247 research outputs found

    Discovery of a second locality for the narrow endemic Anthemis ismelia (Asteraceae) in NW Sicily

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    A new population of Anthemis ismelia (Asteraceae) has been discovered on Mt Pecoraro (Cinisi, NW Sicily), a limestone headland at about 14 km from Mt Gallo (Palermo), the locus classicus et unicus of this species described in 1884. Taxonomic framework, distribution update, habitat characterisation, ecology and phytosociological framework are provided, as well as meta-population numerical estimates and risk status assessment

    Aerial LiDAR Technology in Support to Avalanches Prevention and Risk Mitigation: AN Operative Application at "colle della Maddalena" (italy)

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    Abstract. Snow avalanches are the result of unstable snow masses that detach from steep slopes as consequence of changes in snowpack structure. Nowadays, remote sensing technologies can improve the knowledge of avalanches phenomenon. This work focuses on the use of high point density aerial LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) technology as support to avalanche events prevention and risk mitigation, by presenting an operative application at Colle della Maddalena (Italy), along the road SS n. 21, nearby the French state border. The area is often involved in intense avalanche events that adversely impact on traffic and freight transport. For this reason, regional administrations will activate the Avalanche Artificial Detachment Intervention Plan (PIDAV, 2012) in order to prevent and manage the avalanche risk in the study area, also adopting artificial detachment systems. Main aim of the present work was to generate high resolution information related to geomorphological characterization (i.e. digital elevation models, slope and aspect) of avalanche sites derived from LiDAR data processing, that will help involved authorities in the management of the avalanche control plan. Digital elevation models at 0.5 m of spatial resolution were generated together with relative tridimensional models. Secondly, a preliminary investigation about capabilities and limits of LiDAR technology was done in the identification of avalanche sites only relying on geomorphological information directly derived by LiDAR data processing. Results showed that position of avalanche sites were correctly identified while no information could be obtained about the extension of the sliding area and identification of detachment areas

    The chemical composition of the aerial parts essential oil of Acinos alpinus subsp. nebrodensis (Lamiaceae) growing in Sicily (Italy)

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    Acinos is a small genus of economically important plants belonging to Lamiaceae family whose botanical collocation is quite problematic due to the disagreement among the botanists and the presence in litera- ture of several names and synonyms from different sources. In the pre- sent study the chemical composition of the essential oil from aerial parts of Acinos alpinus subsp. nebrodensis (Strobl) Brullo & Brullo col- lected in Central Sicily was analyzed by GC-MS. The result showed the presence of large quantity of sesquiterpene hydrocarbons with germa- crene D (37.9%) as the most abundant component followed by (E)- b-caryophyllene (5.1%). Among the oxygenated monoterpenes thymol (8.3%) was the most abundant; good quantity of hexadecanoic acid (6.8%) was also observed. Chemotaxonomic considerations with respect all the other oils of Acinos taxa, studied so far, were carried out

    Fatty acids as biomarkers of the production season of caciocavallo palermitano cheese

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    This experiment aims to evaluate the potential of fatty acids (FA) of Caciocavallo Palermitano cheese as biomarkers of production season and pasture-based diet. A total of 48 cheeses were made in the four seasons with milk from two farms that raised cows of Cinisara breed. The animals were fed on pasture with supplementation of wheat bran and wheat straw in the barn, and in summer also with Opuntia ficus-indica cladodes. The chemical composition and FA profile of cheese were influenced by the season and not by the farm. In particular, cheeses produced in spring were characterized by higher protein and lower fat, and showed higher contents in trans-vaccenic acid, α-linolenic acid, rumenic acid, n-3 polyunsaturated FA (PUFA), and total PUFA. In winter, the lower availability of grazing forage, requiring a higher level of feeding integration, was responsible for an increase of saturated FA (SFA). The multivariate analysis distinguished clearly the cheeses made in winter and spring, while those produced in autumn and summer showed some overlapping points. Further investigations should be carried out to evaluate the effects of type and level of feeding integration on the presence of FA more suitable to be used as biomarkers of period and diet

