152 research outputs found

    Territorial reserves of major cities: Challenges,experience,solutions

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    © 2016,International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. All rights reserved.Currently,the problem of territorial reserves is quite relevant for dynamically developing urban systems,since a large city feels an increasing need for the new development resources such as areas,infrastructure,water sources,etc.,but many of them turn out to be exhausted or close to exhaustion within the urban area. This paper deals with the approaches to the problem of deficit in areas within the city limits based on the analysis and generalization of the world and Russian experience in the urban planning policy. Practice has shown that the territorial problems in cities may be solved by increasing the area of the city,urban densification,demolition of buildings and structures,by transferring industrial enterprises outside the city margin,high-rise construction,by creating filled (reclamation) areas,and underground construction. The paper deals with the features,advantages and disadvantages of the considered approaches to the designated problem of land shortage within the urban area. Considerable attention has been paid to environmental issues arising out of the implementation of any variant of solving the territorial problems of the city. The study found that the decision of the territorial deficit in the process of urban development has a complex nature. To achieve the best effect,it would be appropriate to use the combinations of various approaches,covered in this paper,in the urban planning practice

    Male health and obesity – diagnostic and therapeutic approach

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    Obesity may present as a significant medical problem for any person, regardless of age or gender. In men obesity causes considerable psychological stress, sexual dysfunction, subfertility, hypogonadism and cardiovascular conditions. These problems may form numerous pathological associations between each other, creating a vicious circle. The main factors which influence male fertility and sexual function in obesity and metabolic syndrome are imbalance of sex hormones and systemic inflammation. In many patients symptomatic treatment is necessary for above-mentioned manifestations, but it is always rational to act on their pathophysiology and to recommend to lower the body mass by diet and lifestyle modification. When it proves impossible for the patient to follow such recommendations and when behavioral approach fails, central-acting and peripheral-acting medications may be used, including orlistat, sibutramine and liraglutide. Bariatric surgery should be offered to patients with high body mass index in whom conservative management fails. Without elimination of excess body mass it is difficult to solve problems regarding sexual dysfunction, hypogonadism and subfertility in obese males. All these issues and available modes of pharmacological treatment are described in this review

    Difficulties in differential diagnosis between obstructive and non-obstructive azoospermia

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    Introduction. The difference between obstructive and non-obstructive azoospermia (OA and NOA) is important for the choice of treatment tactics and adequate counseling of a married couple.Objective. To describe, analyze, and classify possible challenges in differentiating between two types of azoospermiaMaterials and methods. The retrospective review of database on surgical sperm retrieval attempts performed our hospital (n = 754). A subpopulation of 216 patients who were preliminary diagnosed with OA, was selected for further analysis. All patients had testicular pathology data following sperm retrieval attempt. Rate of reclassification was assessed as a primary outcome. Reclassified cases were further analyzed to find a possible reason for incorrect differential diagnosis.Results. Among 216 patients with initially suspected OA, 131 (60.6%) had evidence of spermatogenic dysfunction on pathological examination of seminiferous tubules. Multivariate regression analysis showed that only regular exposure to high temperatures was an independent predictor of NOA detection in patients with normal endocrine and clinical parameters (OR = 1.989; 95% CI = 1.101 – 3.595). Analysis of the decision tree showed that patients with inhibin B levels below 93 pg/ml had the highest risk of an incorrect initial diagnosis (82.6%).Conclusions. Differential diagnosis of OA and NOA is not such a simple task. Any case of azoospermia against the background of normal semen volume by default should be considered as a case of NOA if there is no anamnestic or clinical data clearly indicating obstruction. Regular exposure to high temperature is likely to cause azoospermia in men with initially severe disorders of spermatogenesis. Finally, the reference values of inhibin B offered by most laboratories are not intended to assess reproductive function

