8 research outputs found

    Deposition of polymeric thin films from propane-butane in atmospheric pressure discharge

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    In our experimental work we prepared thin films via plasma polymerisation and characterized them. These films were prepared on a glass substrate in the dielectric barrier discharge (BDB). The wettability of the deposited layers was determined by measuring of the contact angle and the free surface energy of the layers using the SEE system apparatus. The atomic composition and the surface morphology of the thin layers was characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Performed biological tests of biocompatibility and antibacterial properties provided information on the viability of the cells on the layers and their antibacterial effects

    Study of Argon Afterglow with the Air Addition

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    The reaction kinetics in argon flowing afterglow (post-discharge) with the air addition was studied by optical emission spectroscopy. The optical emission spectra were measured along the~post-discharge flow tube. A zero-dimensional kinetic model for the reactions in the afterglow was developed. This model allows to calculate the time dependencies of particle concentrations

    Diagnostics of Nitrogen-methane Atmospheric Glow Discharge Used for a Mimic of Prebiotic Atmosphere

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    The exploration of planetary atmosphere is being advanced by the exciting results of the Cassin-Huygens mission to Titan. The complex chemistry revealed in such atmospheres leading to the synthesis of bigger molecules is providing new insights into our understanding of how life on Earth developed. This work extends our previous investigation of nitrogen-methane (N2-CH4) atmospheric glow discharge for simulation chemical processes in prebiotic atmospheres. In presented experiments 2 % of water vapor were addet to nitrogen-methane gas mixture. Exhaust products of discharge in this gas mixture were in-situ analysed by Fourier Transform Infra Red spectroscopy (FTIR). The major products identified in spectra were: hydrogen cyanide, acetylene and acetonitrile

    Characterization of novel pin-hole based plasma source for generation of discharge in liquids supplied by DC non-pulsing voltage

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    International audienceA recently presented novel plasma source generating discharge in liquids based on the pin-hole discharge configuration is characterized in detail. The system is supplied by DC non-pulsing high voltage of both polarities in NaCl water solutions at a conductivity range of 100-15 000 μS/cm. The discharge itself shows self-pulsing operation. The discharge ignition is observed in micro bubbles by transient discharge followed by a glow discharge in positive polarity at lower conductivities propagating inside the bubbles. At high conductivities, the glow regime is particularly replaced by a more energetic sequence of transient discharges followed by a shorter glow mode operation. The transient regime probability and its intensity are higher in the negative discharge polarity. The transient discharge produces acoustic waves and shock waves, which are observed at the moment of the bubble cavitation. The average gas temperature of 700-1500 K was calculated from the lowest OH (A-X) 0-0 band transitions. The average electron concentrations of 10 20-10 23 m −3 were calculated from H α and H β line profiles. Finally, the production of a chemically active species is determined by hydrogen peroxide energy yields related to the energy consumption of the whole interelectrode system. All these quantities are dependent on the solution conductivity, the discharge polarity, and the applied power. Supplementary material for this article is available onlin

    Studi Tentang Quality Of Service Yang Dilakukan Oleh PT. Texascom Hitek System Di Surabaya

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    Sejalan dengan kemajuan teknologi di segala bidang, menyebabkan terjadinya perubahan dalam lingkungan ekonomi, sosial dan budaya yang mengakibatkan berubahnya pola hidup dalam masyarakat. Masyarakat dewasa ini sangat memerlukan alat-alat bantu yang dapat mendukung daya kerjanya agar semakin optimal. Salah satu dari alat bantu tersebut adalah komputer. Hal ini sangat disadari oleh para produsen komputer dan merupakan peluang bisnis yang menguntungkan. Dengan banyaknya merek yang menawarkan produknya maka persaingan pun sangat ketat. Dengan adanya persaingan dalam memasarkan produk yang dihasilkan timbullah ungkapan sebagai motto yang dilakukan untuk memuaskan keinginan konsumen yaitu "pembeli adalah raja". Pandangan ini dikembangkan dalam rangka untuk dapat mencapai sasaran pemasaran yaitu keuntungan badan usaha jangka panjang melalui pembinaan pelanggan dengan memberikan kepuasan bagi keinginan dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan konsumen ..