1,196 research outputs found

    A String Approximation for Cooper Pair in High-Tc_{\bf c} superconductivity

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    It is assumed that in some sense the High-Tc_c superconductivity is similar to the quantum chromodynamics (QCD). This means that the phonons in High-Tc_c superconductor have the strong interaction between themselves like to gluons in the QCD. At the experimental level this means that in High-Tc_c superconductor exists the nonlinear sound waves. It is possible that the existence of the strong phonon-phonon interaction leads to the confinement of phonons into a phonon tube (PT) stretched between two Cooper electrons like a hypothesized flux tube between quark and antiquark in the QCD. The flux tube in the QCD brings to a very strong interaction between quark-antiquark, the similar situation can be in the High-Tc_c superconductor: the presence of the PT can essentially increase the binding energy for the Cooper pair. In the first rough approximation the PT can be approximated as a nonrelativistic string with Cooper electrons at the ends. The BCS theory with such potential term is considered. It is shown that Green's function method in the superconductivity theory is a realization of discussed Heisenberg idea proposed by him for the quantization of nonlinear spinor field. A possible experimental testing for the string approximation of the Cooper pair is offered.Comment: Essential changes: (a) the section is added in which it is shown that Green's function method in the superconductivity theory is a realization of discussed Heisenberg quantization method; (b) Veneziano amplitude is discussed as an approximation for the 4-point Green's function in High-T_c; (c) it is shown that Eq.(53) has more natural solution on the layer rather than on 3 dimensional spac

    Spherically Symmetric Solution for Torsion and the Dirac equation in 5D spacetime

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    Torsion in a 5D spacetime is considered. In this case gravitation is defined by the 5D metric and the torsion. It is conjectured that torsion is connected with a spinor field. In this case Dirac's equation becomes the nonlinear Heisenberg equation. It is shown that this equation has a discrete spectrum of solutions with each solution being regular on the whole space and having finite energy. Every solution is concentrated on the Planck region and hence we can say that torsion should play an important role in quantum gravity in the formation of bubbles of spacetime foam. On the basis of the algebraic relation between torsion and the classical spinor field in Einstein-Cartan gravity the geometrical interpretation of the spinor field is considered as ``the square root'' of torsion.Comment: 7 pages, REVTEX, essential changing of tex

    Formulation of the Spinor Field in the Presence of a Minimal Length Based on the Quesne-Tkachuk Algebra

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    In 2006 Quesne and Tkachuk (J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. {\bf 39}, 10909, 2006) introduced a (D+1)-dimensional (β,β)(\beta,\beta')-two-parameter Lorentz-covariant deformed algebra which leads to a nonzero minimal length. In this work, the Lagrangian formulation of the spinor field in a (3+1)-dimensional space-time described by Quesne-Tkachuk Lorentz-covariant deformed algebra is studied in the case where β=2β\beta'=2\beta up to first order over deformation parameter β\beta. It is shown that the modified Dirac equation which contains higher order derivative of the wave function describes two massive particles with different masses. We show that physically acceptable mass states can only exist for β<18m2c2\beta<\frac{1}{8m^{2}c^{2}}. Applying the condition β<18m2c2\beta<\frac{1}{8m^{2}c^{2}} to an electron, the upper bound for the isotropic minimal length becomes about 3×1013m3 \times 10^{-13}m. This value is near to the reduced Compton wavelength of the electron (λc=mec=3.86×1013m)(\lambda_c = \frac{\hbar}{m_{e}c} = 3.86\times 10^{-13} m) and is not incompatible with the results obtained for the minimal length in previous investigations.Comment: 11 pages, no figur

    On geometric relativistic foundations of matter field equations and plane wave solutions

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    In this paper, we start from the geometric relativistic foundations to define the basis upon which matter field theories are built, and their wave solutions are investigated, finding that they display repulsive interactions able to reproduce the exclusion principle in terms of its effects in a dynamical way, then discussing possible consequences and problems.Comment: 11 page

    On the instability of classical dynamics in theories with higher derivatives

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    The development of instability in the dynamics of theories with higher derivatives is traced in detail in the framework of the Pais-Uhlenbeck fourth oder oscillator. For this aim the external friction force is introduced in the model and the relevant solutions to equations of motion are investigated. As a result, the physical implication of the energy unboundness from below in theories under consideration is revealed.Comment: 9 pages, no figures and no tables, revtex4; a few misprints are correcte

    Thick de Sitter brane solutions in higher dimensions

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    We present thick de Sitter brane solutions which are supported by two interacting {\it phantom} scalar fields in five-, six- and seven-dimensional spacetime. It is shown that for all cases regular solutions with anti-de Sitter asymptotic (5D problem) and a flat asymptotic far from the brane (6D and 7D cases) exist. We also discuss the stability of our solutions.Comment: typos correcte

    Boson stars from a gauge condensate

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    The boson star filled with two interacting scalar fields is investigated. The scalar fields can be considered as a gauge condensate formed by SU(3) gauge field quantized in a non-perturbative manner. The corresponding solution is regular everywhere, has a finite energy and can be considered as a quantum SU(3) version of the Bartnik - McKinnon particle-like solution.Comment: errors are corrected, one reference is adde

    Transferring elements of a density matrix

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    We study restrictions imposed by quantum mechanics on the process of matrix elements transfer. This problem is at the core of quantum measurements and state transfer. Given two systems \A and \B with initial density matrices λ\lambda and rr, respectively, we consider interactions that lead to transferring certain matrix elements of unknown λ\lambda into those of the final state r~{\widetilde r} of \B. We find that this process eliminates the memory on the transferred (or certain other) matrix elements from the final state of \A. If one diagonal matrix element is transferred, r~aa=λaa{\widetilde r}_{aa}=\lambda_{aa}, the memory on each non-diagonal element λab\lambda_{a\not=b} is completely eliminated from the final density operator of \A. Consider the following three quantities \Re \la_{a\not =b}, \Im \la_{a\not =b} and \la_{aa}-\la_{bb} (the real and imaginary part of a non-diagonal element and the corresponding difference between diagonal elements). Transferring one of them, e.g., \Re\tir_{a\not = b}=\Re\la_{a\not = b}, erases the memory on two others from the final state of \A. Generalization of these set-ups to a finite-accuracy transfer brings in a trade-off between the accuracy and the amount of preserved memory. This trade-off is expressed via system-independent uncertainty relations which account for local aspects of the accuracy-disturbance trade-off in quantum measurements.Comment: 9 pages, 2 table

    Gauged System Mimicking the G\"{u}rsey Model

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    We comment on the changes in the constrained model studied earlier when constituent massless vector fields are introduced. The new model acts like a gauge-Higgs-Yukawa system, although its origin is different.Comment: 8 pages, RevTex4; published versio