25 research outputs found

    Innovative Pipe Coating Material and Process for High Temperature Fields

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    To date, the high temperatures (above 140°C) met in some fields in, e. g. , the North Sea, impose the development of innovative corrosion protecting coatings. Thermostable products have been developed from combining a high-Tg thermoplastic and epoxyamine monomers (the latter reducing the viscosity of the former to allow processing) which, together with the associated coating process solve these services innovatively. Details of the subtleties of material choice and behavior, process engineering and how environmental issues are met are presented. Data from various long term ageing tests performed on these thermostable materials, including filled formulations, are discussed. Durability tests against sea water over 12000 hours at 160°C are followed by desorption and dynamic mechanical analysis to assess whether any irreversible degradation has occurred. Carbon steel adhesion measurements are carried out in the view of coating applications as well as in situ Tg values evaluated by impedance spectroscopy. Plasticization effect of water is discussed. In addition, impedance spectra also indicate the quality of corrosion resistance achieved under accelerated ageing conditions

    Advances in Electrochemical Models for Predicting the Cycling Performance of Traction Batteries: Experimental Study on Ni-MH and Simulation Développement de modèles électrochimiques de batteries de traction pour la prédiction de performances : étude expérimentale de batteries NiMH et simulations

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    Rigorous electrochemical models to simulate the cycling performance of batteries have been successfully developed and reported in the literature. They constitute a very promising approach for State-of-Charge (SoC) estimation based on the physics of the cell with regards to other methods since SoC is an internal parameter of these physical models. However, the computational time needed to solve electrochemical battery models for online applications requires to develop a simplified physics-based battery model. In this work, our goal is to present and validate an advanced 0D-electrochemical model of a Ni-MH cell, as an example. This lumped-parameter model will be used to design an extended Kalman filter to predict the SoC of a Ni-MH pack. It is presented, followed by an extensive experimental study conducted on Ni-MH cells to better understand the mechanisms of physico-chemical phenomena occurring at both electrodes and support the model development. The last part of the paper focuses on the evaluation of the model with regards to experimental results obtained on Ni-MH sealed cells but also on the related commercial HEV battery pack. Des modèles électrochimiques fins permettant de simuler le comportement de batteries ont été développés avec succès et reportés dans la littérature. Ils constituent une alternative aux méthodes classiques pour estimer l’état de charge (SoC pour State of Charge) des batteries, cette variable étant ici un paramètre interne du modèle physique. Cependant, pour les applications embarquées, il est nécessaire de développer des modèles simplifiés sur la base de ces modèles physiques afin de diminuer le temps de calcul nécessaire à la résolution des équations. Ici, nous présenterons à titre d’exemple un modèle électrochimique 0D avancé d’un accumulateur NiMH et sa validation. Ce modèle à paramètres concentrés sera utilisé pour réaliser un filtre de Kalman qui permettra la prédiction de l’état de charge d’un pack complet. Une étude expérimentale d’accumulateurs NiMH permettra de mieux comprendre les mécanismes physico-chimiques ayant lieu à chaque électrode et ainsi d’alimenter le modèle physique en informations. La dernière partie de cet article sera consacrée à la validation du modèle par comparaison à des données expérimentales obtenues sur cellule individuelle mais également sur un pack batterie NiMH commercial complet

    Durability of Syntactic Foams for Deep Offshore Insulation: Modelling of Water Uptake under Representative Ageing Conditions in Order to Predict the Evolution of Buoyancy and Thermal Conductivity

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    Three different syntactic foams were aged under various conditions of both temperature (from 4°C to 130°C) and pressure (from 1 bar to 300 bar) in renewed sea water. Some functional properties were measured during aging. First, the link between water uptake and both buoyancy and thermal conductivity evolutions was established for each syntactic material under any ageing conditions. Then a finite element model was developed in order to compute water uptake in the materials. The model, based on the description of three hydration mechanisms, each mechanism being linked to a part of the microstructure of the foam, gives a satisfactory agreement with experimental results for all aging conditions and specimen sizes. The model was finally used to simulate the evolution of some functional properties that would experience a structure immersed in real conditions over 20 years. Furthermore, the thickness of the insulation material affected by water ingress after 20 years of aging can be estimated, and this value can be used at the time of design as a sacrificial thickness

