42 research outputs found

    Nitrate reducing bacterial activity in concrete cells of nuclear waste disposal

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    Leaching experiments of solid matrices (bitumen and cement pastes) have been first implemented to define the physicochemical conditions that microorganisms are likely to meet at the bitumen-concrete interface (see the paper of Bertron et al.). Of course, as might be suspected, the cement matrix imposes highly alkaline pH conditions (10 < pH < 11). The screening of a range of anaerobic denitrifying bacterial strains led us to select Halomonas desiderata as a model bacterium capable of catalyzing the reaction of nitrate reduction in these extreme conditions of pH. The denitrifying activity of Halomonas desiderata was quantified in batch bioreactor in the presence of solid matrices and / or leachate from bitumen and cement matrices. Denitrification was relatively fast in the presence of cement matrix (< 100 hours) and 2 to 3 times slower in the presence of bituminous matrix. Overall, the presence of solid cement promoted the kinetics of denitrification. The observation of solid surfaces at the end of the experiment revealed the presence of a biofilm of Halomonas desiderata on the cement paste surface. These attached bacteria showed a denitrifying activity comparable to planktonic bacterial culture. On the other side, no colonization of bitumen could be highlighted as either by SEM or epifluorescence microscopy. Now, we are currently developing a continuous experimental bioreactor which should allow us a more rational understanding of the bitumen-cement-microbe interactions

    Factors associated with educational aspirations among adolescents: cues to counteract socioeconomic differences?

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    Background: Our study aims to follow this effort and to explore the association between health, socioeconomic background, school-related factors, social support and adolescents' sense of coherence and educational aspirations among adolescents from different educational tracks and to contribute to the existing body of knowledge on the role of educational aspirations in the social reproduction of health inequalities. We expect that socioeconomic background will contribute to the development of educational aspirations, but this association will be modified by available social and individual resources, which may be particularly favourable for the group of adolescents who are on lower educational tracks, since for them such resources may lead to gaining a higher educational level. Methods: We collected data on the socioeconomic background (mother's and father's education and employment status, doubts about affordability of future study), school-related factors (school atmosphere, school conditions, attitudes towards school), perceived social support, sense of coherence (manageability, comprehensibility, meaningfulness) and the self-rated health of a national sample of Slovak adolescents (n = 1992, 53.5% females, mean age 16.9 years). We assessed the association of these factors with educational aspirations, overall and by educational tracks (grammar schools, specialised secondary schools, vocational schools). Results: We found statistically significant associations with educational aspirations for the factors parental educational level, father's unemployment, doubts about the affordability of future study, school atmosphere, attitude towards school, social support from the father and a sense of coherence. Social support from the mother and friends was not associated with educational aspiration, nor was self-rated health. Besides affinity towards school, the determinants of educational aspirations differed among adolescents on different educational tracks. Educational aspirations of grammar school students were associated with father's education, while the aspirations of their peers on lower educational tracks had a stronger association with mother's education and perceived social support from father and friends. Moreover, a sense of coherence contributes to the reporting of educational aspiration by students on different educational tracks. Conclusions: Characteristics of the school environment, the family and the individual adolescent are all associated with the level of educational aspiration, but in a different way for different educational tracks. Interventions aimed at reducing socioeconomic inequalities in health via the educational system should, therefore, take this variation and the rather pivotal role of the father into account

    Patterns of forest dynamics in a secondary old-growth beech-dominated forest in the Jizera Mountains Beech Forest Reserve, Czech Republic

