8,430 research outputs found

    Compatibility of radial, Lorenz and harmonic gauges

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    We observe that the radial gauge can be consistently imposed \emph{together} with the Lorenz gauge in Maxwell theory, and with the harmonic traceless gauge in linearized general relativity. This simple observation has relevance for some recent developments in quantum gravity where the radial gauge is implicitly utilized.Comment: 9 pages, minor changes in the bibliograph

    The century of the incomplete revolution: searching for general relativistic quantum field theory

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    In fundamental physics, this has been the century of quantum mechanics and general relativity. It has also been the century of the long search for a conceptual framework capable of embracing the astonishing features of the world that have been revealed by these two ``first pieces of a conceptual revolution''. I discuss the general requirements on the mathematics and some specific developments towards the construction of such a framework. Examples of covariant constructions of (simple) generally relativistic quantum field theories have been obtained as topological quantum field theories, in nonperturbative zero-dimensional string theory and its higher dimensional generalizations, and as spin foam models. A canonical construction of a general relativistic quantum field theory is provided by loop quantum gravity. Remarkably, all these diverse approaches have turn out to be related, suggesting an intriguing general picture of general relativistic quantum physics.Comment: To appear in the Journal of Mathematical Physics 2000 Special Issu

    Quantum Loop Representation for Fermions coupled to Einstein-Maxwell field

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    Quantization of the system comprising gravitational, fermionic and electromagnetic fields is developed in the loop representation. As a result we obtain a natural unified quantum theory. Gravitational field is treated in the framework of Ashtekar formalism; fermions are described by two Grassmann-valued fields. We define a CC^{*}-algebra of configurational variables whose generators are associated with oriented loops and curves; ``open'' states -- curves -- are necessary to embrace the fermionic degrees of freedom. Quantum representation space is constructed as a space of cylindrical functionals on the spectrum of this CC^{*}-algebra. Choosing the basis of ``loop'' states we describe the representation space as the space of oriented loops and curves; then configurational and momentum loop variables become in this basis the operators of creation and annihilation of loops and curves. The important difference of the representation constructed from the loop representation of pure gravity is that the momentum loop operators act in our case simply by joining loops in the only compatible with their orientaiton way, while in the case of pure gravity this action is more complicated.Comment: 28 pages, REVTeX 3.0, 15 uuencoded ps-figures. The construction of the representation has been changed so that the representation space became irreducible. One part is removed because it developed into a separate paper; some corrections adde

    Multiple-event probability in general-relativistic quantum mechanics

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    We discuss the definition of quantum probability in the context of "timeless" general--relativistic quantum mechanics. In particular, we study the probability of sequences of events, or multi-event probability. In conventional quantum mechanics this can be obtained by means of the ``wave function collapse" algorithm. We first point out certain difficulties of some natural definitions of multi-event probability, including the conditional probability widely considered in the literature. We then observe that multi-event probability can be reduced to single-event probability, by taking into account the quantum nature of the measuring apparatus. In fact, by exploiting the von-Neumann freedom of moving the quantum classical boundary, one can always trade a sequence of non-commuting quantum measurements at different times, with an ensemble of simultaneous commuting measurements on the joint system+apparatus system. This observation permits a formulation of quantum theory based only on single-event probability, where the results of the "wave function collapse" algorithm can nevertheless be recovered. The discussion bears also on the nature of the quantum collapse

    Ultraviolet behavior in background independent quantum field theory

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    We describe a background independent quantization of the scalar field that provides an explicit realization of Fock-like states and associated operators in a polymer Hilbert space. The vacuum expectation values of the commutator and anti-commutator of the creation and annihilation operators become energy dependent, and exhibit a surprising transition to fermionic behavior at high energy. Furthermore the approach yields a modified dispersion relation with a leading correction proportional to the momentum cubed. These results suggests a fundamental change in the ultraviolet properties of quantum fields.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Gauge Transformation Properties of Vector and Tensor Potentials Revisited: a Group Quantization Approach