    Advances in Electrochemical Models for Predicting the Cycling Performance of Traction Batteries: Experimental Study on Ni-MH and Simulation

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    Rigorous electrochemical models to simulate the cycling performance of batteries have been successfully developed and reported in the literature. They constitute a very promising approach for State-of-Charge (SoC) estimation based on the physics of the cell with regards to other methods since SoC is an internal parameter of these physical models. However, the computational time needed to solve electrochemical battery models for online applications requires to develop a simplified physics-based battery model. In this work, our goal is to present and validate an advanced 0D-electrochemical model of a Ni-MH cell, as an example. This lumped-parameter model will be used to design an extended Kalman filter to predict the SoC of a Ni-MH pack. It is presented, followed by an extensive experimental study conducted on Ni-MH cells to better understand the mechanisms of physico-chemical phenomena occurring at both electrodes and support the model development. The last part of the paper focuses on the evaluation of the model with regards to experimental results obtained on Ni-MH sealed cells but also on the related commercial HEV battery pack

    A Simplified Electrochemical and Thermal Aging Model of LiFePO 4

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    A Review of Approaches for the Design of Li-Ion BMS Estimation Functions

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    This paper aims at comparing different approaches for the estimation of the state of charge of lithium-ion batteries. The main advantages as well as the critical points of the considered techniques are analyzed, highlighting the impact of the cell model precision and complexity on the estimator performance. Among others, the electrical equivalent circuit based technique is selected for further development. The results of a complete procedure from the cell characterization to the online estimation are illustrated. The experimental tests based on the data collected on batteries testing facilities of IFP Energies nouvelles show that the proposed strategy allows a satisfying state of charge real time estimation

    A Review of Approaches for the Design of Li-Ion BMS Estimation Functions Revue de différentes approches pour l’estimation de l’état de charge de batteries Li-ion

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    This paper aims at comparing different approaches for the estimation of the state of charge of lithium-ion batteries. The main advantages as well as the critical points of the considered techniques are analyzed, highlighting the impact of the cell model precision and complexity on the estimator performance. Among others, the electrical equivalent circuit based technique is selected for further development. The results of a complete procedure from the cell characterization to the online estimation are illustrated. The experimental tests based on the data collected on batteries testing facilities of IFP Energies nouvelles show that the proposed strategy allows a satisfying state of charge real time estimation. <br> Cet article vise à comparer différentes approches pour l’estimation de l’état de charge pour les batteries Li-ion. Les principaux avantages ainsi que les points critiques des différentes techniques sont analysés, en soulignant l’impact de la complexité et de la précision du modèle sur les performances de l’estimateur. La procédure complète, allant de la caractérisation de la cellule jusqu’à l’estimation en ligne de l’état de charge, est présentée pour la modélisation par circuit électrique équivalent. Les tests expérimentaux sur la base des données acquises au laboratoire batteries d’IFP Energies nouvelles montrent que cette stratégie permet d’obtenir un estimateur en temps réel de l’état de charge présentant de bonnes performances

    Prediction of long term strength of adhesively bonded steel/epoxy joints in sea water

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    International audienceThis study is concerned with the development of a tool to predict the long term behaviour of adhesively bonded steel joints aged in sea water. First, diffusion kinetics and the mechanisms governing the degradation of mechanical properties of an epoxy adhesive are described. These two sets of data were used in a coupled finite element (FE) analysis to determine the stress state in double lap shear (DLS) specimens before and after aging. However, subsequent tests on DLS specimens indicated an adhesive and not cohesive failure mode, so this approach could not be used to predict failure in the present case without introducing an interfacial damage parameter. A second approach was therefore employed, in which modified Arcan samples were designed in order to identify directly how the failure envelope changed with aging. Tests were performed on these modified Arcan specimens under shear, tensile/shear and tensile loads before and after aging. The results from these tests have enabled a tension–shear failure envelope to be constructed, which may be used to predict failure in joints with more complex stress states. The application of a coupled diffusion–mechanical property approach is illustrated for the Arcan specimen loaded in tension, and its application to the prediction of failure behaviour after aging is discussed