216 research outputs found

    Effects of processing meliorative tillage on the soils with heavy mechanical type in maize production

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    Soils with heavy mechanical type of composition demand a cultivation system that ensures preservation of natural potential and fertility resources. This system must also prevent degrading processes and ensure an optimal water flow within the soil, with an optimal usage of energy and labor. This paper presents the results of the application of the machines and tools for new technologies in maize production. We analyzed the influence of meliorative tillage and effect of conventional tillage systems on maize production.

    Application of Teaching Learning Based Optimization in antenna designing

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    Numerous optimization techniques are studied and applied on antenna designs to optimize various performance parameters. Authors used many Multiple Attributes Decision Making (MADM) methods, which include, Weighted Sum Method (WSM), Weighted Product Method (WPM), Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS), Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), ELECTRE, etc. Of these many MADM methods, TOPSIS and AHP are more widely used decision making methods. Both TOPSIS and AHP are logical decision making approaches and deal with the problem of choosing an alternative from a set of alternatives which are characterized in terms of some attributes. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is explained in detail and compared with WSM and WPM. Authors ļ¬- nally used Teaching-Learning-Based Optimization (TLBO) technique; which is a novel method for constrained antenna design optimization problems

    Tehnički sistemi za klimatizaciju kabina poljoprivrednih i meliorativnih maŔina

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    In this paper are presented several types of A/C (Air Condition) systems for climatization of modern agricultural and meliorative machinery cabs. Systems are selected according to the applied cooling fluid, in purpose of technical and exploitation characteristics comparison. Possibilities of two cooling fluids application, both R134a (tera fluoro ethane CH2FCF3) and CO2 (carbon dioxide), are considered and their thermo-mechanical and exploitation characteristics are compared, as well as their influence in sense of ecology and global warming. It should be noticed that CO2 is used in last generation systems and has certain advantages in ecology, which will be mentioned in this paper. Technical and exploitation characteristics of analyzed A/C systems will be analyzed in terms of ergonomic principles that those systems should satisfy, also.U radu je predstavljeno nekoliko tipova A/C (Air Condition) sistema za klimatizaciju kabina savremenih poljoprivrednih i meliorativnih maÅ”ina. Izbor sistema je napravljen na bazi rashladnog fluida koji se koristi kao radna materija, a sa ciljem poređenja tehničkih i eksploatacionih karakteristika. Analizirane su mogućnosti primene dva rashladna fluida R134a (terafluoretan CH2FCF3) i CO2 (ugljendioksid), sagledane i poređene njihove termomehaničke i eksploatacione karakteristike, kao i osobine njihovog uticaja sa stanoviÅ”ta ekologije i globalnog zagrevanja. Treba napomenuti da se CO2 koristi u sistemima poslednje generacije i da poseduje određene prednosti sa stanoviÅ”ta ekologije o kojima će u radu biti reči. Tehničke i eksploatacione karakteristike analiziranih A/C sistema biće analizirane i sa strane ergonomskih zakonitosti koje ovi sistemi treba da ispune

    Mehanizacija u melioracijama zemljiÅ”ta - stanje i buduće potrebe

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    Present and future status and requirements for mechanization in soil reclamation of agricultural and exploitation of forest soils of Republic of Serbia are exposed in this paper. The status and requirements for tractors, and power machines different mechanization in the field on soil reclamation, irrigation/drainages in agriculture and forest exploitation are shown as well. This analysis of structure and future needs enable ideas and realisation of substitution of very old mechanization with new contemporary mechanization, where domestic production of tractors and other agricultural machines has advantages and justification. .U radu su analizirana istraživanja stanja i potreba mehanizacije u melioracijama poljoprivrednih (navodnjavanje i odvodnjavanje), i Å”umskih zemljiÅ”ta Republike Srbije, danas, i narednom periodu. Prikazana je analiza stanja i potreba traktora i pogonskih maÅ”ina, različite mehanizacije u melioracijama zemljiÅ”ta, i sličnim građevinskim radovima sa zemljiÅ”tem, mehanizacija navodnjavanja/odvodnjavanja, i mehanizacija u eksploataciji Å”uma . Analizirano stanje, struktura i buduće potrebe, omogućavaju ideju, realizaciju, zamene veoma stare mehanizacije sa novom mehanizacijom, gde domaća industrija proizvodnje traktora i radnih maÅ”ina ima svoje prednosti i opravdanje.

