26 research outputs found

    Hormone-refractory prostate cancer and the skeleton

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    Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men in the UK. Androgen ablation with luteinising hormone-releasing hormone agonists (LHRH agonists) alone, or in combination with anti-androgens is the standard treatment for men with metastatic prostate cancer. Unfortunately, despite maximal androgen blockade, most patients will go on to develop progressive disease after a variable period of time of 2-3 years. The management of hormone-refractory prostate cancer is challenging, as there is yet no uniform accepted strategy. In this thesis the comparitive efficacy of the two widely used palliative agents, 89Strontium and bisphosphonates in the management of hormone refractory prostate cancer is evaluated. Neither 89Strontium nor bisphosphonates have been so far shown to prolong survival, but our data do demonstrate that both agents have the potential to decrease the incidence of spinal cord compression and hence to significantly reduce the morbidity associated with this most severe skeletal complication of the late stage of prostate cancer. This potential may prove of importance in deciding which palliative treatment to use in hormone refractory prostate cancer, especially if patients have an increased risk for spinal cord compression or in patients with chemotherapy-refractory prostate cancer.LEI Universiteit LeidenBot en mineraalonderzoe

    A case of fatal coin battery ingestion in a 2-year-old child

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    Foreign body aspiration is frequently encountered in young children, in the majority of cases it will not lead to an adverse outcome. However, in case of coin battery ingestion more serious adverse outcomes, including death, have been reported. We present a case with fatal outcome due to exsanguination, of a 2-year-old child with an aberrant right subclavian artery (or arteria lusoria) and coin battery ingestion. Radiological and autopsy findings and relevant literature are discusse

    The value of post-mortem CT in neonaticide in case of severe decomposition: description of 12 cases

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    In cases of neonaticide with delayed finding of the body, interpretation of autopsy results can be difficult because of decomposition. Postmortem computed tomography (PMCT) has become an increasingly popular tool in the (pediatric) forensic field. We performed a retrospective study to compare the outcome of PMCT with autopsy results in suspected neonaticide, in neonates found more than one week after their demise. We compared the performance of both methods on (1) determining gestational age, (2) differentiating between live birth and still birth and (3) determining cause of death. We selected all consecutive neonaticide cases with an estimated postmortem interval longer than one week, who underwent a forensic autopsy including a total body PMCT in the Netherlands Forensic Institute in the period 2008-2012. Both a pathologist and radiologist scored gestational age, signs of live birth and cause of death for each case. 22 cases of neonaticide were identified in the study period, of which 15 cases were estimated to be found more than 1 week after death. In 12 of these a total body PMCT was performed. In all cases, late postmortem changes were present. Gestational age could be assessed with PMCT in 100% of the cases and with autopsy in 58% of the cases. In all cases neither PMCT nor autopsy was able to assess live birth and cause of death. PMCT is a better tool for estimating gestational age in case of suspected neonaticide with late postmortem changes compared to autopsy and should therefore be a standard part of the work-up. Signs of live birth and cause of death could not be determined with neither of the methods, an adjusted post mortem examination including limited autopsy for these cases might be develope

    Human cranial vault thickness in a contemporary sample of 1097 autopsy cases: relation to body weight, stature, age, sex and ancestry

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    The relation between human cranial vault thickness (CVT) and various elements of the physical anthropological biological profile is subject of ongoing discussion. Some results seem to indicate no correlation between CVT and the biological profile of the individual, whereas other results suggest that CVT measurements might be useful for identification purposes. This study assesses the correlation between CVT and body weight, stature, age, sex, and ancestry by reviewing data of 1097 forensic autopsies performed at the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI). In subadults (younger than 19 years of age at the time of death), all frontal, temporal, and occipital CVT measurements correlated moderately to strongly with indicators of growth (body weight, stature, and age). Neither sex nor ancestry correlated significantly with cranial thickness. In adults, body weight correlated with all CVT measurements. No meaningful correlation was found between CVT and stature or age. Females showed to have thicker frontal bones, and the occipital region was thicker in the Negroid subsample. All correlation in the adult group was weak, with the distribution of cranial thickness overlapping for a great deal between the groups. Based on these results, it was concluded that CVT generally cannot be used as an indicator for any part of the biological profil

