8 research outputs found

    Создание имитационной модели для исследования эффективности внедрения тарифного плана для мобильного оператора

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    У роботі розглянута задача складання структури тарифного плану для мобільного оператору. Описані етапи створення системи для аналізу економічного ефекту від впровадження тарифного плану. Розглянуті існуючі підходи до сегментації абонентів мобільних операторів, вказані переваги та недоліки кожного з підходів. На базі одного з підходів виокремлено два сегменти: сегмент бізнес-користувачів та сегмент фізичних осіб. Розроблена імітаційна модель для визначення доходу мобільного оператору. Модель реалізована у системі імітаційного моделювання Stella. У моделі врахована можливість переходу абонентів із сегменту фізичних осіб до сегменту бізнес-користувачів, представлені блоки для моделювання послуг мобільних мереж різного покоління (від мереж 1G до мереж 4G). Приведений опис моделі, надані рекомендації по її використанню.The paper discusses the problem of defining the structure of the tariff plan for a mobile operator. The main steps of creating a system for analyzing the economic effect of the implementation of the tariff plan are listed. The existing approaches of the segmentation subscribers of mobile operators are viewed. The advantages and disadvantages of each approach are determined. On the basis of one of the approaches are identified two segments: a segment of business users and a segment of individuals.The simulation model which is based on this approach is made. The model is implemented in the modeling system Stella. The model takes into account the possibility of transition of subscribers between two segments, the blocks for modeling services of mobile networks of different generations (from network generation 1G to network 4G) are defined in the model. A description of the model and recommendations for its use are listed.В работе рассматривается задача составления структуры тарифного плана для мобильного оператора. Описаны этапы создания системы по анализу экономического эффекта при внедрении тарифного плана. Рассмотрены существующие подходы к сегментации абонентов мобильных операторов, указаны преимущества и недостатки каждого из подходов. На основании одного из подходов выделены два сегмента: сегмент бизнес-пользователей и сегмент физических лиц. Разработана имитационная модель для определения дохода мобильного оператора, реализованная в системе имитационного моделирования Stella. В модели учтена возможность перехода абонентов из сегмента физических лиц в сегмент бизнес-пользователей, представлены блоки для моделирования услуг мобильных сетей разного поколения (от сетей 1G до сетей поколения 4G). Приведено описание модели, даны рекомендации по её использованию

    Изучение гемосовместимости магнитных наночастиц магнетита и композитных частиц магнетита-кремнезема in vitro

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    The goal of the present research is to study the hemocompatibility of magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs)  in model systems in vitro.Materials and methods. Magnetite nanoparticles and magnetite colloidal solutions were used in 0.9% NaCl in concentrations 0.2, 2.0 and 20.0 mg/ml. The study was performed with heparinized human whole blood, 1 ml of which was mixed with 1 of ml nanoparticles/physiological solution. Measurements were made directly after mixing, and then 1, 2.5 and 5 hours later. The amount of reactive oxygen species (ROS) was measured with luminol-dependent chemiluminiscence (CL). An erythrocyte aggregation index was calculated. For the assessment of hemolytic properties, a hemolysis coefficient was calculated based on optical density of the plasma. The nanoparticless surface protein layer investigation was performed with IR-Fourier spectroscopy.Results. Nanoparticles decline CL in timeand concentration-dependent manner. Erythrocyte aggregation stability grows, but concentration and/or application time increment leads to significant hemolysis. IR-Fourier spectroscopy data shows albumin as main component of protein crown, whose conformation changes in time.Given data proves safety of studied MNPs in relation to examined parameters in low (0.2 and 2.0 mg/ml) concentrations up to 2.5 hours interaction. This allows us to treat these MNPs as a promising agents for further use in medical practice after completing examinations related to other homeostasis indicators.Целью данного исследования явилось изучение гемосовместимости магнитных наночастиц (МНЧ) в модельных системах in vitro.Материалы и методы. В работе использованы коллоидные растворы наночастиц магнетита (МНЧ1) и композитных частиц магнетита-кремнезема (МНЧ2) в 0,9%-м растворе NaCl в концентрациях 0,2; 2,0 и 20,0 мг/мл. Исследование проводили на гепаринизированной цельной крови человека, для чего  к 1 мл крови добавляли 1 мл раствора наночастиц или физиологического раствора (контроль). Измерения проводили непосредственно после приготовления смеси через 1; 2,5 и 5 ч. Количество активных форм кислорода (АФК) детектировали с помощью метода люминолзависимой хемилюминесценции (ХЛ), вычисляли индекс агрегации эритроцитов, для оценки гемолитических свойств рассчитывали коэффициент гемолиза на основе показателей оптической плотности плазмы, исследование белкового слоя на поверхности наночастиц производили при помощи ИК-Фурье спектроскопии.Результаты. Установлено, что наночастицы обоих типов в концентрации 0,2 и 20,0 мг/мл усиливают ХЛ непосредственно после введения и подавляют ее в ходе инкубации, при этом эффект усиливается с увеличением концентрации и времени воздействия. Также отмечено увеличение агрегационной устойчивости эритроцитов, однако с повышением дозы и времени воздействия наблюдался значительный гемолиз. ИК-Фурье спектроскопия показала оседание альбумина на поверхности МНЧ, который меняет свою конформацию с течением времени.Таким образом, полученные данные свидетельствуют о безопасности данных МНЧ по исследованным параметрам в низких концентрациях (0,2 и 2,0 мг/мл) при взаимодействии до 2,5 ч. Это позволяет рассматривать данные агенты как перспективные средства для дальнейшего использования в медицинской практике после завершения исследований в отношении других показателей гомеостаза

