834 research outputs found

    Review of analytical instruments for EEG analysis

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    Since it was first used in 1926, EEG has been one of the most useful instruments of neuroscience. In order to start using EEG data we need not only EEG apparatus, but also some analytical tools and skills to understand what our data mean. This article describes several classical analytical tools and also new one which appeared only several years ago. We hope it will be useful for those researchers who have only started working in the field of cognitive EEG

    Evidence for the extracellular delivery of influenza NS1 protein

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    We constructed a reporter influenza A/Puerto Rico/8/1934 virus expressing truncated 124aa N-terminal NS1 protein fused to a luciferase reporter sequence (NanoLuc) without signal peptide. The reproduction activity of the vector correlated well with the luminescent activity in the lysates of infected cell cultures or mouse respiratory organ suspensions. Surprisingly, we found that luciferase enzymatic activity was present not only in the intracellular compartments but also in cell culture supernatants as well as in the sera or bronchiolar lavages of infected mice. This fact allowed us to formulate a working hypothesis about the extracellular delivery mechanism of the NS1 protein. To test this idea, we conducted co-transfection experiments in Vero cells with different combinations of plasmids encoding influenza genomic segments and chimeric NS1-NanoLuc encoding plasmid. We found that the emergence of the luciferase reporter in the extracellular compartment was promoted by the formation of the ribonucleoprotein complex (RNP) from the co-transfection of plasmids expressing PB1, PB2, PA, and NP proteins. Therefore, influenza NS1 protein may be delivered to the extracellular compartment together with the nascent RNP complexes during the maturation of virus particles.We constructed a reporter influenza A/Puerto Rico/8/1934 virus expressing truncated 124aa N-terminal NS1 protein fused to a luciferase reporter sequence (NanoLuc) without signal peptide. The reproduction activity of the vector correlated well with the luminescent activity in the lysates of infected cell cultures or mouse respiratory organ suspensions. Surprisingly, we found that luciferase enzymatic activity was present not only in the intracellular compartments but also in cell culture supernatants as well as in the sera or bronchiolar lavages of infected mice. This fact allowed us to formulate a working hypothesis about the extracellular delivery mechanism of the NS1 protein. To test this idea, we conducted co-transfection experiments in Vero cells with different combinations of plasmids encoding influenza genomic segments and chimeric NS1-NanoLuc encoding plasmid. We found that the emergence of the luciferase reporter in the extracellular compartment was promoted by the formation of the ribonucleoprotein complex (RNP) from the co-transfection of plasmids expressing PB1, PB2, PA, and NP proteins. Therefore, influenza NS1 protein may be delivered to the extracellular compartment together with the nascent RNP complexes during the maturation of virus particles

    Catalytic molecularly imprinted polymer membranes: Development of the biomimetic sensor for phenols detection

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    Portable biomimetic sensor devices for the express control of phenols content in water were developed. The synthetic binding sites mimicking active site of the enzyme tyrosinase were formed in the structure of free-standing molecularly imprinted polymer membranes. Molecularly imprinted polymer membranes with the catalytic activity were obtained by co-polymerization of the complex Cu (II)–catechol–urocanic acid ethyl ester with (tri)ethyleneglycoldimethacrylate, and oligourethaneacrylate. Addition of the elastic component oligourethaneacrylate provided formation of the highly cross-linked polymer with the catalytic activity in a form of thin, flexible, and mechanically stable membrane. High accessibility of the artificial catalytic sites for the interaction with the analyzed phenol molecules was achieved due to addition of linear polymer (polyethyleneglycol Mw 20,000) to the initial monomer mixture before the polymerization. As a result, typical semi-interpenetrating polymer networks (semi-IPNs) were formed. The cross-linked component of the semi-IPN was represented by the highly cross-linked catalytic molecularly imprinted polymer, while the linear one was represented by polyethyleneglycol Mw 20,000. Extraction of the linear polymer from the fully formed semi-IPN resulted in formation of large pores in the membranes’ structure. Concentration of phenols in the analyzed samples was detected using universal portable device oxymeter with the oxygen electrode in a close contact with the catalytic molecularly imprinted polymer membrane as a transducer. The detection limit of phenols detection using the developed sensor system based on polymers–biomimics with the optimized composition comprised 0.063 mM, while the linear range of the sensor comprised 0.063–1 mM. The working characteristics of the portable sensor devices were investigated. Storage stability of sensor systems at room temperature comprised 12 months (87%). As compared to traditional methods of phenols detection the developed sensor system is characterized by simplicity of operation, compactness, an

