5,016 research outputs found

    Genetic aspects of calving, growth, and carcass traits in beef cattle

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    The aim of this thesis was to learn more about the genetic background of calving, growth and carcass traits of beef cattle breeds in Sweden, and to assess the possibility of including calving traits and commercial carcass traits in the genetic evaluation. In addition, the genetic relationship between field-recorded growth rate and daily weight gain at station performance testing was investigated. The breeds studied were Charolais, Hereford and Simmental. Records of birth weight, pre-weaning gain, post-weaning gain, carcass fleshiness grade, carcass fatness grade, carcass weight, calving difficulty score and stillbirth were analysed using linear animal models. The estimated direct heritabilities were moderate to high for birth and carcass weight, moderate for pre- and post-weaning gain, carcass fleshiness and fatness grades, low for calving difficulty score and very low for stillbirth. Maternal heritabilities tended to be lower than the direct ones. Genetic relationships between direct and maternal genetic effects were generally antagonistic. Moderate to high genetic correlations were estimated between post-weaning gain in the field and at the station, showing considerable breed differences, and the added value of station testing was questioned. Genetic relationships were generally weaker between growth traits and both carcass fleshiness and fatness grade than between growth and carcass weight. Male and female birth weights were found to be the same trait genetically, and strong genetic relationships were estimated between birth weight and calving traits. Less than unity genetic correlations between calving difficulty at first and later parities indicated that partly different sets of genes control these traits. Some antagonistic relationships were found between carcass and calving traits. It was concluded that it would be feasible to include commercial carcass records and calving difficulty score in the genetic evaluation, and that both direct and maternal effects should be considered for pre-weaning traits. Information on correlated traits should be used for selection against stillbirth as direct selection would be inefficient due to small progeny group size and very low heritability. Joint genetic evaluation of pre-weaning gain and carcass weight was recommended to reduce selection bias

    Cerebrospinal Fluid Concentrations of the Synaptic Marker Neurogranin in Neuro-HIV and Other Neurological Disorders.

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    Purpose of reviewThe aim of this study was to examine the synaptic biomarker neurogranin in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in different stages of HIV infection and in relation to what is known about CSF neurogranin in other neurodegenerative diseases.Recent findingsCSF concentrations of neurogranin are increased in Alzheimer's disease, but not in other neurodegenerative disorder such as Parkinson's disease, frontotemporal dementia, and Lewy body dementia. Adults with HIV-associated dementia have been found to have decreased levels of neurogranin in the frontal cortex, which at least to some extent, may be mediated by the proinflammatory cytokines IL-1β and IL-8. CSF neurogranin concentrations were in the same range for all groups of HIV-infected individuals and uninfected controls. This either indicates that synaptic injury is not an important part of HIV neuropathogenesis or that CSF neurogranin is not sensitive to the type of synaptic impairment present in HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders

    What explains the uneven take-up of ISO 14001 at the global level?: a panel-data analysis

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    Since its release in the mid-1990s, close to 37 000 facilities have been certified to ISO 14001, the international voluntary standard for environmental management systems. Yet, despite claims that the standard can be readily adapted to very different corporate and geographic settings, its take-up has been highly geographically variable. This paper contributes to a growing body of work concerned with explaining the uneven diffusion of ISO 14001 at the global level. Drawing from the existing theoretical and empirical literature we develop a series of hypotheses about how various economic, market, and regulatory factors influence the national count of ISO 14001 certifications. These hypotheses are then tested using econometric estimation techniques with data for a panel of 142 developed and developing countries. We find that per capita ISO 14001 counts are positively correlated with income per capita, stock of foreign direct investment, exports of goods and services to Europe and Japan, and pressure from civil society. Conversely, productivity and levels of state intervention are negatively correlated. The paper finishes by offering a number of recommendations to policymakers concerned with accelerating the diffusion of voluntary environmental standards

    Environmental Authority: Transformations and Relocations in Global Modernity = Autoridade ambiental: transformações e relocações na modernidade global

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    As a public good, the environment has traditionally been handled by public authorities. However, with globalization conventional state environmental authority is transformed, relocated and deterritorialized. New non-state environmental authorities emerge. This paper conceptualizes the shifts in and relocation of environmental authority structures and illustrates this with examples from the fields of certification and labeling and environmental partnerships. While relocation does take place, new environmental authority structures are often mixes of state and non-state authorities. The paper finally assesses these developments, reflecting on the conventional criticism of the poor environmental and democratic potentials of such new non-state environmental authoritie

