2,178 research outputs found


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    Impacts of Using Tubular Sections in Open Web Steel Joists

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    Open web steel joists are lightweight structural trusses used in place of I-beams to support long-span floors and roofs of open space buildings. Their slender geometry makes them highly efficient in resisting flexure, but susceptible to out-of-plane buckling in a failure mode known as lateral-torsional buckling. This failure can be avoided by running lateral bracing between joists called bridging or potentially by using tubular sections to build up the joists rather than angle sections. It is possible that a joist design using tubular cross-sections could require less bridging and prevent the need to use erection bridging for initial joist construction. Tubular sections provide good resistance to bending along with significantly higher resistance to torsion. While torsion resistance has little impact on capacity on small unbraced lengths, it has high impacts on large unbraced lengths. This thesis examines the structural characteristics of a tubular design for a 32LH06 joist layout and the results suggest a change to the joist cross-section to increase the joist efficiency. The findings indicate that a tubular design can provide required torsional stability while improving safety for installers

    Development of a 3D Printed Clinostat

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    A largely unknown topic is how reduced gravity (hypogravity) affects organisms and their functionalities at a cellular level. A common method to conduct initial hypogravity testing is using a device known as a clinostat. Essentially, a culture of microorganisms or plant seeds can be placed at a specific radius perpendicular to the axis of rotation and rotated at a set RPM to simulate the experience of being in the lowered gravity environment. An issue with purchasing any commercial versions is the cost being very large for a customized system. To overcome this, multiple iterations have been developed to increasingly improve the system. Currently, the entire framework is 3D printed and manages to operate experimental and control conditions in one unit. Because of the flexibility of the design, customized parts are very easy to develop. This results in a fast and low-cost turnaround for new tube holders to account for any desired experiment. Future experiments will be conducted on Arthrospira Platensis, Abaena, and varying plant seeds to estimate their viability in reduced gravity environments (e.g. Martian or Microgravity)

    Concordance of copy number abnormality detection using SNP arrays and Multiplex Ligation-dependent Probe Amplification (MLPA) in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia

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    In acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, MLPA has been used in research studies to identify clinically relevant copy number abnormality (CNA) profiles. However, in diagnostic settings other techniques are often employed. We assess whether equivalent CNA profiles are called using SNP arrays, ensuring platform independence. We demonstrate concordance between SNP6.0 and MLPA CNA calling on 143 leukaemia samples from two UK trials; comparing 1,287 calls within eight genes and a region. The techniques are 99% concordant using manually augmented calling, and 98% concordant using an automated pipeline. We classify these discordant calls and examine reasons for discordance. In nine cases the circular binary segmentation (CBS) algorithm failed to detect focal abnormalities or those flanking gaps in IKZF1 probe coverage. Eight cases were discordant due to probe design differences, with focal abnormalities detectable using one technique not observable by the other. Risk classification using manually augmented array calling resulted in four out of 143 patients being assigned to a different CNA risk group and eight patients using the automated pipeline. We conclude that MLPA defined CNA profiles can be accurately mirrored by SNP6.0 or similar array platforms. Automated calling using the CBS algorithm proved successful, except for IKZF1 which should be manually inspected

    Rock magnetic properties across the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum in Marlborough, New Zealand

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    Rock magnetic properties have been investigated across the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) in three uplifted sections of Paleogene marine sedimentary rocks in Marlborough, South Island, New Zealand. The sections are exposed along Mead Stream, Dee Stream and Muzzle Stream and represent a depth transect up a continental margin from an upper slope to an outer shelf. Sampling was focused on rock beds previously examined for their biostratigraphy and stable carbon isotope (d13C) composition, and where a prominent clay-rich interval referred to as Dee Marl marks the initial 80-100 kyr of the PETM. Measured magnetic properties include bulk magnetic susceptibility, hysteresis cycles and isothermal remanent magnetization (IRM) acquisition and back-demagnetization curves. A strong inverse correlation between magnetic susceptibility and bulk carbonate d13C is found across the PETM such that Dee Marl has low d13C and high magnetic susceptibility. At Mead Stream this interval also contains increased saturation-IRM, and thus ferromagnetic content. Rock magnetic behaviour across PETM is best explained by an increase in terrigenous discharge. This inference has been made previously for PETM intervals in New Zealand and elsewhere, although with different proxies. Increased terrigenous discharge probably signifies an acceleration of the hydrological and weathering cycles. Some changes in magnetic phases could also reflect a drop in redox conditions, which could represent higher sedimentation rates, greater input of organic carbon, dysoxic bottom waters, or a combination of all three. A drop in redox conditions has been inferred for other marine sections spanning the PETM

    The Interaction Effect of Spirituality and Negative Life Experiences on Depression

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    Investigates the healing/ameliorating effect of one\u27s spiritual beliefs and practices in moderating depression when faced with negative life experiences. Beck\u27s Depression Inventory II, Piedmont\u27s ASPIRES, and Sarason\u27s Life Experiences Survey were the instruments administered to 51 adult patients at two pastoral counseling centers over a four month period. Findings indicate significant inverse correlations between spirituality and depression and a moderating effect of spirituality on depression when negative life experiences are included

    Note and Comment

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    The Proposed Michigan Judicature Act. The Michigan Legislature, at its last session, passed an act (No. 286, Public Acts of 1913) providing for the appointment of a Commission to revise and consolidate the laws of the State relating to procedure. The Governor appointed Alva M. Cummins, J. Clyde Watt, and Mark W. Stevens as members of this commission, and, the result of their labors has just appeared in the form of a proposed bill regulating the entire subject of procedure in all the courts of the State. The bill is a long one, embracing 565 printed pages, but it is much less voluminous than the combined mass of provisions dealing with procedure now scattered almost at random through our statutes

    Observational Results of a Multi-Telescope Campaign in Search of Interstellar Urea [(NH2_2)2_2CO]

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    In this paper, we present the results of an observational search for gas phase urea [(NH2_2)2_2CO] observed towards the Sgr B2(N-LMH) region. We show data covering urea transitions from ∼\sim100 GHz to 250 GHz from five different observational facilities: BIMA, CARMA, the NRAO 12 m telescope, the IRAM 30 m telescope, and SEST. The results show that the features ascribed to urea can be reproduced across the entire observed bandwidth and all facilities by best fit column density, temperature, and source size parameters which vary by less than a factor of 2 between observations merely by adjusting for telescope-specific parameters. Interferometric observations show that the emission arising from these transitions is cospatial and compact, consistent with the derived source sizes and emission from a single species. Despite this evidence, the spectral complexity, both of (NH2_2)2_2CO and of Sgr B2(N), makes the definitive identification of this molecule challenging. We present observational spectra, laboratory data, and models, and discuss our results in the context of a possible molecular detection of urea.Comment: 38 pages, 9 Figures, accepted in the Astrophysical Journa
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