77 research outputs found

    Sensing and Mining Urban Qualities in Smart Cities

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    The emergence of the Internet of Things in Smart Cities questions how the future citizens will perceive their predominant living and working environments and what quality of living they can experience within it, for instance the level of everyday stress. However, perception and experienced stress levels are challenging metrics to measure and are even more challenging to correlate with an underlying causal-effectual relationship in such stimulus abundant environments. The Internet of Things, enabled by several pervasive and ubiquitous devices such as smart phones and smart sensors, can provide real-time contextual information that can be used by advanced data science methodologies to generate new insights about urban qualities in Smart Cities and how they can be improved. The goal of this study is to show the predominant factors, which influence perceptual qualities of inhabitants in a Smart City equipped with sensing capabilities by the Internet of Things. To serve this goal, a novel data collection process for Smart Cities is introduced that involves (i) environmental data, such noise, dust, illuminance, temperature, relative humidity, (ii) location/mobility data, such as GNSS and citizens density detected via WiFi, and (iii) perceptual social data collected by citizens' responses in smart phones. These fine-grained real-time data can provide invaluable insights about the spatial correlations of the sensor measurements as well as the spatial and citizens' similarity illustrated. The data analysis illustrated reveals significant links between stress level and environmental changes observed

    Canonical quantum gravity in the Vassiliev invariants arena: I. Kinematical structure

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    We generalize the idea of Vassiliev invariants to the spin network context, with the aim of using these invariants as a kinematical arena for a canonical quantization of gravity. This paper presents a detailed construction of these invariants (both ambient and regular isotopic) requiring a significant elaboration based on the use of Chern-Simons perturbation theory which extends the work of Kauffman, Martin and Witten to four-valent networks. We show that this space of knot invariants has the crucial property -from the point of view of the quantization of gravity- of being loop differentiable in the sense of distributions. This allows the definition of diffeomorphism and Hamiltonian constraints. We show that the invariants are annihilated by the diffeomorphism constraint. In a companion paper we elaborate on the definition of a Hamiltonian constraint, discuss the constraint algebra, and show that the construction leads to a consistent theory of canonical quantum gravity.Comment: 21 Pages, RevTex, many figures included with psfi

    Longitudinal Assessment of Resident Performance Using Entrustable Professional Activities

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    IMPORTANCE Entrustable professional activities (EPAs) are an emerging workplace-based, patient-oriented assessment approach with limited empirical evidence. OBJECTIVE To measure the development of pediatric trainees’ clinical skills over time using EPA-based assessment data. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS Prospective cohort study of categorical pediatric residents over 3 academic years (2015-2016, 2016-2017, and 2017-2018) assessed on 17 American Board of Pediatrics EPAs. Residents in training at 23 pediatric residency programs in the Association of Pediatric Program Directors Longitudinal Educational Assessment Research Network were included. Assessment was conducted by clinical competency committee members, who made summative assessment decisions regarding levels of supervision required for each resident and each EPA. Data were collected from May 2016 to November 2018 and analyzed from November to December 2018. INTERVENTIONS Longitudinal, prospective assessment using EPAs. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES Trajectories of supervision levels by EPA during residency training and how often graduating residents were deemed ready for unsupervised practice in each EPA. RESULTS Across the 5 data collection cycles, 1987 residents from all 3 postgraduate years in 23 residency programs were assigned 25 503 supervision level reports for the 17 general pediatrics EPAs. The 4 EPAs that required the most supervision across training were EPA 14 (quality improvement) on the 5-level scale (estimated mean level at graduation, 3.7; 95% CI, 3.6-3.7) and EPAs 8 (transition to adult care; mean, 7.0; 95% CI, 7.0-7.1), 9 (behavioral and mental health; mean, 6.6; 95% CI, 6.5-6.6), and 10 (resuscitate and stabilize; mean, 6.9; 95% CI, 6.8-7.0) on the expanded 5-level scale. At the time of graduation (36 months), the percentage of trainees who were rated at a supervision level corresponding to “unsupervised practice” varied by EPA from 53% to 98%. If performance standards were set to align with 90% of trainees achieving the level of unsupervised practice, this standard would be met for only 8 of the 17 EPAs (although 89% met this standard for EPA 17, performing the common procedures of the general pediatrician). CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE This study presents initial evidence for empirically derived practice readiness and sets the stage for identifying curricular gaps that contribute to discrepancy between observed practice readiness and standards needed to produce physicians able to meet the health needs of the patient populations they serve. Future work should compare these findings with post-graduation outcomes data as a means of seeking validity evidence

    Pneumocystis cell wall β-glucan stimulates calcium-dependent signaling of IL-8 secretion by human airway epithelial cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Respiratory failure secondary to alveolar inflammation during <it>Pneumocystis </it>pneumonia is a major cause of death in immunocompromised patients. Neutrophil infiltration in the lung of patients with <it>Pneumocystis </it>infection predicts severity of the infection and death. Several previous studies indicate that airway epithelial cells release the neutrophil chemoattractant proteins, MIP-2 (rodents) and IL-8 (humans), in response to <it>Pneumocystis </it>and purified <it>Pneumocystis </it>cell wall β-glucans (PCBG) through the NF-κB-dependent pathway. However, little is known about the molecular mechanisms that are involved in the activation of airway epithelium cells by PCBG resulting in the secretion of IL-8.</p> <p>Method</p> <p>To address this, we have studied the activation of different calcium-dependent mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) in 1HAEo<sup>- </sup>cells, a human airway epithelial cell line.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our data provide evidence that PCBG induces phosphorylation of the MAPKs, ERK, and p38, the activation of NF-κB and the subsequently secretion of IL-8 in a calcium-dependent manner. Further, we evaluated the role of glycosphingolipids as possible receptors for β-glucans in human airway epithelial cells. Preincubation of the cells with D-<it>threo</it>-1-phenyl-2-decanoylamino-3-morpholino-1-propanol (PDMP) a potent inhibitor of the glycosphingolipids synthesis, prior to PCBG stimulation, significantly decreased IL-8 production.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These data indicate that PCBG activates calcium dependent MAPK signaling resulting in the release of IL-8 in a process that requires glycosphingolipid for optimal signaling.</p