    Mutations designed to modify the NS gene mRNA secondary structure affect influenza A pathogenicity in vivo

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    The influenza A virus genome consists of eight segments of negative-sense RNA that encode up to 18 proteins. During the process of viral replication, positive-sense (+)RNA (cRNA) or messenger RNA (mRNA) is synthesized. Today, there is only a partial understanding of the function of several secondary structures within vRNA and cRNA promoters, and splice sites in the M and NS genes. The most precise secondary structure of (+)RNA has been determined for the NS segment of influenza A virus.  The influenza A virus NS gene features two regions with a conserved mRNA secondary structure located near splice sites. Here, we compared 4 variants of the A/Puerto Rico/8/1934 strain featuring different combinations of secondary structures at the NS segment (+)RNA regions 82-148 and 497-564. We found that RNA structures did not affect viral replication in cell culture. However, one of the viruses demonstrated lower NS1 and NEP expression levels during early stage cell infection as well as reduced pathogenicity in mice compared to other variants. In particular, this virus is characterized by an RNA hairpin in the 82-148 region and a stable hairpin in the 497-564 region.The influenza A virus genome consists of eight segments of negative-sense RNA that encode up to 18 proteins. During the process of viral replication, positive-sense (+)RNA (cRNA) or messenger RNA (mRNA) is synthesized. Today, there is only a partial understanding of the function of several secondary structures within vRNA and cRNA promoters, and splice sites in the M and NS genes. The most precise secondary structure of (+)RNA has been determined for the NS segment of influenza A virus.  The influenza A virus NS gene features two regions with a conserved mRNA secondary structure located near splice sites. Here, we compared 4 variants of the A/Puerto Rico/8/1934 strain featuring different combinations of secondary structures at the NS segment (+)RNA regions 82-148 and 497-564. We found that RNA structures did not affect viral replication in cell culture. However, one of the viruses demonstrated lower NS1 and NEP expression levels during early stage cell infection as well as reduced pathogenicity in mice compared to other variants. In particular, this virus is characterized by an RNA hairpin in the 82-148 region and a stable hairpin in the 497-564 region

    Entorno educativo digital como herramienta de cambios complejos de la actividad pedagógica del profesor

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    The authors of the article identified four basic functions of the use of information technology in the course of training future representatives of a profession: information and training, forming, evaluation and correction, research.  It is noted that these functions do not operate separately, but as elements of a single system, depending on the conditions determined by the features of the information EE. The analysis allows the authors of the article to assert that at this stage of the educational process evolution the main task is to create a methodology related to the use of information management technologies in the development of electronic materials of educational nature and their implementation in the context of pedagogical activity.Los autores del artículo identificaron cuatro funciones básicas del uso de la tecnología de la información en el curso de la capacitación de futuros representantes de una profesión: información y capacitación, formación, evaluación y corrección, investigación. Cabe señalar que estas funciones no funcionan por separado, sino como elementos de un solo sistema, dependiendo de las condiciones determinadas por las características de la información EE. El análisis permite a los autores del artículo afirmar que en esta etapa de la evolución del proceso educativo, la tarea principal es crear una metodología relacionada con el uso de tecnologías de gestión de la información en el desarrollo de materiales electrónicos de naturaleza educativa y su implementación en el contexto de actividad pedagógica