    Rezultati istraživanja viÅ”egodiÅ”nje primene nove linije maÅ”ina i oruđa za uređenje zemljiÅ”ta po povrÅ”ini i dubini

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    This paper presents the results of the application of the machines and tools for new technologies in plant production for two years of research. The comparative analysis of the influence of new technologies and new types of machines was done, and also the effect of conventional tillage systems on several agricultural crops (sunflower, commercial maize and wheat). During the experiment, we analyzed the effects of application of new line of machines to: physical properties of soil, morphological features of crops, use of energy and yield, and we also analyzed the economic aspects of the application. On the control plots, a conventional tillage system was simultaneously applied for comparative analysis of the previously mentioned factors. Trials were conducted on production plots of Maize Research Institute 'Zemun Polje' in KrnjeÅ”evci from October 2008 until July 2010.U ovom radu su prikazani dvogodiÅ”nji rezultati primene maÅ”ina i oruđa za nove tehnologije u biljnoj proizvodnji. IzvrÅ”ena je uporedna analiza uticaja primene nove tehnologije i nove linije maÅ”ina, kao i uticaj konvencionalnog sistema obrade na nekoliko ratarskih kultura (suncokret, merkantilni kukuruz i pÅ”enica). U toku ispitivanja, analizirani su uticaji primene nove linije maÅ”ina na: fizičke osobine zemljiÅ”ta, morfoloÅ”ke osobine gajenih biljaka, utroÅ”ak energije i prinos, a takođe su analizirani i ekonomski aspekti primene. Na kontrolnim parcelama je istovremeno bio primenjen konvencionalni sistem obrade, radi uporedne analize prethodno pomenutih faktora. Ogledi su izvedeni na proizvodnim parcelama Instituta za kukuruz 'Zemun Polje' u KrnjeÅ”evcima u periodu od oktobra 2008. godine do jula 2010. godine

    Uticaj tipa kombajna i vremena ubiranja na kvalitet ubrane kamilice

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    This paper is the result of studying effects of mechanical chamomile harvesting on yield and quality of harvested chamomile. Chamomile (Chamomilla recutita (L) Rausch.) was harvested at three time intervals (T1 - 240 days, T2 - 250 days and T3 - 260 days after sowing) by three conceptually different harvesters. The results achieved indicate that the harvester type significantly influences quality of harvested chamomile, whereas it is not influenced by chamomile harvesting time. Quality of harvested chamomile was classified into four categories, and it was observed that the greater number of rotations of a picking device increased the content of the first category of quality. The harvester A achieved 54.79% of the first category of quality in respect to the harvester B achieving 50.26% and the harvester C with 42.93%.Ovaj rad predstavlja rezultat istraživanja u okviru koga su praćeni efekti mehanizovanog ubiranja na prinos i kvalitet ubrane kamilice. Kamilica je ubirana u tri različita vremenska intervala (T1 - 240 dana, T2 - 250 dana i T3 - 260 dana nakon setve) sa tri koncepcijski različita kombajna. Ostvareni rezultati ukazuju da tip kombajna ima značajan uticaj na kvalitet ubrane kamilice, dok takav uticaj nije izražen kada se posmatra termin ubiranja kamilice. Kvalitet ubrane kamilice je klasifikovan u 4 kategorije, gde je uočeno da veći broj obrtaja beračkog uređaja povećava učeŔće I kategorije kvaliteta. Kombajn A ostvaruje 54,79% I kategorije kvaliteta ubrane kamilice u odnosu na kombajn B sa 50,26% i kombajn C sa 42,93%

    Nesreće sa traktorima na javnim putevima u R. Makedoniji

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    This paper deals with the results from the investigation of accidents with tractors on public roads in the agriculture of Republic of Macedonia. 495 accidents with tractors are happened (99 per year) on public roads in the period 2004-2008. According to the category of road on the local roads 79 accidents are happened (15, 8 accidents per year) in the settlements. Out of the settlements, on the local roads 180 accidents (36 per year) are happened most of them with tractors again. In accidents on public roads with tractors 820 people are injured, of which 242 in accidents in settlements and 578 out of settlements in the period of the investigation. There are twice more injured people and triple more people have a fatal consequences in the accidents with tractors on public roads out of settlements.U radu su prikazani istraživanja nesreća sa traktorima na javnim putevima u poljoprivredi Republike Makedonije. U periodu istraživanja od 2004 do 2008 godine na javnim putevima dogodilo se ukupno 495 nesreća u kojima su učestvovali traktori, ili prosečno 99 nesreća godiÅ”nje. Prema kategoriji puta u naseljenim mestima dogodilo se 79 ili u proseku po 15,8 saobraćajnih nesreća godiÅ”nje, na lokalnim putevima. Takođe prema kategoriji puta, na lokalnim putevima van naseljenih mesta dogodilo se najviÅ”e 180 ili u proseku po 36 godiÅ”nje nesreća. U nesrećama na javnim putevima u kojima su učestvovali traktori nastradalo je ukupno 820 osoba, od kojih 242 osoba u nesrećama u naseljenim mestima i 578 osoba u nesrećama van naseljena mesta. U nesrećama sa traktorima na javnim putevima van naseljenih mesta nastrada dva puta viÅ”e, a smrtno nastrada, tri puta viÅ”e osoba

