13 research outputs found

    A Lower Bound on List Size for List Decoding

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    A q-ary error-correcting code C ⊆ {1, 2,..., q} n is said to be list decodable to radius ρ with list size L if every Hamming ball of radius ρ contains at most L codewords of C. We prove that in order for a q-ary code to be list-decodable up to radius (1 − 1/q)(1 − ε)n, we must have L = Ω(1/ε 2). Specifically, we prove that there exists a constant cq> 0 and a function fq such that for small enough ε> 0, if C is list-decodable to radius (1 − 1/q)(1 − ε)n with list size cq/ε 2, then C has at most fq(ε) codewords, independent of n. This result is asymptotically tight (treating q as a constant), since such codes with an exponential (in n) number of codewords are known for list size L = O(1/ε 2). A result similar to ours is implicit in Blinovsky [Bli1] for the binary (q = 2) case. Our proof is simpler and works for all alphabet sizes, and provides more intuition for why the lower bound arises.

    On the number of step functions with restrictions

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    Ahlswede R, Blinovsky V. On the number of step functions with restrictions. THEORY OF PROBABILITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS. 2005;50(4):537-560.We obtain an asymptotic formula for the number of scaled step functions with restrictions on the length and height of steps (shapes of Young diagrams) of a given area in the neighborhood of a given curve. This allows us to find the asymptotics of the whole number of such functions and find the limit shape - the curve of concentration of the step functions

    A Remark on the Problem of Nonnegative k-Subset Sums

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    Aydinian H, Blinovsky VM. A Remark on the Problem of Nonnegative k-Subset Sums. Problems Of Information Transmission. 2012;48(4):347-351.Given a set of n real numbers with a nonnegative sum, consider the family of all its k-element subsets with nonnegative sums. How small can the size of this family be? We show that this problem is closely related to a problem raised by Ahlswede and Khachatrian in [1]. The latter, in a special case, is nothing else but the problem of determining a minimal number c(n)(k) such that any k-uniform hypergraph on n vertices having c(n)(k) + 1 edges has a perfect fractional matching. We show that results obtained in [1] can be applied for the former problem. Moreover, we conjecture that these problems have in general the same solution

    List Decoding from Erasures: Bounds and Code Constructions

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    We consider the problem of list decoding from erasures. We establish lower and upper bounds on the rate of a (binary linear) code that can be list decoded with list size L when up to a fraction p of its symbols are adversarially erased. Our results show that in the limit of large L, the rate of such a code approaches the \capacity" (1 p) of the erasure channel. Such nicely list decodable codes are then used as inner codes in a suitable concatenation scheme to give a uniformly constructive family of asymptotically good binary linear codes of that can be eciently list decoded using lists of size O(1=") from up to a fraction (1 ") of erasures, for arbitrary " > 0. This improves previous results from [19] in this vein, which achieved a rate of log(1="))