    Impact of magnetic storms on the global TEC distribution

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    The study is focused on the analysis of total electron content (TEC) variations during six geomagnetic storms of different intensity: from Dstmin = −46&thinsp;nT to Dstmin = −223&thinsp;nT. The values of TEC deviations from its 27-day median value (δTEC) were calculated during the periods of the storms along three meridians: American, Euro-African and Asian-Australian. The following results were obtained. For the majority of the storms almost simultaneous occurrence of δTEC maximums was observed along all three meridians at the beginning of the storm. The transition from a weak storm to a superstorm (the increase of magnetic activity) almost does not affect the intensity of the δTEC maximum. The seasonal effect was most pronounced along the Asian-Australian meridian, less often along the Euro-African meridian and was not revealed along the American meridian. Sometimes the seasonal effect can penetrate to the opposite hemisphere. The character of average δTEC variations for the intense storms was confirmed by GOES satellite data. Though there are some common features of TEC variation revealed during each storm phase, in general no clear dependence of TEC responses on the storm phases was found: the effects were different during each storm at different locations. The behavior of the correlation coefficient (R) between δTEC values along the three meridians was analyzed for each storm. In general, R &gt; 0.5 between δTEC values averaged along each meridian. This result is new. The possible reasons for the exceptions (when R &lt; 0.5) were provided: the complexity of phenomena during the intense storms and discordance in local time of the geomagnetic storm beginning along different meridians. Notwithstanding the complex dependence of R on the intensity of magnetic disturbance, in general R decreased with the growth of storm intensity.</p


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    The solution of the problems facing the modern Russian society largely depends on the beliefs, expectations, values and attitudes of people that determine their attitude to innovation, content, effectiveness and efficiency of various activities. Social adaptation (active inclusion in the social environment) of the individual assumes as a necessary condition the achievement of a certain level of social competence. The modern social environment has a significant impact on the process of personality formation, causing certain contradictions: on the one hand, socio-cultural modernization necessitates a new approach to the problem of social self-realization of the individual, requiring increased human activity as a subject of social life, taking responsibility for their activities and behavior, but, on the other hand, the instability of modern society increases the natural difficulties of growing up; the situation of uncertainty leads to deformation of personal development, disadaptation in society. Modernization of the education system has led to changes in the content, forms, methods and technologies of education, in connection with which there was a need to assess the results of the functioning of the education system. Analyzing the quality of a modern specialist training, researchers increasingly began to turn to the competencies formed during studying, among which an important place is occupied by social competence, estimated as the most important indicator of professional competence of a specialist in general, and in particular, in the field of economic, labor, social relations.A solução dos problemas enfrentados pela sociedade russa moderna depende em grande parte das crenças, expectativas, valores e atitudes das pessoas que determinam sua atitude em relação à inovação, conteúdo, eficácia e eficiência de várias atividades. A adaptação social (inclusão ativa no ambiente social) do indivíduo assume como condição necessária a conquista de um certo nível de competência social. O ambiente social moderno tem um impacto significativo no processo de formação da personalidade, causando certas contradições: por um lado, a modernização sociocultural requer uma nova abordagem para o problema da auto- realização social do indivíduo, exigindo maior atividade humana como sujeito da vida social, assumindo a responsabilidade por suas atividades e comportamentos, mas, por outro lado, a instabilidade da sociedade moderna aumenta as dificuldades naturais de crescer; a situação de incerteza leva à deformação do desenvolvimento pessoal, à desadaptação na sociedade. A modernização do sistema educacional levou a mudanças no conteúdo, formas, métodos e tecnologias da educação, em relação às quais havia a necessidade de avaliar os resultados do funcionamento do sistema educacional. Analisando a qualidade de um treinamento especializado moderno, os pesquisadores começaram a recorrer cada vez mais às competências formadas durante o estudo, entre as quais um lugar importante é ocupado pela competência social, estimado como o indicador mais importante da competência profissional de um especialista em geral e, em particular, , no campo das relações econômicas, trabalhistas e sociais.La solución de los problemas que enfrenta la sociedad rusa moderna depende en gran medida de las creencias, expectativas, valores y actitudes de las personas que determinan su actitud hacia la innovación, el contenido, la efectividad y la eficiencia de diversas actividades. La adaptación social (inclusión activa en el entorno social) del individuo supone como condición necesaria el logro de un cierto nivel de competencia social. El entorno social moderno tiene un impacto significativo en el proceso de formación de la personalidad, causando ciertas contradicciones: por un lado, la modernización sociocultural requiere un nuevo enfoque del problema de la autorrealización social del individuo, que requiere una mayor actividad humana como un sujeto de la vida social, asumiendo la responsabilidad de sus actividades y comportamiento, pero, por otro lado, la inestabilidad de la sociedad moderna aumenta las dificultades naturales de crecer; La situación de incertidumbre conduce a la deformación del desarrollo personal, la desadaptación en la sociedad. La modernización del sistema educativo ha llevado a cambios en el contenido, las formas, los métodos y las tecnologías de la educación, en relación con lo cual era necesario evaluar los resultados del funcionamiento del sistema educativo. Analizando la calidad de una formación especializada moderna, los investigadores comenzaron a recurrir cada vez más a las competencias formadas durante el estudio, entre las cuales un lugar importante está ocupado por la competencia social, estimado como el indicador más importante de la competencia profesional de un especialista en general, y en particular , en el campo de las relaciones económicas, laborales, sociales

