84 research outputs found

    Simulating budget system in the agent model of the Russian Federation spatial development

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    In this paper we present methods, data and algorithms for simulating budget system in the model of the Russian Federation spatial development. We show the place of this task in methodology of our research and give a brief overview of the background results. We determine revenues and expenditures of the budgets and funds on the basis of federal laws, Budget and Tax codes of the Russian Federation. For validation of the budget system algorithms in the model we conduct retrospective modeling for the federal budget and the budget of Belgorod region in 201

    Features of revision hip arthroplasty: prolapse of the acetabular component into the pelvis cavity

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    The article is devoted to some features of revision hip arthroplasty, especially to the prolapse of the acetabular component into the pelvis cavity. International literature review is presented, in which the authors warn surgeons about some possible complications during the removal of the components using retroperitoneal and external approach. In case of contact of acetabular component with neurovascular bundle in pelvis, foreign authors recommend retroperitoneal approach

    The first experience of low-invasive correction of Pectus Carinatum at children by Abramson procedur

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    Purpose: justification of relevance of use of a low-invasive method of correction across Abramson and improvement of treatment of pectus carinatum (PC) at children. Materials and methods. The result of treatment of 7 boys aged from 12 up to 17 years operated from 2012 to 2017 concerning PC in MRRCI was analyzed. 4 of them were operated in the open way on Ravich. A lot of sequels during and after operation led to refusal of open methods of correction of PC. In the period from 2015 to 2017 three children were operated by Abramson’s method. Dynamometer researches proved the efficiency of Abramson’s method. The multispiral computer tomography with 3D reconstruction was carried out and allowed to avoid possible intraoperative complications. During the operation were used epidural and general anesthesia. Allocation of ribs in places of bracing of stabilizers to a periosteum without injury of a pleura allowed to reach the best stability and reliability of fixatives, reduce a pain syndrome and avoid a possible injury of intrathoracic organs. Epidural anesthesia in combination with analgetics intramusculary provided optimum anesthesia during the postoperative period. This method leads to faster recovery after operation, 5 days vs 10 days. Results: the catamnesis collected from 1 month till 2 years is positive. At 1 patient the early postoperative period was complicated by the intense pheumothorax caused by a rupture of a bulla of an apex of the right lung. The thoracoscopic atypical resection of the violent changed site of a lung is executed. Inputs. Using of Abramson’s method allowed to reduce quantity possible intra-and postoperative complications, achieve amazing cosmetic result and reduce terms of hospitalization by 2,5 times

    Метод оценки состояния снежно-ледяного покрова по углу Брюстера

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    Introduction. Landing is the most challenging and dangerous part of the helicopter flight. The development of systems facilitating safe landing is a priority task for both Russian and foreign engineering companies. Landing on unprepared sites covered with snow and ice may be determined by the need to deliver cargo and ammunition in combat conditions, during search and rescue operations, evacuations of victims, etc.Aim. Development of a method for remote assessment of the snow and ice cover based on the results of oblique sensing of the underlying surface with a radio signal with vertical polarization.Materials and methods. In the MatLab environment, the authors conducted numerical simulations of Fresnel reflection coefficients of echo signals with vertical polarization in the 40–90 degree sensing range in the operating frequency range when solving the direct and inverse problem of reconstruction of the parameters of snow and ice layers.Results. Intervals of the Brewster angle values were obtained at which the value of the Fresnel reflection coefficient from the boundaries of the snow and ice cover takes minimal. Thus, was found to be – 47...55°, – 55...58° and – 58...61° for dry snow, dry firn and dry ice, respectively. The depth resolution when using an ultra-wideband LFM signal with a frequency from 2 to 8 GHz is about 4 cm. The methodological error in determining the dielectric permittivity of layers by the Brewster angle comprises not more than 3 %.Conclusion. The error in determining the relative permittivity and the depth of k layers under an increase in the RMS values of the noise level from 3.8 to 4.8 with a step of 0.1 for 100 implementations of each with a probability of 0.95 does not exceed 10 %, which confirms the validity of this method. The implementation of which allows you to automate the process of evaluating the possibility of a safe landing, thereby reducing the decision-making time and increasing the level of safety.Введение. Наиболее сложным и опасным этапом полета вертолета является посадка. Разработка системы обеспечения ее безопасности – в настоящий момент одна из приоритетных задач, решением которой занимается значительное число фирм в нашей стране и за рубежом. Посадка на неподготовленные (необорудованные) площадки со снежно-ледяным покровом может быть вызвана необходимостью доставки подразделений, грузов и боеприпасов в боевых условиях, поисково-спасательными операциями, эвакуацией пострадавших и т. д.Цель работы. Разработка метода дистанционной идентификации состояния снежно-ледяного покрова по результатам наклонного зондирования подстилающей поверхности радиосигналом с вертикальной поляризацией.Материалы и методы. Численное моделирование в среде MatLab коэффициентов отражения Френеля эхо-сигналов с вертикальной поляризацией в интервале зондирования от 40 до 90° в рабочем диапазоне частот при решении прямой и обратной задач реконструкции параметров слоев снежно-ледяного покрова.Результаты. Получены интервалы значений угла Брюстера, при котором значение коэффициента отражения Френеля от границ раздела слоев снежно-ледяного покрова минимально. Так, для сухого снега – 47…55°, сухого фирна – 55…58° и сухого льда – 58…61°. Методическая погрешность определения диэлектрической проницаемости слоев по углам Брюстера составляет не более 3 %. Разрешающая способность по глубине при использовании сверхширокополосного ЛЧМ-сигнала с частотой от 2 до 8 ГГц составляет около 4 см.Заключение. Значение погрешности оценки измеренных значений относительной диэлектрической проницаемости и глубин k слоев при возрастании значений СКО уровня шума от 3.8 до 4.8 с шагом 0.1 по 100 реализациям каждого с вероятностью 0.95 не превышает 10 %. Это свидетельствует о правомерности использования данного метода, реализация которого позволяет автоматизировать процесс оценки возможности выполнения посадки, тем самым снизив время принятия решения и повысив уровень безопасности

