal surgery. Its rare diseases can be difficult to diagnose and treat, and are accompanied by the development of serious complications. One of them is  intussusception of the appendix to the cecum. Intussusception can be caused by previously undiagnosed primary lesions of the appendix. At the same time, it can simulate tumor and tumor-like formations of the cecum and lead to  diagnostic errors. The literature review provides modern data on the history of the study of the problem, the epidemiology of classification, the causes and mechanisms of the development of appendiceal intussusception, the methods of its diagnosis and treatment.  Патология червеобразного отростка остается одним из актуальных разделов абдоминальной хирургии. Его редкие заболевания могут представлять сложности для диагностики и лечения и сопровождаться развитием серьезных осложнений. Одно из них — инвагинация червеобразного отростка в слепую кишку. Инвагинация может быть вызвана ранее  недиагностированными первичными поражениями отростка. В  то же время инвагинат может симулировать опухолевые и опухолеподобные образования слепой кишки и приводить к  диагностическим ошибкам. В обзоре литературы приведены  современные данные об истории изучения проблемы,  эпидемиологии, классификации, причинам и механизмам развития инвагинации червеобразного отростка, методах ее диагностики и лечения.


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    The article describes the developed modeling system in MATLAB Simulink which allows to simulate, explore and predict the technical condition of the units of the aircraft gas turbine engine fuel system depending on aviation fuel quality changes.В статье описана разработанная система моделирования в среде MATLAB Simulink, позволяющая моделировать, исследовать и прогнозировать техническое состояние агрегатов топливной системы газотурбинного двигателя летательного аппарата в зависимости от изменения качества авиационного топлива

    Острый аппендицит при инвагинации червеобразного отростка

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    Intussusception of the appendix is the introduction of the appendix into the lumen of the cecum may be accompanied by the development of acute appendicitis, or proceed without it. The combination of intussusception and acute inflammation of the appendix makes the diagnosis of appendicitis difficult due to the absence of classic clinical symptoms. The article presents the case of successful treatment of a patient with an untypical clinical presentation of acute appendicitis that developed in an invaginated vermiform appendix. Инвагинация червеобразного отростка — внедрение червеобразного отростка в просвет слепой кишки — может сопровождаться развитием острого аппендицита, либо протекать без него. Сочетание инвагинации и острого воспаления аппендикса создает сложности в диагностике аппендицита из-за отсутствия характерных клинических симптомов. В статье представлен случай успешного лечения больной с атипичной клинической картиной острого аппендицита, развившегося при инвагинации червеобразного отростка.