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    The possibility of non-trivial representations of the gauge group on wavefunctionals of a gauge invariant quantum field theory leads to a generation of mass for intermediate vector and tensor bosons. The mass parameters m show up as central charges in the algebra of constraints, which then become of second-class nature. The gauge group coordinates acquire dynamics outside the null-mass shell and provide the longitudinal field degrees of freedom that massless bosons need to form massive bosons. This is a `non-Higgs' mechanism that could provide new clues for the best understanding of the symmetry breaking mechanism in unified field theories. A unified quantization of massless and massive non-Abelian Yang-Mills, linear Gravity and Abelian two-form gauge field theories are fully developed from this new approach, where a cohomological origin of mass is pointed out.Comment: 22 pages, LaTeX, no figures; final version to appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Counting surface states in the loop quantum gravity

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    We adopt the point of view that (Riemannian) classical and (loop-based) quantum descriptions of geometry are macro- and micro-descriptions in the usual statistical mechanical sense. This gives rise to the notion of geometrical entropy, which is defined as the logarithm of the number of different quantum states which correspond to one and the same classical geometry configuration (macro-state). We apply this idea to gravitational degrees of freedom induced on an arbitrarily chosen in space 2-dimensional surface. Considering an `ensemble' of particularly simple quantum states, we show that the geometrical entropy S(A)S(A) corresponding to a macro-state specified by a total area AA of the surface is proportional to the area S(A)=αAS(A)=\alpha A, with α\alpha being approximately equal to 1/16πlp21/16\pi l_p^2. The result holds both for case of open and closed surfaces. We discuss briefly physical motivations for our choice of the ensemble of quantum states.Comment: This paper is a substantially modified version of the paper `The Bekenstein bound and non-perturbative quantum gravity'. Although the main result (i.e. the result of calculation of the number of quantum states that correspond to one and the same area of 2-d surface) remains unchanged, it is presented now from a different point of view. The new version contains a discussion both of the case of open and closed surfaces, and a discussion of a possibility to generalize the result obtained considering arbitrary surface quantum states. LaTeX, 21 pages, 6 figures adde

    The physical hamiltonian in nonperturbative quantum gravity

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    A quantum hamiltonian which evolves the gravitational field according to time as measured by constant surfaces of a scalar field is defined through a regularization procedure based on the loop representation, and is shown to be finite and diffeomorphism invariant. The problem of constructing this hamiltonian is reduced to a combinatorial and algebraic problem which involves the rearrangements of lines through the vertices of arbitrary graphs. This procedure also provides a construction of the hamiltonian constraint as a finite operator on the space of diffeomorphism invariant states as well as a construction of the operator corresponding to the spatial volume of the universe.Comment: Latex, 11 pages, no figures, CGPG/93/

    Polymer Parametrised Field Theory

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    Free scalar field theory on 2 dimensional flat spacetime, cast in diffeomorphism invariant guise by treating the inertial coordinates of the spacetime as dynamical variables, is quantized using LQG type `polymer' representations for the matter field and the inertial variables. The quantum constraints are solved via group averaging techniques and, analogous to the case of spatial geometry in LQG, the smooth (flat) spacetime geometry is replaced by a discrete quantum structure. An overcomplete set of Dirac observables, consisting of (a) (exponentials of) the standard free scalar field creation- annihilation modes and (b) canonical transformations corresponding to conformal isometries, are represented as operators on the physical Hilbert space. None of these constructions suffer from any of the `triangulation' dependent choices which arise in treatments of LQG. In contrast to the standard Fock quantization, the non- Fock nature of the representation ensures that the algebra of conformal isometries as well as that of spacetime diffeomorphisms are represented in an anomaly free manner. Semiclassical states can be analysed at the gauge invariant level. It is shown that `physical weaves' necessarily underly such states and that such states display semiclassicality with respect to, at most, a countable subset of the (uncountably large) set of observables of type (a). The model thus offers a fertile testing ground for proposed definitions of quantum dynamics as well as semiclassical states in LQG.Comment: 44 pages, no figure

    2+1 Gravity without dynamics

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    A three dimensional generally covariant theory is described that has a 2+1 canonical decomposition in which the Hamiltonian constraint, which generates the dynamics, is absent. Physical observables for the theory are described and the classical and quantum theories are compared with ordinary 2+1 gravity.Comment: 9 page