238 research outputs found

    Analysis of bull/bear market patterns in the stock market index data

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    One of the tools in financial forecasting is technical analysis where patterns that predict future prices and market behavior are identified from past market data. Technical analysis uses charts to identify predictive patterns - it can be applied to the analysis of prices of stocks, currencies, precious metals, commodities, various indices, futures, or financial derivatives. The underlying assumption is that the current price is the summary of all information available, that price movements are a combination of random fluctuations and periods of non-random patterns, and that accurate forecasting can be performed without knowing the specific reasons that cause price changes. Technical analysis often fails to forecast disruptive events, such as formation of bubbles, crises, and emergence of systemic risks

    Mathematical modeling and big data analytics in biomedicine

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    The World's total data is doubling every two years. Data expansion includes growth in quantity, complexity, and types of data. The enormous rate of generation and on-line access to data is profoundly changing the way how business is conducted. Biomedical data include research and development data, clinical data, activity and cost data, patient behavior data, basic science data, and standards and ontologies, among others. Furthermore, Big Data approaches are increasingly needed for utilization of results from various Omics studies. Specific applications include predictive and content analytics that support drug discovery and optimization, the development of new diagnostic methods, and personalization of medicine. Biomedical data vary in granularity, quality, and complexity. There is a variety of sources and data formats - web pages, publications, technical reports, and databases. The challenge is to make the transition from data to actionable knowledge

    Antidote application: an educational system for treatment of common toxin overdose

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    Poisonings account for almost 1% of emergency room visits each year. Time is a critical factor in dealing with a toxicologic emergency. Delay in dispensing the first antidote dose can lead to life-threatening sequelae. Current toxicological resources that support treatment decisions are broad in scope, time-consuming to read, or at times unavailable. Our review of current toxicological resources revealed a gap in their ability to provide expedient calculations and recommendations about appropriate course of treatment. To bridge the gap, we developed the Antidote Application (AA), a computational system that automatically provides patient-specific antidote treatment recommendations and individualized dose calculations. We implemented 27 algorithms that describe FDA (the US Food and Drug Administration) approved use and evidence-based practices found in primary literature for the treatment of common toxin exposure. The AA covers 29 antidotes recommended by Poison Control and toxicology experts, 19 poison classes and 31 poisons, which represent over 200 toxic entities. To the best of our knowledge, the AA is the first educational decision support system in toxicology that provides patient-specific treatment recommendations and drug dose calculations. The AA is publicly available at http://projects.met- hilab.org/antidote/

    The future of translational biomedical research at Nazarbayev University

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    The ultimate goal of fundamental biomedical research is to decipher mechanisms underlying the impairment of molecules, cells, tissues, and organs and subsequent dysfunction of the whole human body. Knowledge of these mechanisms helps discover and develop new approaches in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of various diseases. Translational biomedical research enables the application of basic scientific discoveries to diagnostics, patient care and clinical practice. Thus, translational biomedical research is a link between fundamental research, clinical research and clinical practice. Transfer of discoveries from the bench to the bedside is a very complex and time consuming process that includes pre-clinical studies and several phases of clinical trials, along with the development of clinical guidelines and protocols, and the eventual implementation of best clinical practices

    PO and ID BCG vaccination in humans induce distinct mucosal and systemic immune responses and CD4(+) T cell transcriptomal molecular signatures.

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    Protective efficacy of Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) may be affected by the methods and routes of vaccine administration. We have studied the safety and immunogenicity of oral (PO) and/or intradermal (ID) administration of BCG in healthy human subjects. No major safety concerns were detected in the 68 healthy adults vaccinated with PO and/or ID BCG. Although both PO and ID BCG could induce systemic Th1 responses capable of IFN-γ production, ID BCG more strongly induced systemic Th1 responses. In contrast, stronger mucosal responses (TB-specific secretory IgA and bronchoalveolar lavage T cells) were induced by PO BCG vaccination. To generate preliminary data comparing the early gene signatures induced by mucosal and systemic BCG vaccination, CD4(+) memory T cells were isolated from subsets of BCG vaccinated subjects pre- (Day 0) and post-vaccination (Days 7 and 56), rested or stimulated with BCG infected dendritic cells, and then studied by Illumina BeadArray transcriptomal analysis. Notably, distinct gene expression profiles were identified both on Day 7 and Day 56 comparing the PO and ID BCG vaccinated groups by GSEA analysis. Future correlation analyses between specific gene expression patterns and distinct mucosal and systemic immune responses induced will be highly informative for TB vaccine development.Mucosal Immunology advance online publication 30 August 2017; doi:10.1038/mi.2017.67