    Relationship Between Transport Infrastructure Development and Price Formation

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    The paper suggests a bidirectional nexus between transport infrastructure and price formation. It is argued that the link between these two factors is not only through microeconomic effect that transport infrastructure development has on pricing, but also that it can be analyzed from the macroeconomic perspective. Hence, the article is aimed at investigating the bidirectional nexus between transport infrastructure and price formation. The main hypotheses of the research are the following: (1) Macro- and macroeconomic effects are different with respect to the sign of their influence; (2) Microeconomic effect is described by the negative effect of transport infrastructure development on price level; (3) Macroeconomic effect is perceived as a positive influence of price level increase on transport infrastructure development. Therefore, it is assumed the link between transport infrastructure and price formation is bidirectional: transport infrastructure has a negative effect on price formation, whereas price formation positively impacts transport infrastructure development. To test the hypothesis, analysis was conducted of 118 countries of different economic, social and political systems with the use of panel regression. The panel data for 2009-2018 years was used. The results indicate the presence of the said bidirectional link and prove the hypotheses set. Transport infrastructure development, represented by transport infrastructure score through the global competitiveness index, leads to reduction in price level, measured by the conversion factor of purchase power parity to exchange rates. In contrast, an increase in price level positively impacts transport infrastructure development. The nexus of transport infrastructure and price formation is explained through two directions: 1) from specific to general (including price fall by transport capacity increase - microeconomic effect); 2) from general to specific (as a social development level that determines the efficiency of management processes, in transport and logistics - macroeconomic effect).Данное исследование предполагает наличие двусторонней связи между уровнем развития транспортной инфраструктуры и ценообразованием. Автор считает, что рассматриваемая связь имеет место не только на уровне микроэкономических процессов, но и на макроэкономическом уровне. Таким образом, статья нацелена на исследование двусторонней разнонаправленной связи между транспортной инфраструктурой и фактором ценообразования. В качестве основных гипотез рассматриваются следующие: микро- и макроэкономический эффекты различны по направлению оказываемого воздействия; микроэкономический эффект характеризуется отрицательным влиянием развития транспортной инфраструктуры на фактор ценообразования; макроэкономический эффект отличается положительным воздействием ценообразования на транспортную инфраструктуру. Предполагается, что если влияние транспортной инфраструктуры на ценообразование описывается отрицательным вектором, то обратное влияние – ценообразования на уровень развития транспортной инфраструктуры – будет отличаться положительными значениями. На 118 странах мира различного экономического, социального и политического устройства был проведен регрессионный анализ с использованием модели с фиксированными эффектами по панельным данным за 2009–2018 гг. Результаты проведенного исследования доказывают наличие двусторонней связи между уровнем развития транспортной инфраструктуры и ценообразованием и подтверждают поставленные гипотезы. Развитие транспортной инфраструктуры (как оценки по категории «транспортная инфраструктура» в рамках индекса глобальной конкурентоспособности) оказывает отрицательное влияние на уровень цен (индекс конверсии паритета покупательной способности к курсу валют), в то время как рост фактора цен сопровождается увеличением развитости транспортной инфраструктуры. В результате проведенного исследования можно сказать, что взаимосвязь «транспортная инфраструктура – ценообразование» характеризуется двумя направлениями развития: 1) «от частного к общему» (например, в виде снижения цен за счет развития мощностей транспортной инфраструктуры – микроэкономический эффект); 2) «от общего к частному» (как уровень развития общества, определяющий уровень эффективности управленческих процессов, в том числе, в логистике – макроэкономический эффект).Данное исследование предполагает наличие двусторонней связи между уровнем развития транспортной инфраструктуры и ценообразованием. Автор считает, что рассматриваемая связь имеет место не только на уровне микроэкономических процессов, но и на макроэкономическом уровне. Таким образом, статья нацелена на исследование двусторонней разнонаправленной связи между транспортной инфраструктурой и фактором ценообразования. В качестве основных гипотез рассматриваются следующие: микро- и макроэкономический эффекты различны по направлению оказываемого воздействия; микроэкономический эффект характеризуется отрицательным влиянием развития транспортной инфраструктуры на фактор ценообразования; макроэкономический эффект отличается положительным воздействием ценообразования на транспортную инфраструктуру. Предполагается, что если влияние транспортной инфраструктуры на ценообразование описывается отрицательным вектором, то обратное влияние – ценообразования на уровень развития транспортной инфраструктуры – будет отличаться положительными значениями. На 118 странах мира различного экономического, социального и политического устройства был проведен регрессионный анализ с использованием модели с фиксированными эффектами по панельным данным за 2009–2018 гг. Результаты проведенного исследования доказывают наличие двусторонней связи между уровнем развития транспортной инфраструктуры и ценообразованием и подтверждают поставленные гипотезы. Развитие транспортной инфраструктуры (как оценки по категории «транспортная инфраструктура» в рамках индекса глобальной конкурентоспособности) оказывает отрицательное влияние на уровень цен (индекс конверсии паритета покупательной способности к курсу валют), в то время как рост фактора цен сопровождается увеличением развитости транспортной инфраструктуры. В результате проведенного исследования можно сказать, что взаимосвязь «транспортная инфраструктура – ценообразование» характеризуется двумя направлениями развития: 1) «от частного к общему» (например, в виде снижения цен за счет развития мощностей транспортной инфраструктуры – микроэкономический эффект); 2) «от общего к частному» (как уровень развития общества, определяющий уровень эффективности управленческих процессов, в том числе, в логистике – макроэкономический эффект)