    Klotho pathways, myelination disorders, neurodegenerative diseases, and epigenetic drugs

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    In this review we outline a rationale for identifying neuroprotectants aimed at inducing endogenous Klotho activity and expression, which is epigenetic action, by definition. Such an approach should promote remyelination and/or stimulate myelin repair by acting on mitochondrial function, thereby heralding a life-saving path forward for patients suffering from neuroinflammatory diseases. Disorders of myelin in the nervous system damage the transmission of signals, resulting in loss of vision, motion, sensation, and other functions depending on the affected nerves, currently with no effective treatment. Klotho genes and their single-pass transmembrane Klotho proteins are powerful governors of the threads of life and death, true to the origin of their name, Fates, in Greek mythology. Among its many important functions, Klotho is an obligatory co-receptor that binds, activates, and/or potentiates critical fibroblast growth factor activity. Since the discovery of Klotho a little over two decades ago, it has become ever more apparent that when Klotho pathways go awry, oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction take over, and age-related chronic disorders are likely to follow. The physiological consequences can be wide ranging, potentially wreaking havoc on the brain, eye, kidney, muscle, and more. Central nervous system disorders, neurodegenerative in nature, and especially those affecting the myelin sheath, represent worthy targets for advancing therapies that act upon Klotho pathways. Current drugs for these diseases, even therapeutics that are disease modifying rather than treating only the symptoms, leave much room for improvement. It is thus no wonder that this topic has caught the attention of biomedical researchers around the world.https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/10.1089/biores.2020.0004Published versio

    Tehničko-tehnoloŔki postupci primene plovne mehanizacije za održavanje akvasistema Savskog jezera u Beogradu

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    Whether a water system is artificially created, or a water system is a natural habitat created by manā€™s influence (rivers, lakes - both artificial and natural, channels and ponds), a constant maintenance of these systems is required, in order for them to fulfill their function. Maintenance of a water system implies a complex and regular appliance of certain technical and technologic actions which enable a constant and efficient functioning of the water system, according to its functionality. The work shows a complex overview of the problems during technical and technologic actions of the nautical mechanization during the process of vegetation removal from the Savsko Jezero Lakeā€™s water system. The objective of the work is aimed at determining the causes and consequences of the excessive growth of the aquatic plants in the Savsko Jezero Lake, mechanical ways of vegetation removal, as well as technical and technologic actions of the applyment of an Alpha Boats FX-6 nautical mower at the Savsko Jezero Lake. Based on theoretic researches in the field of aquatic plant repression and a practical appliance of the specialized nautical mechanization Alpha Boats FX-6 at the Savsko Jezero Lake in Belgrade, it could be concluded that: - Mechanical ways of repression of the excessive aquatic plant growth has proved to be one of the ecologically best solutions for the problem, - Large quantities of the plant material (up to 35 m3 daily) which is extracted from the lake and driven to a dump site, generates a question for the further use of the mowed plant mass.Bez obzira da li su u pitanju veÅ”tački akvasistemi ili akvasistemi kao prirodna staniÅ”ta pod antropogenim uticajem (reke, jezera-prirodna i veÅ”tačka, kanali i bare), potrebno je redovno održavanje ovih sistema kako bi zadržali svoju funkciju. Održavanje akvasistema podrazumeva kompleksnu i redovnu primenu određenih tehničko-tehnoloÅ”kih postupaka koji omogućavaju neprekidno i efikasno funkcionisanje akvasistema, prema njegovim namenama. U radu je prikazan kompleksan pregled problematike tehničko-tehnoloÅ”kih postupaka primene plovne mehanizacije u procesu uklanjanja vegetacije iz akvasistema Savskog jezera u Beogradu. Cilj rada je usmeren na utvrđivanje uzroka i posledica prekomernog rasta akvatičnih biljaka u Savskom jezeru, mehaničkih načina uklanjanja akvatične vegetacije, kao i tehničko-tehnoloÅ”kih postupaka primene plovne kosačice Alpha Boats FX-6, na Savskom jezeru. Na osnovu teorijskih istraživanja u oblasti suzbijanja akvatičnih biljaka i praktičnoj primeni specijalizovane plovne mehanizacije Alpha Boats FX-6, na Savskom jezeru u Beogradu, može se zaključiti: - Mehanički način suzbijanja prekomernog rasta akvatičnih biljaka pokazao se kao ekoloÅ”ki jedno od najboljih reÅ”enje ovog problema. - Velike količine biljnog materijala (dnevno i do 35 m3) koji se iznosi iz jezera i odvozi na deponiju, otvara i pitanje pronalaska reÅ”enja dalje upotrebe pokoÅ”ene biljne mase
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