    A simple design rule for 1st order form-closure of underactuated hands

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    The property of form-closure of a grasp, as generally defined in the literature, is based on the assumption that contact points between the hand and the object are fixed in space. However, this assumption is false when considering a grasp exerted by an underactuated hand, since in this case, it is not possible to control the position of each phalanx independently. In spite of researchers' interest in studying form-closure, none of the available published work on this subject takes into consideration the particular kinematics of underactuated hands. Actually, there are few available tools to qualify or quantify the stability of a grasp exerted by an underactuated hand, thus the design of underactuated hands mostly results from an intuitive approach. This paper aims to reduce this gap. <br><br> A classification of underactuated hands is proposed, based on the expression of contact forces. This highlights the influence of non-backdrivable mechanisms introduced in the transmission of the closing motion of the hand on the stability of the grasp. The way to extend the original definition of form-closure to underactuated grasps is illustrated. A more general definition is formulated, which checks the stability of the set "object + hand". Using this new definition, a simple rule is proposed for designing a hand capable of achieving 1st order form-closed grasps. <br><br> <i>This paper was presented at the IFToMM/ASME International Workshop on Underactuated Grasping (UG2010), 19 August 2010, Montréal, Canada.</i&gt

    Design Concept of a Truck Axles Testing Device

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem zařízení, pro testování náprav nákladního automobilu. Hlavní část návrhu je soustředěna na dvoustupňovou převodovku, která je součástí zařízení. Práce obsahuje výpočet geometrie ozubení a jeho pevnostní kontrolu. Dále návrh a kontrolu hřídelů, kontrolu životnosti ložisek. V příloze je návrh doplněn o sestavný výkres a pět dílčích výrobních výkresů.The master thesis deals with the design of the device for testing the axles of the truck. The main part of the design is centered on the two-stage gearbox that is part of the device. The work includes calculation of the geometry of the gearing and its strength control. Further design and control of shafts, bearing life control. In the appendix, the proposal is supplemented by an assembly drawing and five partial production drawings.347 - Katedra částí a mechanismů strojůvelmi dobř

    The impact of voluntary environmental protection instruments on company environmental performance

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    In the last decade there has been increasing emphasis on the use of voluntary environmental protection tools such as corporate environmental reporting (CER) and environmental management systems (EMSs). There has been relatively little research, however, on the impact of these tools on the actual environmental performance of companies. This paper presents the findings of a survey of 40 companies operating in Western Australia to determine the extent to which the implementation of two voluntary instruments has influenced company environmental performance. The research considered four questions: To what extent have CER and EMSs influenced the environmental performance of companies operating in Western Australia? What are the characteristics of these influences? How does the influence of EMSs on environmental performance compare to that of CER? Have other external factors concurrently influenced environmental performance? In general, most respondents indicated that EMSs had influenced environmental management practices to some extent. On the other hand, CER was seen more as a public relations exercise and had less impact on company practices compared with EMSs. Other factors that influenced environmental performance included pressure from clients, senior management, the public and regulators; corporate culture; and cost savings

    Effects of Graphical Weather Information versus Textual Weather Information on Situation Awareness in Meteorology

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    Prior to a flight, pilots gather meteorological information to assess the weather conditions pertaining to their flight and to make decisions based on it. This information can come in various formats, such as text and graphical weather information. Research has shown that people have varying learning preferences and that most people prefer visual learning to verbal learning (i.e., graphical over text). It is hypothesized that this difference in learning preference can affect the way pilots interpret and apply the information they obtain prior to their flight. The researcher hypothesizes that graphical weather information has a greater, more positive impact on a pilot’s situation awareness in meteorology than textual weather information. For this study, 20 participants were recruited and presented with two sets of weather information and were then asked to fly two different cross-country flights using the weather information provided. While flying, participants were asked SPAM questions to assess their situation awareness in meteorology. The results showed graphical weather information to be better than textual weather information for the participants’ situation awareness in meteorology. Additional correlations showed evidence that people with both a high preference for visual learning and verbal learning can benefit from graphical weather information over textual weather information. Finally, the data collected indicated that the lack of meteorology training could be a factor in the misinterpretation of weather information. The implications for the findings of this study as well as opportunities for future research are discussed

    Reconstruction of a Gearbox for a Truck Tatra 815 Retarder

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá analýzou a konstrukčními úpravami převodovky pro retardér vozu Tatra 815. V úvodní části je uveden přehled běžně používaných retardérů (brzd). Obsahem práce je posouzení stavu převodovky včetně analýzy ozubeného soukolí pomocí software a návrh možných úprav pro zlepšení provozních vlastností. Jsou zde provedeny výpočty týkající se působení sil v ozubení, které slouží pro stanovení trvanlivosti ložisek. Na závěr je zhotoven výpočet statické a dynamické bezpečnosti výstupní hřídele převodovky. V rámci tvorby výkresové dokumentace je zhotoven 3D model posuzované převodovky v programu Autodesk Inventor 2015.This master thesis deals with the analysis and design modifications of a gearbox for a Truck Tatra 815 retarder. The first part presents the overview of the commonly used retarders (brakes). The main content of the thesis is the assessment of the condition of the gearbox including analysis of the gears using the software and design of possible modifications for improved operational properties. In the next part are done calculations of the forces emerging in the gears which are used for determination of the durability of bearings. In the last part is done a calculation of the static and dynamic safety coefficient of the output shaft of the gearbox. The 3D model which is used for the creation of drawings is created in the Autodesk Inventor 2015.347 - Katedra částí a mechanismů strojůvýborn