    Psychological and pedagogical support for the social workers professional development

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    The effectiveness of psychological andpedagogical support is determined by the following factors: self-determination and voluntary participation; activating education results; taking into account and developing social workers’ educational needs; the use of the dichotomic and humanistic approaches; social workers’ selfdetermination; interactive mode of cooperation, democratic style of communicatio


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    Aim. To study the main risk factors on representative group of first-year students of StSMU during their screening, and on pilot group of students to study possible ways of influencing on these factors on CBP and its augmentation index.Material and methods. Totally 1351 first-year students screened for risk factors as inheritance of early onset of CVD, overweight, PH (prehypertension)/AH, smoking, chronic infectiousand immunity-related inflammations, wrong diet, hypodynamia, low stress resistibility, and for some of them — dyslipidemia and hyperglycemia (capillar test). In 80 patients, taken their risk factors, we assessed CBP and its augmentation index with diagnostical complex BPLab Vasotens Office (LLC “Piotr Telegin”, Nizhniy Novgorod).Results. Among first-year students with PH/AH overweight were each tenth, inheritance or focal infections — almost in each fifth. Wrong diet, hypodynamia and low stress resistibility are found in each fourth-fifth of enrolled in university. Absence of risk factors was found only in one fifth of first-graders. Most of them have two and more risk factors. Having these factors students usually had an increase of systolic, mean and pulse pressure in aorta, and augmentation index of central pulse pressure. Significantly more common in them is to find systemic and isolated central PH/AH.Conclusion. Regardless of young age and short anamnesis of adverse factors, students have preclinical, however quite clear damage of target organs such as vessel remodeling, including large vessels. It is necessary to implement broader into the centers of student healthcare and outpatient institutions the methods of CBP assessment as an office procedure with the aim of earlier vessel remodeling relevance during screening events with the aim for risk groups formation and control of efficacy of prevention procedures in such risk groups