120 research outputs found


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    The grinding process of fruits and vegetables in the preparation of juice with pulp, usually carried out by means juicers, blenders or grinders with a relatively slowly rotating blades and stationary gratings with a continuous flow of raw materials. Intensification of processes of division of the products of the conversion will asunder allow sharply duration and raise the uniformity of the processing cheese that will say on quality ready drink as a whole. The interaction of the blade and material is characterized effort of the cutting moreover the general power, acting on blade on the part of material, is not found in planes of the cutting in consequence of which on blade of the knife, alongside with vertical, acts and horizontal forming power. Horizontal form to deform (change) sidebar cut-ting edge of the knife in consequence of which in general event provision to necessary acerbity in flat material requires increase of his(its) thickness and using the additional relationships (the jumper). It is installed that values of magnitude of deformation and speed of its extending are connected among themselves through the parameters characterizing pressure and plasticity of medium of installation of machining. Hence, speed depends on properties of a body in which the pulse is passed round. In the majority of materials speed of extending of a pulse appears an order of 5 103 km/s. Accounting of received data in the determination of rational cutting speeds for different materials with elastoplastic properties (approximation cutting speed for the propagation velocity of deformation) will allow to reduce pre-separation deformation and, respectively, spent on her work, localization stress under cutting edge, and, as consequence will lead to higher product yield and improve the purity of the slices. Improving the quality cutting may be associated with an increase of inertia of the structural elements of the material (fibers) by increasing the speed of the process

    Analytical solution of second Stokes problem of behaviour of rarefied gas with Cercignani boundary accomodation conditions

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    Analytical solution of second Stokes problem of behaviour of rarefied gas with Cercignani boundary accomodation conditions The second Stokes problem about behaviour of rarefied gas filling half-space is analytically solved. A plane, limiting half-space, makes harmonious fluctuations in the plane. The kinetic BGK-equation (Bhatnagar, Gross, Krook) is used. The boundary accomodation conditions of Cercignani of reflexion gaseous molecules from a wall are considered. Distribution function of the gaseous molecules is constructed. The velocity of gas in half-space is found, also its value direct at a wall is found. The force resistance operating from gas on border is found. Besides, the capacity of dissipation of the energy falling to unit of area of the fluctuating plate limiting gas is obtained.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figure

    Hopping magnetotransport of the band-gap tuningCu2Zn(SnxGe1-x)Se4 crystals

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    Resistivity, (T, x), of Cu2Zn(SnxGe1-x)Se4 (CZTGeSe) single crystals with x = 0 1 exhibits an activated character within the whole investigated temperature range between T ~ 10 320 K, attaining a minimum at x = 0.5. Magnetoresistance (MR) of CZTGeSe with x = 0.3, 0.5 and 0.7 is positive (pMR) in all magnetic fields of B up to 20 T at any T between ~ 40 320 K, whereas MR of samples with x = 0 and 1 contains a negative contribution (nMR). The dependence of (T) at B = 0 gives evidence for a nearest-neighbor hopping (NNH) conductivity in high-temperature intervals within T ~ 200 320 K depending on x, followed by the Mott variable-range hopping (VRH) charge transfer with lowering temperature. The MR law of ln (B) B2 is observed in both hopping conduction regimes above, provided that the nMR contribution is absent or saturated. Analysis of the (T) and MR data has yielded the values of the NNH activation energy and the VRH characteristic temperature, as well as those of the acceptor band width, the acceptor concentration, the localization radii of holes and the density of the localized states (DOS) at the Fermi level. All the parameters above exhibit a systematic non-monotonous dependence on x. Their extremums, corresponding to the minimum of a lattice disorder along with the maximum of DOS and of the defect concentration, as well as a highest proximity to the metal-insulator transition, suggest an optimum for electronic properties composition of CZTGeSe near x ~ 0.6 0.7


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    The search for new methods of adequate antegrade blood flow restoration in the coronary arteries of patients with acute coronary syndrome with ST-segment elevation (ACSesST) without hemodynamically significant atherosclerotic lesions of the coronary arteries is a poorly studied item. The author gives the clinical example of a patient with ACSesST without hemodynamically significant atherosclerotic lesions of the coronary arteries and deceleration of antegrade blood flow in the area of the anterior descending artery (ADA). Percutaneous temporary occlusion of the coronary sinus was done to the patient during 10 minutes in the balloon catheter «inflation-deflation». The procedure resulted in a positive impact on coronary hemodynamics such as distal coronary spasm cupping, myocardial perfusion improvement and restoration of adequate antegrade blood flow in the pool ADA.Поиск новых способов восстановления адекватного антеградного кровотока по коронарным артериям у пациентов с острым коронарным синдромом с подъемом сегмента ST (ОКСспST) без гемодинамически значимого атеросклеротического поражения коронарного русла является малоизученной проблемой. Приведен клинический пример больного с ОКСспST без гемодинамически значимого поражения коронарных артерий и замедлением антеградного кровотока по бассейну передней нисходящей артерии (ПНА). Пациенту была проведена чрескожная временная окклюзия коронарного синуса в течение 10 минут в режиме «инфляции-дефляции» баллонного катетера. Процедура оказала непосредственное положительное воздействие на коронарную гемодинамику в виде купирования дистального коронароспазма, улучшения миокардиальной перфузии и восстановления адекватного антеградного кровотока по бассейну ПНА

    Room Temperature High-Field Spin Dynamics of NV Defects in Sintered Diamonds

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    Sintered oriented nanodiamond arrays with the extremely high concentrations of the nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers (up to 103 ppm) were investigated by the W-band (94 GHz) electron spin echo electron paramagnetic resonance techniques. The NV centers were fabricated by the high-pressure high-temperature sintering of detonation nanodiamonds (DND) without the post or prior irradiation of the samples. The processes of polarization and recovery of the equilibrium population of the spin sublevels by optical and microwave pulses have been examined at room temperature in high magnetic fields corresponding to the fine-structure transitions for the NV defects at 94 GHz (3,250-3,450 mT). A long spin coherence time of 1.6 μs and spin-lattice relaxation time of 1.7 ms were measured. The results were compared with those obtained on the NV centers fabricated by the irradiation and subsequent annealing of the commercially available bulk diamonds. It was shown that the relaxation characteristics of the NV defects were similar in the both types of the samples despite the extremely high concentrations of NV defects and isolated nitrogen donors in the sintered DND. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Wien


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    In Europe, as in Russia and Canada, outlined was a tendency to the increase in the morbidity rates, while in the US – the incidence was somewhat lower as compared to previous years. On the whole, West Nile fever incidence rates in the Russian Federation by regions during the epidemic season, 2016 were below the average long-term index. Above the average regional annual incidence rates were registered in the Saratov region only and accounted for 64 % of all reported cases in Russia. Analysis of the monitoring results indicated the circulation of WNF virus markers in carriers of the pathogen in 10 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and the presence of IgG antibodies in healthy population cohorts in 30 RF entities. According to molecular-genetic typing of WNF virus samples from a deceased patient in the Astrakhan Region and mosquito Culex samples from the Volgograd Region, WNF virus genotype I was established. Forecasting of epidemiological situation development for the year 2017 does not rule out the possibility of local increase in WNF incidence in certain regions of Russia

    Defects in Nanodiamonds: Application of High-Frequency cw and Pulse EPR, ODMR

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    © 2014, Springer-Verlag Wien. Different aspects of applications of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) based techniques including high frequency (HF) electron spin echo (ESE), electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) and optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) approaches to study diamond nanostructures are examined