    Hemocompatibility of magnetic magnethite nanoparticles and magnetite-silica composites in vitro

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    The goal of the present research is to study the hemocompatibility of magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs)  in model systems in vitro.Materials and methods. Magnetite nanoparticles and magnetite colloidal solutions were used in 0.9% NaCl in concentrations 0.2, 2.0 and 20.0 mg/ml. The study was performed with heparinized human whole blood, 1 ml of which was mixed with 1 of ml nanoparticles/physiological solution. Measurements were made directly after mixing, and then 1, 2.5 and 5 hours later. The amount of reactive oxygen species (ROS) was measured with luminol-dependent chemiluminiscence (CL). An erythrocyte aggregation index was calculated. For the assessment of hemolytic properties, a hemolysis coefficient was calculated based on optical density of the plasma. The nanoparticless surface protein layer investigation was performed with IR-Fourier spectroscopy.Results. Nanoparticles decline CL in timeand concentration-dependent manner. Erythrocyte aggregation stability grows, but concentration and/or application time increment leads to significant hemolysis. IR-Fourier spectroscopy data shows albumin as main component of protein crown, whose conformation changes in time.Given data proves safety of studied MNPs in relation to examined parameters in low (0.2 and 2.0 mg/ml) concentrations up to 2.5 hours interaction. This allows us to treat these MNPs as a promising agents for further use in medical practice after completing examinations related to other homeostasis indicators

    Universal Patterns in Color-Emotion Associations Are Further Shaped by Linguistic and Geographic Proximity

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    Many of us “see red,” “feel blue,” or “turn green with envy.” Are such color-emotion associations fundamental to our shared cognitive architecture, or are they cultural creations learned through our languages and traditions? To answer these questions, we tested emotional associations of colors in 4,598 participants from 30 nations speaking 22 native languages. Participants associated 20 emotion concepts with 12 color terms. Pattern-similarity analyses revealed universal color-emotion associations (average similarity coefficient r =.88). However, local differences were also apparent. A machine-learning algorithm revealed that nation predicted color-emotion associations above and beyond those observed universally. Similarity was greater when nations were linguistically or geographically close. This study highlights robust universal color-emotion associations, further modulated by linguistic and geographic factors. These results pose further theoretical and empirical questions about the affective properties of color and may inform practice in applied domains, such as well-being and design. © The Author(s) 2020

    Universal Patterns in Color-Emotion Associations Are Further Shaped by Linguistic and Geographic Proximity

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    Many of us “see red,” “feel blue,” or “turn green with envy.” Are such color-emotion associations fundamental to our shared cognitive architecture, or are they cultural creations learned through our languages and traditions? To answer these questions, we tested emotional associations of colors in 4,598 participants from 30 nations speaking 22 native languages. Participants associated 20 emotion concepts with 12 color terms. Pattern-similarity analyses revealed universal color-emotion associations (average similarity coefficient r =.88). However, local differences were also apparent. A machine-learning algorithm revealed that nation predicted color-emotion associations above and beyond those observed universally. Similarity was greater when nations were linguistically or geographically close. This study highlights robust universal color-emotion associations, further modulated by linguistic and geographic factors. These results pose further theoretical and empirical questions about the affective properties of color and may inform practice in applied domains, such as well-being and design

    The sun is no fun without rain: Physical environments affect how we feel about yellow across 55 countries

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    Across cultures, people associate colours with emotions. Here, we test the hypothesis that one driver of this cross-modal correspondence is the physical environment we live in. We focus on a prime example – the association of yellow with joy, – which conceivably arises because yellow is reminiscent of life-sustaining sunshine and pleasant weather. If so, this association should be especially strong in countries where sunny weather is a rare occurrence. We analysed yellow-joy associations of 6625 participants from 55 countries to investigate how yellow-joy associations varied geographically, climatologically, and seasonally. We assessed the distance to the equator, sunshine, precipitation, and daytime hours. Consistent with our hypotheses, participants who live further away from the equator and in rainier countries are more likely to associate yellow with joy. We did not find associations with seasonal variations. Our findings support a role for the physical environment in shaping the affective meaning of colour. © 201

    The sun is no fun without rain: Physical environments affect how we feel about yellow across 55 countries

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    Across cultures, people associate colours with emotions. Here, we test the hypothesis that one driver of this cross-modal correspondence is the physical environment we live in. We focus on a prime example – the association of yellow with joy, – which conceivably arises because yellow is reminiscent of life-sustaining sunshine and pleasant weather. If so, this association should be especially strong in countries where sunny weather is a rare occurrence. We analysed yellow-joy associations of 6625 participants from 55 countries to investigate how yellow-joy associations varied geographically, climatologically, and seasonally. We assessed the distance to the equator, sunshine, precipitation, and daytime hours. Consistent with our hypotheses, participants who live further away from the equator and in rainier countries are more likely to associate yellow with joy. We did not find associations with seasonal variations. Our findings support a role for the physical environment in shaping the affective meaning of colour