    Structural relaxation of E' gamma centers in amorphous silica

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    We report experimental evidence of the existence of two variants of the E' gamma centers induced in silica by gamma rays at room temperature. The two variants are distinguishable by the fine features of their line shapes in paramagnetic resonance spectra. These features suggest that the two E' gamma differ for their topology. We find a thermally induced interconversion between the centers with an activation energy of about 34 meV. Hints are also found for the existence of a structural configuration of minimum energy and of a metastable state.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let


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    In contrast to the empirical anti-hypertensive therapy, the targeted antihypertensive therapy was combined with the earlier (6 months) and more pronounced approach of the lipid content of blood and magnesium to those in healthy individuals of appropriate temperament and anxiety; lower was the proportion of people with the areterial hypertension complications.В отличие от эмпирической антигипертензивной терапии, целенаправленная антигипертензивная терапия сочеталась с более ранним (на 6 месяцев) и более выраженным приближением содержания липидов крови и магния к таковым у здоровых лиц соответствующего темперамента и тревожности; ниже оказалась доля лиц с осложнениями артериальной гипертензии

    Prevalence of occult hepatitis B infection among blood donors in Saint Petersburg

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    The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of occult hepatitis B infection among blood donors in St. Petersburg, as well as to characterize the identified virus isolates. The study material was represented by 2800 blood plasma samples collected in 2019 from blood donors living in St. Petersburg. The ELISA study for HBV marker rate consisted of HBsAg, anti-HBs IgG, anti-HBcore IgG. HBV DNA was analyzed by nested PCR with real-time hybridization-fluorescence detection on three targets allowing to determine virus DNA at low viral load, including HBsAg-negative chronic hepatitis B. Hepatitis B serological markers were detected in 69.43% of those surveyed, HBsAg was found in 0.43% of individuals, and all of which donated blood first time. A significant excess of the anti-HBcore IgG antibodies occurrence among primary donors (15.1%) compared with repeated/regular donors (7.48%) was shown. The prevalence of virus DNA in the group was 3.14%, including 2.71% of cases in HBsAg-negative CHB. Based on phylogenetic analysis of 88 isolates, HBV subgenotypes were determined in the following order: D1 and D2, 40.91% each, D3 and A2, 9.09% each. While determining the serological subtype in detected isolates, the serotype ayw3 (52.27%) vs ayw2 (46.59%) and adw2 (10.23%) prevailed. Drug resistance mutations, including compensatory ones, were detected in six examined patients (6.82%). In all genotype D isolates, multiple amino acid substitutions were identified in the RT, SHB, MHB, LHB, and Core regions; mutations in the preCore region were detected in 21.59% samples. In the MHR of the HBV genotype D genome, twenty-six positions were identified in which amino acid substitutions occurred, and all isolates showed modifications at positions 113, 114, 131, 134, 159, 161, 168, in 76 — at position 122, in 68 — at position 127, in 36 — at position 118, in 24 — at position 128. In HBV A2 isolates, mutations T113S, S143T, Y161F were identified. Nine isolates in the preCore region showed a polymorphism including a stop codon W28*W; in five isolates the W28S substitution was shown in the same position, and the W28*S variant was found in one more sample. The high incidence of HBsAg-negative CHB cases among blood donors, as well as the predominance of HBV isolates that simultaneously carry mutations resulting in diagnostic failure of HBsAg tests and prophylactic failure of immunoglobulin or vaccines and virus reactivation, mutations that contribute to disease progression obviously pose a threat to health and require to be further examined