    Arterial hypertension in aortic valve stenosis: A critical update

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    Aortic stenosis (AS) is a very common valve disease and is associated with high mortality once it becomes symptomatic. Arterial hypertension (HT) has a high prevalence among patients with AS leading to worse left ventricle remodeling and faster degeneration of the valve. HT also interferes with the assessment of the severity of AS, leading to an underestimation of the real degree of stenosis. Treatment of HT in AS has not historically been pursued due to the fear of excess reduction in afterload without a possibility of increasing stroke volume due to the fixed aortic valve, but most recent evidence shows that several drugs are safe and effective in reducing BP in patients with HT and AS. RAAS inhibitors and beta‐blockers provide benefit in selected populations based on their profile of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. Different drugs, on the other hand, have proved to be unsafe, such as calcium channel blockers, or simply not easy enough to handle to be recommended in clinical practice, such as PDE5i, MRA or sodium nitroprusside. The present review highlights all available studies on HT and AS to guide antihypertensive treatment

    Chemical composition and broad-spectrum insecticidal activity of the flower essential oil from an ancient Sicilian food plant, Ridolfia segetum

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    Several species of the family Apiaceae are aromatic herbs that produce essential oils usable on an industrial scale for pharmaceutical, cosmetical and food purposes. Particularly, some essential oils, as green insecticides, may replace synthetic insecticides keeping most of their efficacy and avoiding environmental pollution or human’ poisoning. In the present study, we explored the in-secticidal potential of Ridolfia segetum (L.) Moris essential oil (EO), rich in α-phellandrene (49.3%), ÎČ-phellandrene (9.2%), terpinolene (20.7%) and piperitenone oxide (5.9%), against three different pests, Culex quinquefasciatus, Musca domestica and Spodoptera littoralis. For this purpose, the flower EO was obtained by hydrodistillation and its composition was achieved by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Concerning mosquitocidal efficacy, the EO showed a noteworthy toxicity against C. quinquefasciatus 3rd instar larvae, with a LC50=27.1 ”L L-1 and LC90=42.5 ”L L-1. Regarding M. domestica, a different toxicity of the R. segetum EO was found on male and female flies, calculating LD50 values of 10.5 and 50.8 ”g adult-1, respectively. The EO was also toxic to S. littoralis 3rd instar larvae, achieving LD50 and LD90 values of 37.9 and 99.6 ”g larva-1, respectively. Overall, this flower EO extracted from a traditional Sicilian food plant merits further investigation for the development of green insecticide formulations to be used in the real-world conditions, pending a careful assessment of non-target toxicity on beneficial organisms

    Dihydrophenanthrenes from a sicilian accession of himantoglossum robertianum (Loisel.) P. Delforge showed antioxidant, antimicrobial, and antiproliferative activities

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    The peculiar aspect that emerges from the study of Orchidaceae is the presence of various molecules, which are particularly interesting for pharmaceutical chemistry due to their wide range of biological resources. The aim of our study was to investigate the properties of two dihydrophenanthrenes, isolated, for the first time, from Himantoglossum robertianum (Loisel.) P. Delforge (Orchidaceae) bulbs and roots. Chemical and spectroscopic study of the bulbs and roots of Himantoglossum robertianum (Loisel.) P. Delforge resulted in the isolation of two known dihydrophenanthrenes—loroglossol and hircinol—never isolated from this plant species. The structures were evaluated based on1H-NMR,13C-NMR, and two-dimensional spectra, and by comparison with the literature. These two molecules have been tested for their possible antioxidant, antimicrobial, antiproliferative, and proapoptotic activities. In particular, it has been shown that these molecules cause an increase in the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and glutathione S-transferase (GST) in polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN); show antimicrobial activity against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus, and have anti-proliferative effects on gastric cancer cell lines, inducing apoptosis effects. Therefore, these two molecules could be considered promising candidates for pharmaceutical and nutraceutical preparations

    Development of light and highly radiation transparent cryostats for FCC detector magnets:First analyses of insulation materials

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    For both versions of the Future Circular Collider, the electron-positron FCC ee+^+, requiring a 2 T/4 m bore solenoid for particles spectrometry, and the hadron-hadron FCC hh, CERN is developing an innovative design for the detector solenoids, to enable their positioning inside the calorimeters directly surrounding the inner tracker. For this to happen, the cryostat design has to be optimized to achieve minimum radiation length. The novel design consists of a sandwich of thin inner and outer metallic shells for vacuum tightness, supported by an insulating material with sufficient mechanical resistance paired with lowest thermal conductivity, like Cryogel, a flexible aerogel structure (density 0.16 g/cm3^3), or glass spheres (e.g. type K1 manufactured by 3M, with 65 ÎŒm diameter and density of 0.125 g/cm3^3). These materials would allow constructing a 4 m bore, 6 m long cryostat with a 250 mm total thickness, a heat load less than 400 W on the cold mass and 10 kW on the thermal shield. In this paper, design options are discussed and methods for qualifying the materials presented
