97 research outputs found

    Studies on the susceptibility of pruning wounds to infection by fungi involved in grapevine wood diseases in Italy

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    The susceptibility of grapevine annual pruning wounds to Phaeomoniella chlamydospora, Phaeoacremonium aleophilum and Diplodia seriata was investigated over three years (2005–2007) in a 15 year-old vineyard, cv. Sauvignon blanc. Vines were pruned each year in January, February and March and the wounds were inoculated weekly with conidial suspensions, and with sterile water as a control. Penetration of the fungi into the wood was assessed after 4 weeks by plating pieces of host tissue on agar medium. The susceptibility of annual pruning wounds, expressed as the infection percentages of inoculated spurs, varied with both the trial year and the fungus inoculated. Average infection percentages of inoculated spurs in the three years were respectively 14.7, 38.5 and 50.9% for Pa. chlamydospora, 31.7, 32.2 and 49.4% for Pm. aleophilum and 84.2, 43.8 and 40.9% for D. seriata. The period of pruning was significant for the infection percentages of all fungi in 2005, and for D. seriata in 2006. Natural infection of control spurs by Pa. chlamydospora (2, 4.4, and 11.7% of spurs in the three years respectively) and by Pm. aleophilum (0.3, 1.8, and 6.4%) began when average weekly temperatures stabilized around 10°C, while infection by D. seriata (12.2, 12 and 18.3% in the same period) occurred even below that threshold. Higher infection percentages of both artificially and naturally infected spurs in 2007 were probably due to the higher temperatures recorded in February and March (besides the use of a more efficient selective medium for the isolation of Pa. chlamydospora and Pm. aleophilum). Only artificial infections with D. seriata showed an opposite trend that cannot be explained by the weather data. Infection of one-year-old wood appeared to be an important factor in disease spread. Spurs remained liable to infections with any of the fungi for up to 4 months after pruning, and isolation percentages could be fairly high also in late spring. As a consequence, the planning of pruning does not seem to be an effective means to counteract the wood diseases caused by these fungi

    Percutaneous Venous Angioplasty in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis And Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency: A Randomized Wait List Control Study

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    Objectives: Venous percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (vPTA) in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) and chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency (CCSVI) have shown contradictory results. Aim of the study is to evaluate the efficacy of the procedure in a randomized wait list control study. Materials: 66 adults with neurologist-confirmed diagnosis of MS and sonographic diagnosis of CCSVI were allocated in to vPTA-yes group (n=31) or vPTA-not group (n=35, control group). Venous PTA was performed immediately 15 days after randomization in PTA-yes group and 6 months later in the control group. Methods: Evoked potentials (EPs), clinical-functional measures (CFM) and upper limb kinematic measures (ULKM) were measured at baseline (T0) and six months after in both groups, just before the venous angioplasty in vPTA-not group (T1). Results: Comparing vPTA-yes and vPTA-not group, the CFM derived composite functional outcome showed 11(37%) versus 7(20%) improved, 1(3%) versus 3(8%) stable, 0 versus 7(20%) worsened and 19(61%) versus 18(51%) mixed patients (\u3c72=8.71, df=3, p=0.03). Unadjusted and adjusted (for baseline confounding variables) OR at 95% confident interval (95%CI) were respectively 1.93(1.3-2.8) P-value 0.0007 and 1.85(1.2-1.7) P-value 0.002. EPs and ULKM derived composite functional outcome showed no significant difference between the two groups. Conclusions: Venous angioplasty can positively impact a few CFM especially for the quality of life, but achieving disability improvement is unlikel

    Integrità elettorale e voto regionale

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    La sezione monografica ha un duplice intento. Da un lato, dar conto di alcuni degli sviluppi e delle problematiche di integrità elettorale associati alla dimensione propriamente procedurale delle consultazioni elettorali in Italia. In particolare sono stati considerati argomenti problematici che impattano sia sulla formazione dell’offerta politica (la trasparenza nella selezione e proposta delle coalizioni e delle candidature); la possibilità di un terzo mandato per i Presidenti di regione; l’uso della propaganda online nelle campagne elettorali regionali; l’espressione della partecipazione (l’opportunità di dotarsi di modalità di voto elettronico; l’incidenza del voto non valido nelle elezioni parlamentari in prospettiva comparata europea. Dall’altro lato si è inteso soffermare l’attenzione sul voto regionale, con riferimento ad alcuni degli aspetti procedurali appena richiamati, ma anche (secondo una prassi consolidata della Rivista) all’analisi delle elezioni regionali del febbraio 2023 – segnate da un forte tasso di astensionismo nonché da una netta affermazione della coalizione conservatrice che ha vinto le elezioni politiche del settembre 2022 – nelle due Regioni più popolose d’Italia: Lazio e Lombardia. L’insieme dei contributi si contraddistingue, oltre che per l’approfondimento dei temi con una particolare attenzione alla dimensione empirica, per la sua interdisciplinarietà che offre spazio a contributi di taglio non solo giuridico ma anche politologico

