799 research outputs found

    HD 97394: a magnetic Ap star with high cerium overabundance

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    We report a spectroscopic analysis of the chemically peculiar Ap star HD 97394. The stellar spectrum is rich in lines of rare earth elements with large overabundances, especially cerium, gadolinium and europium. Enhancement of the abundances of these rare earths shows this star to be one of the most peculiar stars. Very large overabundances were found for lines of Ce iii and Eu iii. Abundances obtained from second ionization lines of Nd, Ce and Eu are about 2 dex higher than for those of the first ionization. From partially split Zeeman components of the Fe ii 6149.258 Å line and from synthetic modelling, a global magnetic field of 3.1 kG was measured. We tested for pulsation of the star with high time resolution spectroscopy obtained with the ESO Very Large Telescope. We place an upper limit to any pulsation amplitude of 30–40 m s−1 for individual lines of rare earth elements, of 10–20 m s−1 for the combination of several lines, and of 6–10 m s−1 for cross-correlation over large spectral bands

    Time-resolved spectroscopy of the rapidly oscillating Ap star KIC 10195926

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    We report an analysis of high time resolution spectra of the chemically peculiar Ap star KIC 10195926 obtained with the Subaru telescope. We find that the star has low overabundances of rare earth elements compared with other rapidly oscillating Ap stars. We found only upper limits for pulsations from spectral lines of rare earth and other chemical elements. Pulsation was found only for the narrow core of the Hα line with an amplitude of 171 ± 41ms−1 and with the frequency corresponding to photometric frequency obtained from Kepler observations

    Time resolved spectroscopy of the cool Ap star HD 213637

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    We present an analysis of high time resolution spectra of the chemically peculiar Ap star HD 213637. The star shows rapid radial velocity variations with a period close to the photometric pulsation period. Radial velocity pulsation amplitudes vary significantly for different rare earth elements. The highest pulsation amplitudes belong to lines of Tb III (∼360 m s−1), Pr II (∼250 m s−1) and Pr III (∼230 m s−1).We did not detect any pulsations from spectral lines of Eu II and in Hα, in contrast to many other roAp stars. We also did not find radial velocity pulsations using spectral lines of other chemical elements, including Mg, Si, Ca, Sc, Cr, Fe, Ni, Y and Ba. There are phase shifts between the maxima of pulsation amplitudes of different rare earth elements and ions, which is evidence of an outwardly running magneto-acoustic wave propagating through the upper stellar atmosphere

    Magnetic stars from a FEROS cool Ap star survey

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    New magnetic Ap stars with split Zeeman components are presented. These stars were discovered from observations with the Fibre-fed Extended Range Optical Spectrograph (FEROS) spectrograph at the European Southern Observatory (ESO) 2.2-m telescope. 15 new magnetic stars are analysed here. Several stars with very strong magnetic fields were found, including HD 70702 with a 15-kG magnetic field strength, and HD 168767 with a 16.5-kG magnetic field strength measured using split Zeeman components of spectral lines and by comparison with synthetic calculations. The physical parameters of the stars were estimated from photometric and spectroscopic data. Together with previously published results for stars with strong magnetic fields, the relationship between magnetic field strength and rotation period is discussed

    A rival for Babcock's star: the extreme 30-kG variable magnetic field in the Ap star HD 75049

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    The extraordinary magnetic Ap star HD 75049 has been studied with data obtained with the European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope and 2.2-m telescopes. Direct measurements reveal that the magnetic field modulus at maximum reaches 30 kG. The star shows photometric, spectral and magnetic variability with a rotation period of 4.049 d. Variations of the mean longitudinal magnetic field can be described to first order by a centred dipole model with an inclination i= 25°, an obliquity β= 60° and a polar field Bp= 42 kG. The combination of the longitudinal and surface magnetic field measurements implies a radius of R= 1.7 R⊙, suggesting that the star is close to the zero-age main sequence. HD 75049 displays moderate overabundances of Si, Ti, Cr, Fe and large overabundances of rare earth elements. This star has the second strongest magnetic field of any main-sequence star after Babcock's star, HD 215441, which it rivals

    Six months of mass outflow and inclined rings in the ejecta of V1494 Aql

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    V1494 Aql was a very fast nova which reached a visual maximum of mv≃ 4.0 by the end of 1999 December 3. We report observations from 4 to 284 d after discovery, including submillimetre- and centimetre-band fluxes, a single MERLIN image and optical spectroscopy in the 410 to 700 nm range. The extent of the radio continuum emission is consistent with a recent lower distance estimate of 1.6 kpc. We conclude that the optical and radio emission arises from the same expanding ejecta. We show that these observations are not consistent with simple kinematical spherical shell models used in the past to explain the rise and fall of the radio flux density in these objects. The resolved remnant structure is consistent with an inclined ring of enhanced density within the ejecta. Optical spectroscopy indicates likely continued mass ejection for over 195 d, with the material becoming optically thin in the visible sometime between 195 and 285 d after outburst

    Estimación de la medida en distribuciones asimétricas

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    En la aplicación de las técnicas estadísticas es común el uso de transformaciones que permitan simplificar el análisis cuando los datos son generados por distribuciones asimétricas cuando existen observaciones atípicas en una de las colas de la distribución. Para el análisis de esta clase de datos, este documento presenta un estimador de la transformación de potencia que simetriza el conjunto de datos (Castaño, 1994) y un estimador de bajo sesgo de la media retransformada que no hace uso del supuesto de normalidad. El uso de la técnica de bootstrap permite obtener tanto el error estándar del estimador de la transformación como el de la media retransformada. Los resultados obtenidos a través de simulación muestran que el procedimiento propuesto parece ser un competidor del método de máxima verosimilitud, al menos para los casos estudiados
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