    Co-ordinated Role of TLR3, RIG-I and MDA5 in the Innate Response to Rhinovirus in Bronchial Epithelium

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    The relative roles of the endosomal TLR3/7/8 versus the intracellular RNA helicases RIG-I and MDA5 in viral infection is much debated. We investigated the roles of each pattern recognition receptor in rhinovirus infection using primary bronchial epithelial cells. TLR3 was constitutively expressed; however, RIG-I and MDA5 were inducible by 8–12 h following rhinovirus infection. Bronchial epithelial tissue from normal volunteers challenged with rhinovirus in vivo exhibited low levels of RIG-I and MDA5 that were increased at day 4 post infection. Inhibition of TLR3, RIG-I and MDA5 by siRNA reduced innate cytokine mRNA, and increased rhinovirus replication. Inhibition of TLR3 and TRIF using siRNA reduced rhinovirus induced RNA helicases. Furthermore, IFNAR1 deficient mice exhibited RIG-I and MDA5 induction early during RV1B infection in an interferon independent manner. Hence anti-viral defense within bronchial epithelium requires co-ordinated recognition of rhinovirus infection, initially via TLR3/TRIF and later via inducible RNA helicases

    Regulation of Intestinal Immune Response by Selective Removal of the Anterior, Posterior, or Entire Pituitary Gland in Trichinella spiralis Infected Golden Hamsters

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    The influence of anterior pituitary hormones on the gastrointestinal tract of humans and animals has been previously reported. Hypophysectomy (HYPOX) in the rat causes atrophy of the intestinal mucosa, and reduction of gastric secretion and intestinal absorption, as well as increased susceptibility to bacterial and viral infections. However, to our knowledge, no findings have been published concerning the immune response following HYPOX during worm infection, particularly that which is caused by the nematode Trichinella spiralis. The aim of this work was to analyze the effects of total or partial HYPOX on colonization of T. spiralis in the intestinal lumen, together with duodenal and splenic cytokine expression. Our results indicate that 5 days post infection, only neurointermediate pituitary lobectomy (NIL) reduces the number of intestinally recovered T. spiralis larvae. Using semiquantitative inmunofluorescent laser confocal microscopy, we observed that the mean intensity of all tested Th1 cytokines was markedly diminished, even in the duodenum of infected controls. In contrast, a high level of expression of these cytokines was noted in the NIL infected hamsters. Likewise, a significant decrease in the fluorescence intensity of Th2 cytokines (with the exception of IL-4) was apparent in the duodenum of control and sham infected hamsters, compared to animals with NIL surgeries, which showed an increase in the expression of IL-5 and IL-13. Histology of duodenal mucosa from NIL hamsters showed an exacerbated inflammatory infiltrate located along the lamina propria, which was related to the presence of the parasite. We conclude that hormones from each pituitary lobe affect the gastrointestinal immune responses to T. spiralis through various mechanisms

    Aficionados, academics, and Danzón expertise: exploring hierarchies in popular music knowledge production

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    Amateur scholars, such as aficionados, fans, intellectuals, are rarely valued in the twenty-first-century academy, despite their often-encyclopedic knowledge. In this paper, I focus on Mexican aficionados of the popular Cuban music danzón to explore how these mostly older men manage social contexts where they are often marginalized. Drawing on Bourdieu, I examine how danzón aficionados negotiate their field of expertise by employing overlapping strategies: accumulating myriad "facts" and "truths", creating the possibility of ignorance in others, and competing for hegemonic masculine capital. I analyze danzón aficionados' relationships with musicians and dancers, consider power dynamics between these aficionados and academics, and draw on Léon and Romero to discuss relationships between regional and hegemonic scholarship more broadly. I argue that beyond reflexivity and criticism, collective activism is required to reconfigure value systems and symbolic economies, and to fight institutional pressures to reproduce existing power structure

    Lawson Criterion for Ignition Exceeded in an Inertial Fusion Experiment

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    Lawson criterion for ignition exceeded in an inertial fusion experiment

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    For more than half a century, researchers around the world have been engaged in attempts to achieve fusion ignition as a proof of principle of various fusion concepts. Following the Lawson criterion, an ignited plasma is one where the fusion heating power is high enough to overcome all the physical processes that cool the fusion plasma, creating a positive thermodynamic feedback loop with rapidly increasing temperature. In inertially confined fusion, ignition is a state where the fusion plasma can begin "burn propagation" into surrounding cold fuel, enabling the possibility of high energy gain. While "scientific breakeven" (i.e., unity target gain) has not yet been achieved (here target gain is 0.72, 1.37 MJ of fusion for 1.92 MJ of laser energy), this Letter reports the first controlled fusion experiment, using laser indirect drive, on the National Ignition Facility to produce capsule gain (here 5.8) and reach ignition by nine different formulations of the Lawson criterion