    Language and intercultural communication

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    This study intends to highlight the role that Foreign Language Education (FLE), particularly in the Higher Education context, can play so as to contribute to the rapprochement of two distant and still mutually unknown countries such as Portugal and Turkey. In this sense, it ultimately aims at supporting the training of intercultural speakers, capable of promoting an effective Intercultural Dialogue between the two countries. A diagnosis is presented of the reciprocal images of Portuguese and Turkish students learning each other’s language and culture. Conclusions are drawn on how their self- and hetero-images may pertain on the construction of their identities, on their awareness about and attitudes towards each other, on their motivation to learn each other’s language, and on intercultural communication itself. Allying the study of Images of Languages and Cultures and the concept of Intercultural Competence in the study of students’ representations within the FLE research tradition, a content analysis was carried out of the responses given to an inquiry by questionnaire. Conative implications of the students’ images as revealed in the results were pointed out. Some important distinctions are highlighted in the reciprocal images of both groups. On this basis, recommendations for FLE are made focusing on the positive reconstruction of students’ reciprocal images.Este estudo pretende destacar o papel do Ensino de Línguas Estrangeiras (ELE), no contexto do Ensino Superior, na aproximação de dois países distantes e ainda mutuamente desconhecidos como são Portugal e a Turquia. Visa-se, em última instância, fomentar a formação de falantes interculturais capazes de promover um efetivo Diálogo Intercultural entre os dois países. É feito um diagnóstico das imagens recíprocas de dois grupos de estudantes portugueses e turcos a estudarem a língua e a cultura um do outro. São tiradas conclusões sobre as implicações das respetivas auto- e hetero-imagens na sua construção identitária, conscientização e atitudes relativamente ao Outro, na sua motivação para o estudo da língua da sua contraparte e na própria comunicação intercultural. Com base na conjugação do conceito de Imagens de Línguas e Culturas com o conceito de Competência Intercultural no estudo das representações dos alunos na tradição investigativa em ELE, realizou-se uma análise de conteúdo das respostas a um inquérito por questionário, sendo apontadas as implicações conativas das imagens recíprocas dos participantes tal como as revelam os resultados. Com base nas diferenças observadas nas imagens recíprocas de ambos os grupos, são feitas recomendações relativamente à ELE com enfoque na reconstrução positiva destas imagens

    Provenance of medieval pietra ollare artefacts found in archaeological sites of central\u2013eastern Italy: insights into the Alpine soapstone trade

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    Medieval archaeological findings made of pietra ollare (basic and ultrabasic metamorphic rocks belonging to the greenschist facies) and coming from central\u2013eastern Italy have been characterized through a petrological study (modal mineralogy, whole-rock geochemistry, XRD and SEM\u2013EDS analyses). The pietra ollare artefacts considered in this work consist of fine-grained, grey to pale-grey, magnesite-bearing talc-schists (i.e., soapstones). In order to determine their production centres, Alpine soapstones quarried in ancient times were selected on the basis of their mineralogical and textural compatibility with the archaeological findings. The mineralogy and chemistry (major and trace elements) contributed to establishing the ancient quarries of the Valchiavenna (central Alps) as the probable provenance area. This archaeometric investigation proves that Alpine artefacts made of pietra ollare spread to the south of the Po Plain during the Middle Ages. It can be inferred that the Alpine soapstone trade towards the Marche and Abruzzo regions was addressed through the main waterways: Lake Como, the Adda and Po Rivers and finally the Adriatic Sea

    Evaluation of C-V2X sidelink for cooperative lane merging in a cross-border highway scenario

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    International audienceIn this paper, we explore the potential, as well as a few limitations, of Cellular - Vehicle-to-Everything (C-V2X) sidelink connectivity (a.k.a., PC5-Mode4) for Cooperative Lane Merging (CLM) services in a specific cross-border highway context. Based on a dedicated simulation flow, we assess both the successful completion of the CLM negotiation procedure from the standpoint of messages delivery (service availability) and the accuracy of position awareness, as perceived by the manoeuvre management application out of collected status messages (service reliability). These indicators are evaluated as a function of road traffic, overall system latency and infrastructure deployment. Simulation results suggest that both Vehicle-to-Infrastructure and Vehicle-to-Vehicle communications based on C-V2X PC5-Mode4, which benefit respectively from information redundancy and short-range links, could advantageously complement Vehicle-to-Network connectivity to locally guarantee the seamless continuity of latency-critical services in challenging environments