69 research outputs found


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    Подією в історії медицини України став вихід монографії В.С. Єрмілова «Громадська медична допомога Півдня України (друга половина ХІХ – початок ХХ ст.)», оскільки раптове, одноосібне, необґрунтоване і навіть шкідницьке рішення ексміністра освіти і науки Д.В. Табачника про переведення спеціальності «Історія медицини» з галузі «медичних наук» до «історичних наук» серйозно підірвало планування і виконання історико-медичних досліджень, бо припинило роботу медиків у цій галузі, але поки ще не дуже сприяло діяльності в ній професійних істориків

    Mathematical model of the modulator of the brake drive of a dump truck with a hydraulic anti-lock system

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    The use of various methods for obtaining mathematical models can significantly reduce the time for design and research work during the development of hydraulic drives. Currently, the use of powerful personal computers makes it possible to significantly improve the quality of the results of the mathematical models being developed due to a more detailed description of the processes, determine the structure of the hydraulic drive being developed or its individual elements and select the parameters that have the greatest impact on the dynamic processes occurring in the object under study. In this paper, a mathematical model of the modulator of the anti-lock braking system of a particularly heavy-duty vehicle, presented in the form of a system with concentrated parameters, is obtained. The paper also discusses the main methods of compiling mathematical models of hydraulic drives and analyzes the work devoted to the development of various mathematical models that describe the hydraulic drive with varying degrees of accuracy, which makes it possible to choose the most rational way to compile a mathematical model of the modulator of the hydraulic anti-lock braking system of a particularly heavy-duty vehicle, taking into account the assumptions made. Solving a system of differential equations describing the resulting mathematical model using numerical methods or various specialized software environments, for example, such as Matlab with the Simulink extension, further allows us to investigate the influence of internal parameters on dynamic processes in the proposed hydraulic anti-lock system modulator and select their most optimal values

    Carbonate Anion Radical Generated by the Peroxidase Activity of Copper-Zinc Superoxide Dismutase:Scavenging of Radical and Protection of Enzyme by Hypotaurine and Cysteine Sulfinic Acid

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    Copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (SOD) is considered one of the most important mammalian antioxidant defenses and plays a relevant role due to its main function in catalyzing the dismutation of superoxide anion to oxygen and hydrogen peroxide. However, interaction between SOD and H2O2 produced a strong copper-bound oxidant (Cu(II)●OH) that seems able to contrast the self-inactivation of the enzyme or oxidize other molecules through its peroxidase activity. The bicarbonate presence enhances the peroxidase activity and produces the carbonate anion radical (CO3●–). CO3●– is a freely diffusible reactive species capable of oxidizing several molecules that are unwieldy to access into the reactive site of the enzyme. Cu(II)●OH oxidizes bicarbonate to the CO3●–, which spreads out of the binding site and oxidizes hypotaurine and cysteine sulfinic acid to the respective sulfonates through an efficient reaction. These findings suggest a defense role for sulfinates against the damage caused by CO3●–. The effect of hypotaurine and cysteine sulfinic acid on the CO3●–-mediated oxidation of the peroxidase probe ABTS to ABTS cation radical (ABTS●+) has been studied. Both sulfinates are able to inhibit the oxidation of ABTS mediated by CO3●–. The effect of hypotaurine and cysteine sulfinic acid against SOD inactivation by H2O2 (~42% protection of enzyme activity) has also been investigated. Interestingly, hypotaurine and cysteine sulfinic acid partially avoid the H2O2-mediated SOD inactivation, suggesting that the two sulfinates may have access to the SOD reactive site and preserve it by reacting with the copper-bound oxidant. In this way hypotaurine and cysteine sulfinic acid not only intercept CO3●–which could move out from the reactive site and cause oxidative damage, but also prevents the inactivation of SOD

    Epigenetic perturbations in the pathogenesis of mustard toxicity; hypothesis and preliminary results

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    Among the most readily available chemical warfare agents, sulfur mustard (SM), also known as mustard gas, has been the most widely used chemical weapon. SM causes debilitating effects that can leave an exposed individual incapacitated for days to months; therefore delayed SM toxicity is of much greater importance than its ability to cause lethality. Although not fully understood, acute toxicity of SM is related to reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, oxidative stress, DNA damage, poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) activation and energy depletion within the affected cell. Therefore several antioxidants and PARP inhibitors show beneficial effects against acute SM toxicity. The delayed toxicity of SM however, currently has no clear mechanistic explanation. One third of the 100,000 Iranian casualties are still suffering from the detrimental effects of SM in spite of the extensive treatment. We, therefore, made an attempt whether epigenetic aberrations may contribute to pathogenesis of mustard poisoning. Preliminary evidence reveals that mechlorethamine (a nitrogen mustard derivative) exposure may not only cause oxidative stress, DNA damage, but epigenetic perturbations as well. Epigenetic refers to the study of changes that influence the phenotype without causing alteration of the genotype. It involves changes in the properties of a cell that are inherited but do not involve a change in DNA sequence. It is now known that in addition to mutations, epimutations contribute to a variety of human diseases. Under light of preliminary results, the current hypothesis will focus on epigenetic regulations to clarify mustard toxicity and the use of drugs to correct possible epigenetic defects

    Molecular, genetic and epigenetic pathways of peroxynitrite-induced cellular toxicity

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    Oxidative stress plays a key role in the pathogenesis of cancer and many metabolic diseases; therefore, an effective antioxidant therapy would be of great importance in these circumstances. Nevertheless, convincing randomized clinical trials revealed that antioxidant supplementations were not associated with significant reduction in incidence of cancer, chronic diseases and all-cause mortality. As oxidation of essential molecules continues, it turns to nitro-oxidative stress because of the involvement of nitric oxide in pathogenesis processes. Peroxynitrite damages via several distinctive mechanisms; first, it has direct toxic effects on all biomolecules and causes lipid peroxidation, protein oxidation and DNA damage. The second mechanism involves the induction of several transcription factors leading to cytokine-induced chronic inflammation. Finally, it causes epigenetic perturbations that exaggerate nuclear factor kappa-B mediated inflammatory gene expression. Lessons-learned from the treatment of several chronic disorders including pulmonary diseases suggest that, chronic inflammation and glucocorticoid resistance are regulated by prolonged peroxynitrite production

    Application of Organomineral Fertilizers to Winter Wheat in the Rostov Region

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    Modern crop cultivation technologies are based on various methods of seed and plant treatment using environmentally friendly drugs that stimulate growth and the development of the plants, and increase their productivity and stress resistance. It has been established that the use of organic fertilizers positively affects the vital signs, yield and grain quality of cereal plants. When cultivating winter wheat on the southern chernozem of the Kamensky district (in the Rostov region), the organic fertilizers Router (0.5 or 0.25 l / ton) and Leyli (0.25 l / ton) were used for seed treatment, and Soft Guard (0.2 l / ha) and Humiful Pro (0.2 l / ha) were used in spring tillering and in the flag leaf phase against the background of mineral nitrogen fertilizers in a dose of N32P32K32; the frozen-thawed soil was fertilized with ammonium nitrate in a dose of N40 and foliar fertilization was conducted with carbamide in the heading phase using a dose of N20. This increased the average grain yield by 64.2-64.8% compared with the control variant and by 31.4-32.4% compared with the use of mineral fertilizers. The maximum yield gain was achieved by using the soft-root organic fertilizers Soft Guard (0.2 l / ha) and Gumiful Pro (0.2 l / ha) against the background of mineral fertilizers and seed treatments with Router (0.5 l / ton). Keywords: winter wheat, southern chernozem, organic fertilizer