    Correction to: Fracture patterns of the hyoid-larynx complex after fatal trauma on the neck: retrospective radiological postmortem analysis of 284 cases (International Journal of Legal Medicine, (2020), 134, 4, (1465-1473), 10.1007/s00414-019-02241-8)

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    Purpose Fatal trauma on the neck occurs frequent in forensic cases and often results in fractures of the hyoid-larynx complex. The aim of the present study is to provide an overview of fractures in the hyoid-larynx complex that occur due to fatal trauma on the neck and can be observed by radiological evaluation. Methods Radiological images from a forensic radiological database created in the Groene Hart Hospital, Gouda, the Netherlands were used for analysis. Hyoid-larynx complexes were explanted in 284 individuals who accordingly to the forensic pathologist allegedly died from fatal trauma on the neck. These explants were imaged with conventional X-rays in eight directions and a CT scan. Radiological images were analyzed for fractures, dislocations, joints, and anatomical variations by a trained analyst and a radiologist. Results In 281/284 cases, the hyoid bone and, in 252/284 cases, the thyroid cartilage could be assessed. In 56 victims (20%), the hyoid bone was fractured, 55 times in the greater horn, 1 fracture in the body. The calcified superior horn of the thyroid showed a fracture in 101 victims (40%). The calcified cricoid cartilage was fractured in one case. Multiple fractures were found in 31/284 cases (11%). Joints between the greater horn and body of the hyoid were present in 74%

    Fracture patterns of the hyoid-larynx complex after fatal trauma on the neck: retrospective radiological postmortem analysis of 284 cases

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    Purpose: Fatal trauma on the neck occurs frequent in forensic cases and often results in fractures of the hyoid-larynx complex. The aim of the present study is to provide an overview of fractures in the hyoid-larynx complex that occur due to fatal trauma on the neck and can be observed by radiological evaluation. Methods: Radiological images from a forensic radiological database created in –BLINDED- were used for analysis. Hyoid-larynx complexes were explanted in 284 individuals who accordingly to the forensic pathologist allegedly died from fatal trauma on the neck. These explants were imaged with conventional X-rays in eight directions and a CT scan. Radiological images were analyzed for fractures, dislocations, joints, and anatomical variations by a trained analyst and a radiologist. Results: In 281/284 cases, the hyoid bone and, in 252/284 cases, the thyroid cartilage could be assessed. In 56 victims (20%), the hyoid bone was fractured, 55 times in the greater horn, 1 fracture in the body. The calcified superior horn of the thyroid showed a fracture in 101 victims (40%). The calcified cricoid cartilage was fractured in one case. Multiple fractures were found in 31/284 cases (11%). Joints between the greater horn and body of the hyoid were present in 74%. Conclusion: Trauma on the neck leads most frequently to fractures of the superior horn of the thyroid cartilage and second most to fractures in the greater horn of the hyoid bone. (Forensic) radiologists should be aware of uncommon fracture locations, anatomical variations, and dislocations in the hyoid-larynx complex

    An accessory skull suture mimicking a skull fracture

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    This paper describes an investigation of the sudden and unexpected death of a five-and-a-half-month-old boy. As in every Dutch case of sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI), a multidisciplinary diagnostic approach was used. This included post-mortem radiography, showing a linear discontinuity of the parietal bone. Originally this was interpreted as a skull fracture, but autopsy indicated no signs of mechanical trauma. Instead the defect was defined as a unilateral accessory suture of the parietal bone. The initial erroneous diagnosis had severe adverse consequences and thus every health care professional or forensic specialist dealing with paediatric mechanical traumas should be cautious of this rare anomal