17 research outputs found

    QED vacuum between an unusual pair of plates

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    We consider the photon field between an unusual configuration of infinite parallel plates: a perfectly conducting plate (ϵ→∞)(\epsilon\to\infty) and an infinitely permeable one μ→∞)\mu\to\infty). After quantizing the vector potential in the Coulomb gauge, we obtain explicit expressions for the vacuum expectation values of field operators of the form 0_0 and <B^iB^j>0<{\hat B}_i{\hat B}_j>_0. These field correlators allow us to reobtain the Casimir effect for this set up and to discuss the light velocity shift caused by the presence of plates (Scharnhorst effect \cite{Scharnhorst,Barton,BarScharn}) for both scalar and spinor QED.Comment: Latex, 16 pages, no figure

    Spontaneous emission between an unusual pair of plates

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    We compute the modification in the spontaneous emission rate for a two-level atom when it is located between two parallel plates of different nature: a perfectly conducting plate (ϵ→∞)(\epsilon\to \infty) and an infinitely permeable one (μ→∞)(\mu\to \infty). We also discuss the case of two infinitely permeable plates. We compare our results with those found in the literature for the case of two perfectly conducting plates.Comment: latex file 4 pages, 4 figure

    Dynamical Casimir effect with Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions

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    We derive the radiation pressure force on a non-relativistic moving plate in 1+1 dimensions. We assume that a massless scalar field satisfies either Dirichlet or Neumann boundary conditions (BC) at the instantaneous position of the plate. We show that when the state of the field is invariant under time translations, the results derived for Dirichlet and Neumann BC are equal. We discuss the force for a thermal field state as an example for this case. On the other hand, a coherent state introduces a phase reference, and the two types of BC lead to different results.Comment: 12 page

    Zeta function method and repulsive Casimir forces for an unusual pair of plates at finite temperature

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    We apply the generalized zeta function method to compute the Casimir energy and pressure between an unusual pair of parallel plates at finite temperature, namely: a perfectly conducting plate and an infinitely permeable one. The high and low temperature limits of these quantities are discussed; relationships between high and low temperature limits are estabkished by means of a modified version of the temperature inversion symmetry.Comment: latex file 9 pages, 3 figure

    Normal and Lateral Casimir Forces between Deformed Plates

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    The Casimir force between macroscopic bodies depends strongly on their shape and orientation. To study this geometry dependence in the case of two deformed metal plates, we use a path integral quantization of the electromagnetic field which properly treats the many-body nature of the interaction, going beyond the commonly used pairwise summation (PWS) of van der Waals forces. For arbitrary deformations we provide an analytical result for the deformation induced change in Casimir energy, which is exact to second order in the deformation amplitude. For the specific case of sinusoidally corrugated plates, we calculate both the normal and the lateral Casimir forces. The deformation induced change in the Casimir interaction of a flat and a corrugated plate shows an interesting crossover as a function of the ratio of the mean platedistance H to the corrugation length \lambda: For \lambda \ll H we find a slower decay \sim H^{-4}, compared to the H^{-5} behavior predicted by PWS which we show to be valid only for \lambda \gg H. The amplitude of the lateral force between two corrugated plates which are out of registry is shown to have a maximum at an optimal wavelength of \lambda \approx 2.5 H. With increasing H/\lambda \gtrsim 0.3 the PWS approach becomes a progressively worse description of the lateral force due to many-body effects. These results may be of relevance for the design and operation of novel microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) and other nanoscale devices.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure


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