638 research outputs found

    Historical conditions of human capital’s formation in the higher education’s non-state sector abroad

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    Private education in most countries is considered as an important part of the national education system. Having a long history private education demonstrates high quality and standards of education. Historical conditions of human capital’s formation in the non-state sector of higher education in foreign countries (China, the UK, the USA, and others) are analyzed. Features of human capital’s formation in the private sector of education in different countries are characterized

    A Dynamic Axially Symmetric Goal and its Extended Solution for a Fixed Rigid Circular Multi-layer Plate

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    AbstractThe subject matter of the article is a fixed circular multi-layer plate and its reaction to the axially symmetrical force (direct stress) affecting its front face. The force itself is an arbitrary time and radial coordinate function. The authors apply the method of finite integral transformation (based on the theory of electroelasticity in a three-dimentional model) to develop a new closed solution. The improvement of this new solution lies in the fact that boundary conditions for cylinder and front faces of a multi-layer plate here are completely fulfilled when compared with the data obtained in previous research. The achieved ratio design allows to further analyze this multi-layer plate fluctuations frequency content as well as to analyze changing characteristics of its stress-strain behaviour and their dependence on different layers stress-strain properties

    Private Information Trading and Corporate Governance In Emerging Markets

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    We apply the theoretical framework of Llorente, Michaely, Saar, and Wang (2002) to analyze the relation between daily volume and first-order return autocorrelation for individual stocks in emerging markets. We find strong evidence of return continuation following high volume days, suggesting the presence of private information trading for many emerging market stocks. We discover that private information trading is especially strong around major corporate event dates. In addition, we find stocks that provide better investor protection and information disclosure exhibit less private information trading. These results suggest return autocorrelation and trading volume carry useful information about corporate governance in emerging market

    Private Information Trading and Corporate Governance in Emerging Markets

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    We apply the theoretical framework of Llorente, Michaely, Saar, and Wang (2002) to analyze the relation between daily volume and first-order return autocorrelation for individual stocks in emerging markets. We find strong evidence of return continuation following high volume days, suggesting the presence of private information trading for many emerging market stocks. We discover that private information trading is especially strong around major corporate event dates. In addition, we find stocks that provide better investor protection and information disclosure exhibit less private information trading. These results suggest return autocorrelation and trading volume carry useful information about corporate governance in emerging market

    Language Personality: Results and Prospects of the Study

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    This article is dedicated to the 85th anniversary of Yuri Nikolaevich Karaulov, Russian linguist, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Laureate of the USSR State Prize. The main areas of Professor Yu.N. Karaulovs research interests are: 1) theory of language personality, 2) cognitive linguistics, and 3) theory and practice of lexicography. Professor Yu.N. Karaulov is the founder and head of the leading scientific school Russian Language Personality, the creator and one of the developers of the Machine Fund of the Russian Language (a system of complex computerization of linguistic research). The list of works of the outstanding researcher boasts more than 300 scientific papers, 13 monographs and 11 dictionaries. This article presents an overview of papers-reports of the participants in the International round table Language Personality: Results and Prospects of the Study, dedicated to Professor Yuri Nikolaevich Karaulov

    Learned Helplessness in University Students that Major in Humanities in Russia and the USA: A Comparative Study

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    The article presents the results of a pilot study conducted as part of the Fulbright Visiting Scholars academic exchange program in 2021–2022. The research objective was to describe the development of learned helplessness in students that majored in humanities in Russia and the USA. The Russian sample was represented by students that followed the Clinical Psychology program at the Krasnoyarsk State Medical University while the American students studied Student Affairs at the University of South Florida. The students fulfilled an open-type Questionnaire on Subjective Assessment of Learned Helplessness, which was designed, translated, and adapted by the author. The research methodology relied on the learned helplessness theory introduced by M. Seligman (USA), the concept of the cultural and historical development of the human psyche by L. Vygotsky (USSR), and the transspective method developed by V. E. Klochko (Russia). The pilot study revealed several socio-cultural peculiarities of learned helplessness. The American students were likely to develop learned helplessness as teenagers whereas the Russian participants manifested it later in adolescence but demonstrated its first signs as early as between senior preschool and primary school. The American students were quite optimistic about the primary and secondary school but associated their early teenage years with a severe life crisis and separation. The Russians saw school as the genesis of learned helplessness while the Americans regarded it as a psychological separation and a change in the child-parent pattern. The author believes that a school system oriented towards approval and support prevents the development of learned helplessness, which is associated with traumatic experience and attachment disorder

    Качество занятости молодежи в России: анализ оценок удовлетворенности работой

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    Цель статьи — выявить особенности и закономерности в качестве занятости групп молодежи в России. Исследование строится на основе анализа закономерностей распределения индивидуальных оценок степени удовлетворенности работой. Эмпирической базой стали данные 22 волны Российского мониторинга экономического положения и здоровья населения НИУ ВШЭ (RLMS-HSE), соответствующие периоду относительной экономической стабильности с конца 2013 г. до начала 2014 г. Для выявления особенностей качества занятости молодежи были рассчитаны средние значения оценок уровня удовлетворенности работой в разных возрастных группах и проведен сравнительный анализ их распределения по ряду критериев; для определения закономерностей качества занятости на основе множественного корреляционного анализа был осуществлен поиск факторов удовлетворенности молодежи работой. Новизна работы заключается в объекте анализа— качество занятости молодежи с учетом выявленной неоднородности в оценках степени удовлетворенности работой. Обнаружена U-образная зависимость между удовлетворенностью работой в целом и возрастом. Среди групп молодежи выделилась группа 15—19 лет, в которой, с одной стороны, отмечаются пиковые значения степени удовлетворенности работой, с другой — в ней выше доля тех, кто неудовлетворен заработной платой и возможностями профессионального роста. Установлено, что это единственная группа, в которой доля удовлетворенных работой растет во время экономического кризиса. Были выявлены новые детерминанты качества занятости, относящиеся к характеристике регионального рынка труда: относительный уровень безработицы и неравенство заработной платы. Полученные результаты формируют основу для дальнейшего углубленного изучения качества занятости, а также говорят о необходимости включения в дискуссионную повестку вопросов качества занятости молодежи в России. Даны рекомендации о включении оценок степени удовлетворенности работой в официальную систему показателей качества занятости

    Intellectual and personality factors in the achievement of high exam effectiveness in first-year Russian university students

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    The goals set forth in regulatory documents for the development of Russian education presuppose quantitative evaluation of factors and conditions that ensure students’ achievement of high competence, personality development, and self-realization. Evaluation of intellectual and personality characteristics of first-year university students and study of the relationship among these characteristics thus become important tasks