    Влияние ограниченных ожогов кожи на течение и исход ингаляционной травмы

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    Introduction Inhalation injury (ini) makes burn disease more severe. However, it remains unexplored what is the minimum area of the burn that can significantly aggravate of the course of ini.The objective was to compare the incidence of acute respiratory failure (arf), pneumonia, and mortality between patients with ini and ini with superficial skin burns up to 3% total body surface area (tbsa).Material and methods 125 patients with ini and i–ii degree skin burns up to 3% tbsa were allocated into 4 groups: ini without skin burns, ini with burns up to 1% tbsa, up to 2%, and up to 3% tbsa.Results In the group with ini and skin burns up to 2%, the number of arf, pneumonia cases, and deaths did not statistically significantly differ from the ini group, however in group of ini and burns of more than 2% tbsa, there were more of those complications.Conclusion Skin burns of i–ii degree over 2% tbsa increase the incidence of acute respiratory failure, pneumonia, and death in patients with ini.РЕЗЮМЕ Известно, что ингаляционная травма (ИТ) ухудшает течение ожоговой болезни у тяжелообожженных. Однако остается неизвестным, как небольшие ожоги влияют на течение ИТ.ЦЕЛЬ Сравнительное изучение частоты острой дыхательной недостаточности (ОДН), пневмонии и смертельных исходов у пациентов с ИТ и ИТ с поверхностными ожогами кожи до 3% поверхности тела (п.т.).МАТЕРИАЛ И МЕТОДЫ 125 пациентов с ИТ и ожогами кожи I–II степени до 3% п.т. были распределены на четыре группы: ИТ без ожогов кожи, с ожогами до 1% п.т., до 2% п.т., до 3% п.т.РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ В группах с ИТ и ожогами кожи до 2% п.т. число наблюдений ОДН, пневмонии и случаев смертельных исходов статистически значимо не отличалось от группы ИТ, а в группе ИТ и ожогами свыше 2% п.т. их было больше.ВЫВОДЫ Ожоги кожи I–II степени свыше 2% п.т. увеличивают частоту развития острой дыхательной недостаточности, пневмонии и случаев смертельных исходов у пациентов с ингаляционной травмой


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    The appropriate evaluation and the development of special measures to protect donor lungs are important factors for successful lung transplantation. Aim. To develop and determine the effectiveness of the protocol of morpho- functional assessment of potential lung donor. Methods and results. During the period from May, 2011 to May, 2012, 37 donors with diagnoses of brain death were surveyed. 5 bilateral lung transplantations were performed only in 2 cases donors have been evaluated as «ideal». In the majority of recipients early postoperative period was evaluated as satisfactory. Conclusion. Designed multivariate algorithm of donor with brain death assess- ment, effectively implemented through the selection of donors for lung transplantation with satisfactory results in the early postoperative period. However, compliance with ideal criteria will not allow to effectively provide care for patients with terminal lung disease under conditions of continuous growth of «waiting list»

    Innovative Technics of Managing Engineers' Global Competencies

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    Higher education modernization in the CIS countries takes place under the conditions of dynamic changes in economy and society. These changes are determined by the social and economic development of the country and the world globalization processes - cross-border intercultural communication, knowledge transparency, and the establishment of information society. Educational globalization is a continuous process of creating a unified global educational system, in which the distinctions between its member educational systems are being blended


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    The appropriate evaluation and the development of special measures to protect donor lungs are important factors for successful lung transplantation. Aim. To develop and determine the effectiveness of the protocol of morpho- functional assessment of potential lung donor. Methods and results. During the period from May, 2011 to May, 2012, 37 donors with diagnoses of brain death were surveyed. 5 bilateral lung transplantations were performed only in 2 cases donors have been evaluated as «ideal». In the majority of recipients early postoperative period was evaluated as satisfactory. Conclusion. Designed multivariate algorithm of donor with brain death assess- ment, effectively implemented through the selection of donors for lung transplantation with satisfactory results in the early postoperative period. However, compliance with ideal criteria will not allow to effectively provide care for patients with terminal lung disease under conditions of continuous growth of «waiting list». Цель исследования. Адекватная оценка и разработка специальных мероприятий по защите и восста- новлению морфофункциональнальных свойств легких потенциального донора. Методы и результа- ты. В период с мая 2011 года по май 2012 года наблюдали 37 доноров с диагнозом смерти мозга. Было выполнено 5 билатеральных трансплантаций легких, и только в 2 случаях доноры были определены как удовлетворительные. У большинства реципиентов ранний послеоперационный период протекал удовлет- ворительно. Заключение. Предложенный многофакторный алгоритм поддержки донора со смертью мозга позволяет эффективно отбирать доноров для трансплантации легких с удовлетворительным результатом в раннем послеоперационном периоде. Однако следование идеальным критериям не позволяет оказывать эффективную помощь пациентам в терминальной стадии болезни легких, включенным в лист ожидания трансплантации.

    CMS physics technical design report : Addendum on high density QCD with heavy ions

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