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    Restoring the structural characteristics of secondary old-growth forests that were previously managed is increasingly debated to help increase the area of more complex forests which provide a broader array of forest services and functions. The paucity of long-term data sets in Central Europe has limited our ability to understand the ongoing ecological processes required for effective restoration programs for old-growth forests. To address this, we used repeated census data from eight permanent plots to evaluate forest structural dynamics over a 12-year period in the largest complex of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) forests in the Czech Highlands without intensive forestry intervention for almost 50 years. Our results showed that previously managed forests can exhibit structural qualities typically associated with old-growth forests after management has ceased for a period. The stand structural characteristics (e.g., density of large and old trees) is comparable with protected reserves of old-growth European beech-dominated forests. The average stand age was 196 years, but the oldest tree was 289 years old. The annual mortality rate was 0.43% for all species, and the U-shaped distribution indicating size-dependent mortality is likely an important process that is balanced by the turnover of new tree recruitment. During the study period, we detected that the diameter distribution tended towards a rotated sigmoid distribution. The lasting effects of the most recent forest management are evident in the scarcity of dead wood, and a prolonged process of dead wood accumulation has begun. Thus, the abandonment of all management activities in near-natural forest reserves, including dead wood removal, will ensure that the forests will develop characteristics typical of old-growth forests

    BAG3 and BAG6 differentially affect the dynamics of stress granules by targeting distinct subsets of defective polypeptides released from ribosomes

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    Stress granules (SGs) are dynamic ribonucleoprotein granules induced by environmental stresses. They play an important role in the stress response by integrating mRNA stability, translation, and signaling pathways. Recent work has connected SG dysfunction to neurodegenerative diseases. In these diseases, SG dynamics are impaired because of mutations in SG proteins or protein quality control factors. Impaired SG dynamics and delayed SG dissolution have also been observed for SGs that accumulate misfolding-prone defective ribosomal products (DRiPs). DRiP accumulation inside SGs is controlled by a surveillance system referred to as granulostasis and encompasses the molecular chaperones VCP and the HSPB8-BAG3-HSP70 complex. BAG3 is a member of the BAG family of proteins, which includes five additional members. One of these proteins, BAG6, is functionally related to BAG3 and able to assist degradation of DRiPs. However, whether BAG6 is involved in granulostasis is unknown. We report that BAG6 is not recruited into SGs induced by different types of stress, nor does it affect SG dynamics. BAG6 also does not replace BAG3’s function in SG granulostasis. We show that BAG3 and BAG6 target different subsets of DRiPs, and BAG3 binding to DRiPs is mediated by HSPB8 and HSP70. Our data support the idea that SGs are sensitive to BAG3-HSP70-bound DRiPs but not to BAG6-bound DRiPs. Additionally, only BAG3 is strongly upregulated in the stress recovery phase, when SGs dissolve. These data exclude a role for BAG6 in granulostasis and point to a more specialized function in the clearance of a specific subset of DRiPs

    BAG3 and BAG6 differentially affect the dynamics of stress granules by targeting distinct subsets of defective polypeptides released from ribosomes.

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    Stress granules (SGs) are dynamic ribonucleoprotein granules induced by environmental stresses. They play an important role in the stress response by integrating mRNA stability, translation, and signaling pathways. Recent work has connected SG dysfunction to neurodegenerative diseases. In these diseases, SG dynamics are impaired because of mutations in SG proteins or protein quality control factors. Impaired SG dynamics and delayed SG dissolution have also been observed for SGs that accumulate misfolding-prone defective ribosomal products (DRiPs). DRiP accumulation inside SGs is controlled by a surveillance system referred to as granulostasis and encompasses the molecular chaperones VCP and the HSPB8-BAG3-HSP70 complex. BAG3 is a member of the BAG family of proteins, which includes five additional members. One of these proteins, BAG6, is functionally related to BAG3 and able to assist degradation of DRiPs. However, whether BAG6 is involved in granulostasis is unknown. We report that BAG6 is not recruited into SGs induced by different types of stress, nor does it affect SG dynamics. BAG6 also does not replace BAG3's function in SG granulostasis. We show that BAG3 and BAG6 target different subsets of DRiPs, and BAG3 binding to DRiPs is mediated by HSPB8 and HSP70. Our data support the idea that SGs are sensitive to BAG3-HSP70-bound DRiPs but not to BAG6-bound DRiPs. Additionally, only BAG3 is strongly upregulated in the stress recovery phase, when SGs dissolve. These data exclude a role for BAG6 in granulostasis and point to a more specialized function in the clearance of a specific subset of DRiPs