764 research outputs found

    Tele-rehabilitation of a middle-aged female with bronchiectasis as post COVID-19 sequelae: a case report

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    COVID-19 pneumonia causes dilatation of lung parenchyma which leads to destruction of segmental bronchi that can further progress into bronchiectasis. COVID-19 causes many sequels in the respiratory system and frequently presents with dyspnoea, fatigue, loss of strength, reduced functional capacity and sometimes severe multi-organ affection. Physiotherapy interventions through tele-rehabilitation have acquired a fundamental role in the recovery of the functions and quality of life. Pulmonary tele-rehabilitation which is done in this case report study includes patient education, respiratory care, exercise training, ambulatory program with supplementary oxygen, strengthening, endurance training and energy conservation. All these interventions play an important role in patent’s treatment protocol from hospital discharge to resuming work by assisting in weaning of supplementary oxygen, improving functional capacity of lungs and thus facilitating recovery. Rehabilitation of COVID-19 causing bronchiectasis in healthy individual has not been reported in literature yet. So, here we present a case report of tele-rehabilitation of a middle- aged female who developed progressive bronchiectasis as a sequela of COVID-19 pneumonia evident on serial chest CT scans

    Embedded Wireless Based Communications in Oilfield & Providing Security System

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    The area of the oilfield is much wider. Oil exhauster continuous working for 24 hours. As the problem of petroleum being stolen, transmission line being stolen, and transformer being stolen exists which requires the strong secures management system. With Consideration of the objective condition restriction of geographical environment, the implementation of safe management for oilfield is very difficult. We overcome these difficulties, which comes from geographical environment. The cost is not only high if the fiber cable would be lay between working station in the several tens of square kilometers, but also need to put into a lot of human and material resources with line maintenance and guard against theft. It is a perfect scheme that remote wireless monitoring and control system is established. The system is required to manage the data received from the various site and providing the security by managing and providing automatic controlling structure

    "Evaluation of The Public's Recognition, Approval, And Perspectives On Renewable Energy In Panvel"

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    This study addresses the critical role of public sentiment in shaping energy portfolios and policies, with a focus on the often-neglected grassroots perspectives in developing nations. Conducted in Panvel, the research surveyed 1000 respondents from urban and rural areas, revealing strong approval (73%) for renewable energy technologies and a widespread belief (91%) in their potential to reduce electricity costs. Emphasizing the need for a more inclusive energy policy approach, the study highlights a high level of awareness (69.5%) among Panvel residents. The findings underscore the importance of understanding public attitudes to inform effective and democratic energy policy formulation, shedding light on the significance of a holistic approach that considers both urban and rural perspectives. &nbsp

    Effect of methanolic extract of Achyranthes aspera on allergy induced by potassium dichromate

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    Potassium dichromate and other Cr (vi) forms are found as potent allergen in metal industries, cement industries where constant contact and inhalation or ingestion occurs which tend cause severe allergy. Several medicinal plants have potent anti allergic effects and drugs from natural products are free from side effects. The present study was aimed to evaluate the utility of Achyranthes.aspera in treating allergies caused due to heavy metals, particularly dichromate in albino mice. The allergy was induced in mice by giving oral administration of K2Cr2O7 at a concentration of 200mg/kg body weight for the period of 10 days. The diagnosis of allergy was done by serum analysis of IgM and IgG antibodies, total Lymphocytic count and total WBC count. The methanolic extract of A.aspera (400mg/kg, 600mg/kg body wt) showed greater efficiency in reducing the effects of dichromate allergy induction

    Navigating the Evolution: A Comprehensive Analysis of Awareness in Contemporary TV Display Technologies

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    A display serves as a projecting mechanism that presents video content to the user through technologies such as cathode ray tube (CRT), liquid crystal display (LCD), light-emitting diode (LED), Organic light-emitting diode (OLED), or other projection methods. The global demand for intelligent displays has witnessed a substantial rise, primarily fueled by the increasing popularity of OLED-based devices and technology. Concurrently, the worldwide digital TV subscriptions surpassed one billion in 2017. In our investigation, we aimed to assess the awareness levels among individuals in both rural and urban areas regarding TV display technology. The findings reveal that approximately 79% of urban residents and 44% of rural inhabitants utilize a TV display compatible with their TV subscription. &nbsp


