7 research outputs found
Non-perturbative gluon evolution, squeezing, correlations and chaos in jets
We study evolution of colour gluon states in isolated QCD jet at the
non-perturbative stage. Fluctuations of gluons are less than those for coherent
states under specific conditions. This fact suggests that there gluon squeezed
states can arise. The angular and rapidity dependencies of the normalized
second-order correlation function for present gluon states are studied at this
stage of jet evolution. It is shown that these new gluon states can have both
sub-Poissonian and super-Poissonian statistics corresponding to, respectively,
antibunching and bunching of gluons by analogy with squeezed photon states.
We investigate the possibility of coexisting both squeezing and chaos using
Toda criterion and temporal correlator analysis. It is shown that these effects
may coexist under some conditions.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, Reported on IPPP Workshop on Multiparticle
Production in QCD Jets (University of Durham, Durham, UK, 12-15 December
We discuss the existence of new phenomena and properties of nonperturbative evolution of color quarks, gluons and other states in stochastic vacuum of quantum chromodynamics, color dissipation and confinement; instability of movement of color particles in the confinement region; appearance of squeezed and entangled states of strongly interacting particles; correlation properties of strong instanton decays; chaos-assisted instanton tunneling; quark-gluon plasma properties description in terms of the Hagedorn bootstrap statistical model. Обсуждается существование новых явлений и свойств непертурбативной эволюции цветных кварков, глюонов и других состояний в стохастическом вакууме квантовой хромодинамики, диссипация цвета и конфайнмент; неустойчивость движения цветных частиц в области конфайнмента; возникновение сжатых и перепутанных состояний сильно взаимодействующих частиц; корреляционные свойства распадов сильных инстантонов; ассисти- рованное хаосом туннелирование инстантонов; описание свойств кварк-глюонной плазмы на языке статистической модели бутстрапа Хэдждорна.