327 research outputs found

    Déterminants de l’utilisation des services médicaux en régime d’assurance-maladie

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    Under the regime of public health insurance, the utilization of health cares are determined by various socio-demographic and economic characteristics of the beneficiaries. These determinants are estimated in this study where we apply the dummy variable regression technique to the AMULET data bank, a 1971 cross-section of 8,608 beneficiaries in the province of Québec where most of health cares are free. In increasing order of importance, we find that :i) The individual utilization of health care is increasing with the age of beneficiaries and is higher for women than for the men for the age-group 15-50 years. This tendency is reversed for the age-group 50 years and older since the rate of increase in utilization is higher for men. There is, however, any significant difference in utilization on the basis of sex discrimination for the age-group 0-15 years. The structure age-sex, being of course a proxy of the health status of the beneficiaries, is the most important determinant of health cares utilization. ii) Individual utilization depends on the income class to which belongs the beneficiary. The beneficiaries of the highest and the lowest income class utilize more health care than those belonging to the so called "middle class". Notice however that the lowest income class in the data sample is composed in majority of aged beneficiaries.iii) The size of the beneficiaries' family is not a significant determinant of the utilization of health care for children of age-group 0-15 years. For other age-group however, utilization decreases with this family size for men, but increases for women. iv) The geographic area where the beneficiaries are identified is a weak determinant of utilization. Beneficiaries in urban area utilize more of health care than those living in rural area

    Complex mm-Hessian Type Equations in the class Em,χ(Ω)\mathcal{E}_{m,\chi}(\Omega)

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    In this paper, we introduce the class Em,χ(Ω)\mathcal{E}_{m,\chi}(\Omega) and prove the existence of solutions of the complex m−m-Hessian type equation −χ(u(z),z)Hm(u)=μ-\chi(u(z),z)H_{m}(u)=\mu where μ\mu vanishes on all of m−m- polar sets in the class Em,χ(Ω).\mathcal{E}_{m,\chi}(\Omega). Next, we prove the existence of solutions of this equation in the class Em,χ(Ω)\mathcal{E}_{m,\chi}(\Omega) if there exists subsolution in this class. Using the above results, we study subextension in the class Em,χ(Ω).\mathcal{E}_{m,\chi}(\Omega).Comment: 24 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2307.03955, arXiv:2307.0395

    Multiscale theory of nonlinear wavepacket propagation in a planar optical waveguide

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    In this paper, the multiscale expansion formalism is applied for the first time, to our knowledge, in nonlinear planar optical waveguides. This formalism permits us to describe the linear and nonlinear propagation for both transverse electric and transverse magnetic modes. The modal field distributions and the nonlinear coefficient in the nonlinear Schrödinger equation are highlighted

    Polarization switching in a planar optical waveguide

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    The multiscale expansion formalism is applied to the study of nonlinear planar optical waveguides. It allows us to describe the linear and nonlinear propagation for both transverse electric and transverse magnetic modes, and the interaction between them. An accurate computation of the nonlinear self- and cross-phase modulation coefficients allows one to give account of the polarization switching which has been observed experimentally

    Crossover from First to Second-Order Transition in Frustrated Ising Antiferromagnetic Films

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    In the bulk state, the Ising FCC antiferromagnet is fully frustrated and is known to have a very strong first-order transition. In this paper, we study the nature of this phase transition in the case of a thin film, as a function of the film thickness. Using Monte Carlo (MC) simulations, we show that the transition remains first order down to a thickness of four FCC cells. It becomes clearly second order at a thickness of two FCC cells, i.e. four atomic layers. It is also interesting to note that the presence of the surface reduces the ground state (GS) degeneracy found in the bulk. For the two-cell thickness, the surface magnetization is larger than the interior one. It undergoes a second-order phase transition at a temperature TCT_C while interior spins become disordered at a lower temperature TDT_D. This loss of order is characterized by a peak of the interior spins susceptibility and a peak of the specific heat which do not depend on the lattice size suggesting that either it is not a real transition or it is a Kosterlitz-Thouless nature. The surface transition, on the other hand, is shown to be of second order with critical exponents deviated from those of pure 2D Ising universality class. We also show results obtained from the Green's function method. Discussion is given.Comment: 20 pages, 14 figure

    Critical behavior of magnetic thin films as a function of thickness

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    We study the critical behavior of magnetic thin films as a function of the film thickness. We use the ferromagnetic Ising model with the high-resolution multiple histogram Monte Carlo (MC) simulation. We show that though the 2D behavior remains dominant at small thicknesses, there is a systematic continuous deviation of the critical exponents from their 2D values. We observe that in the same range of varying thickness the deviation of the exponent ν\nu is rather small, while exponent β\beta suffers a larger deviation. We explain these deviations using the concept of "effective" exponents suggested by Capehart and Fisher in a finite-size analysis. The shift of the critical temperature with the film thickness obtained here by MC simulation is in an excellent agreement with their prediction.Comment: 10 pages, 19 figure

    Comparing Traditional Body Mass Index and Joslin Diabetes Center’s Asian Body Mass Index in Predicting Self-Report Type 2 Diabetes.

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    This study examined the predictability of traditional Body Mass Index standards and the Joslin Diabetes Center’s recommended BMI standards for Asian Americans. A sample of 2973 adult Asian Americans aged 45 and older from the 2009 California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) was used. This sample consists of 12.25% of respondents with type 2 diabetes and 87.75% that had neither type 2 or any types of diabetes. Logistic regression was used to estimate the predictability of two the BMI standards and to test for the interaction effect of BMI standards and sex in predicting type 2 diabetes. The results revealed that both traditional and Joslin Diabetes Center’s recommended standards had similar predictability of types 2 diabetes. Both BMI standards of overweight and obesity had a greater association with type 2 diabetes for men than for women. That is, given a similar level of BMI, men tend to report a greater prevalence of type 2 diabetes than women. These findings support caution in changing BMI cut-offs for Asian Americans, and highlight the potential limitations of using BMI as a measure of risk for diabetes in this population
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