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    Objective: This investigation includes characterization of phytochemicals from acetone extract of Helianthus annuus L. seeds responsible for α-amylase and α-glucosidase inhibition revealed from in vitroand in silico approaches. Methods: Seed extract was qualitatively and quantitatively analysed for the presence of bioactive molecules. In vitro Î±-amylase and α-glucosidase inhibition assays and kinetics studies for α-glucosidase were done. Thin layer chromatography (TLC) autography of extract was done to screen potent inhibitors and characterized by high-resolution liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (HR LC-MS). Characterized molecules were further used for in silico studies. Results: Qualitative investigation reveals the presence of flavonoids, glycosides, alkaloids, terpenoids, and steroids. Quantitative analysis for total phenolic content and total flavonoid content of the extract was 0.1±0.005 mg/ml GAE and 0.025±0.003 mg/ml QE respectively. Percent inhibition of α-amylase and α-glucosidase ascertained in presence of extract was 60.42±0.6 and 83.22±0.18 at 0.01 mg while 36.24±0.81 and 37.67±0.15 at 0.005 mg of extracts for both enzymes respectively. Kinetics studies of α-glucosidase inhibition illustrated the non-competitive type of inhibition. TLC autography inhibition patterns were characterized by HR LC-MS. Characterized molecules on docking revealed (6RS)-22-hydroxy-23,24,25,26,27-pentanor-vitamin-D3-6,19-sulfurdioxide-adduct, manoalide and 5β-cholestane-3α,7α,12α,24,25,26-hexol as the best docked molecules with lowest binding energies of-12.5,-11 and-10.2 kcal/mol for α-amylase and-14.2,-11 and-11.2 kcal/mol for α-glucosidase respectively. Conclusion: Results clearly suggested that (6RS)-22-hydroxy-23,24,25,26,27-pentanor-vitamin-D3-6,19-sulfurdioxide-adduct, manoalide and 5β-cholestane-3α,7α,12α,24,25,26-hexol could be considered as lead molecules for the discovery of potent antidiabetic agents

    Preparation Of Mixed Ligand Complexes Of Cerium (III) Metal Using Multidentate Ligands And Investigation Of Their Physicochemical, Spectral, Thermal, And Antibacterial Properties.

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    This study involves the synthesis and characterization of Cerium (III) Mixed-ligand complexes employing 2-hydroxybenzaldehyde oxime (BO) as the primary ligand and organic compounds 2-amino-3-(1H-indol-3-yl)propanoic acid (L1) , 2-amino-4-(methylthio)butanoic acid  (L2) , 2-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)propanoic acid  (L3) ,  2-Amino-3-sulfhydrylpropanoic acid  (L4) as secondary ligands. The resulting complexes exhibit a brown color and display stability, as evidenced by conductometric measurements indicating non-electrolyte behavior. FTIR analysis reveals coordination through O and N donor atoms, while thermogravimetric studies highlight stability with coordinated water molecules, supported by high decomposition temperatures. UV studies demonstrate intra-ligand and ligand-to-metal charge transfer transitions. Elemental analysis confirms a 1:2:1 ratio for the complexes. Antibacterial assays using agar cup and tube dilution methods affirm the complexes' antibacterial activity against specific bacterial strains

    On the Real Time Object Detection and Tracking

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    Object detection and tracking is widely used for detecting motions of objects present in images and video.Since last so many decades, numerous real time object detection and tracking methods have been proposed byresearchers. The proposed methods for objects to be tracked till date require some preceding informationassociated with moving objects. In real time object detection and tracking approach segmentation is the initialtask followed by background modeling for the extraction of predefined information including shape of the objects,position in the starting frame, texture, geometry and so on for further processing of the cluster pixels and videosequence of these objects. The object detection and tracking can be applied in the fields like computerized videosurveillance, traffic monitoring, robotic vision, gesture identification, human-computer interaction, militarysurveillance system, vehicle navigation, medical imaging, biomedical image analysis and many more. In thispaper we focus detailed technical review of different methods proposed for detection and tracking of objects. Thecomparison of various techniques of detection and tracking is the purpose of this work

    Adsorption of CO on NaZSM-5 zeolite under moderate temperature and pressure conditions: an FTIR investigation

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    Adsorption of CO on NaZSM-5 zeolite was investigated at temperatures in the range 300-470 K and at pressures of 5-500 Torr using FTIR spectroscopy. The effect of exchanging the charge balancing cation in NaZSM-5 with a proton or calcium was evaluated. Data were also collected on NaY, CaY and CaX zeolites for comparison. We detected the development of six distinct CwO stretching bands with maxima at around 2111, 2130, 2146, 2160, 2176 and 2194 cm-1 during the adsorption of CO on NaZSM-5 zeolite at ambient temperatures. This was accompanied by the appearance of a prominent band at 2356 cm-1 and weak shoulder bands at frequencies around 2336, 2340, 2370 and 2380 cm-1 in the ν3 region of All the ν(CO) bands and CO2 . also the bands in the ν3 region of CO2 exhibited similar behaviour as a function of adsorbate pressure, evacuation, rise in sample temperature, and the exchange of charge balancing cation. For instance, the intensity of all the CwO stretching bands showed a similar growth behaviour with increasing adsorbate pressure, though the extent of this growth was di.erent for the individual IR bands. Similarly, these bands were removed simultaneously on evacuation. Furthermore, while all the vibrational bands in the v(CO) region showed a uniform isotopic shift corresponding to a frequency ratio ν(13C/12C) of ca. 0.977 and ν(18O/16O) of 0.976 for the adsorption of 13C16O and 12C18O, respectively, the bands in the ν3(CO2) region showed a red shift ?(13C/12C) of 0.972 with 13CO and an isotopic shift corresponding to 16O12C18O on 12C18O adsorption. No shift in ν(OH) bands was observed after CO adsorption under the conditions of this study. The results thus indicate that the individual zeolitic surface sites e.g., the Al3+ sites, Bronsted acid sites or the charge balancing cations, may not participate directly in the bonding of CO molecules at room temperature or above. Instead, the cage effect of zeolites plays an important role. The data are interpreted to suggest the formation of weakly bonded clusters of CO and CO2 molecules, occluded in the zeolitic cages and stabilized under the cationic field

    Prevalence, clinical profile, and laboratory features of hospitalized under-five children with rotavirus-induced diarrhea

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    Background: Rotavirus is considered as an important causative agent for pediatric diarrhea. Despite recent studies, data available on the prevalence of diarrhea due to rotavirus, among under-five children, are scarce. Objective: The objective of this study is to estimate the prevalence, clinical profile, and laboratory features among hospitalized under-five children with rotavirusinduced diarrhea. Materials and Methods: A total of 145 under-five children with diarrhea were included in the study. The sociodemographic characteristics, clinical profile, and laboratory investigations of all the children were recorded. Stool samples collected were tested for rotavirus antigen using enzyme immunoassay. Results: Of 145 stool samples processed, rotavirus antigenwas positive in 33.10% of cases, and male-to-female ratio was 1.1:1. The majority (62.76%) of the children with diarrhea were aged ≤12 months. Rotavirus infection was significantly associated with socioeconomic status of the parents (p=0.023), maternal education (p=0.028), fever (p=0.029), vomiting (p=0.001), restlessness (p=0.001), perianal excoriation (p=0.045), bottle feeding (p=0.014), hypernatremia (p<0.001), and presence of reducing substances (p 0.001). Conclusion: Rotavirus-induced diarrhea was diagnosed in one-third of the study children. Maternal education, symptoms of fever, vomiting, presence of reducing substances, and age ≤12 months were found to be predisposing factors for rotavirus infection in under-five children. However, periodic reviewon rotavirus and other co-pathogenic infections are required to validate the current findings
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